After a long time, he opened his eyes, and his eyes were clear: "Found it.

"Using the methods of Zukuimen, Yan Weilou extracted a lot of key information from the woman's demon soul, including the Hanhai Order and the whereabouts of Su Xinghan.

If the strength of this big demon who calls herself Mrs. Nishang is converted into human terms, she is roughly equivalent to a great master who has entered Taoism.

It's just that demons don't need to understand the meaning of Tao like humans do, but they have their own talents, such as the flame just now.

Now that Yan Weilou has just entered the insight, he can actually kill Mrs. Nishang who is comparable to the Taoist. This sounds incredible, but it is also reasonable.

One is because the demon cannot possess the Taoist will, and there is no Taoist will to suppress it; the other is because Yan Weilou just restrained the other party.

Mrs. Nishang's own fighting ability is not outstanding, and her talents are basically focused on mental illusions, which has no impact on Yan Weilou.

What was slightly more aggressive was her awakened flame, but this was even more restrained by Yan Weilou.

Therefore, when facing Yan Weilou, she may only be able to exert 30% of her combat power, which is why she was solved so easily.

But if it were anyone else, it would not be so easy to break free from the illusion she arranged.

If the obsessions and loopholes in your heart are too big, you may fall into a deeper illusion, also known as a "mirage".

It is a place that combines reality and reality, and is composed of the most profound memory in everyone's subconscious. If you cannot get out, you will be trapped in it until your heart fails.

Such is the case with Xing Xinghan.

He seems to have accidentally fallen into a "mirage".


I hope he didn't get into too deep..." After all, walking together can be regarded as a pleasant conversation. Yan Weilou thought about it seriously and did not turn around and leave. Instead, according to the memory in Mrs. Nishang's demon soul, he obtained the treasure from her treasure house. A special soul-inducing incense was found.

——It is said that the soul-inducing incense can allow people to enter the mirage of another person, as long as the other person's subconscious mind does not reject it.

Huh... I lit the soul-inducing incense, white smoke rippled out, and the surrounding scenes seemed to begin to blur.

At this time, Yan Weilou seemed to have turned into a ghost again, possessing the owner of this mirage. Through his eyes, he saw a vast white world.

And a back figure that was getting farther and farther in his sight.

"No, don't go..." Yan Weilou heard a slightly immature, somewhat intermittent voice coming from the mouth of the owner of the mirage, but this body could only stand motionless, looking at the person silently. The shadow gradually disappeared.

"..." Yan Weilou was a little curious, "Has he been trapped in this mirage all this time?" After thinking about the steps to awaken people through soul-inducing incense, he tried to call out softly: "Wake up, Mingguang... …" Just when Yan Weilou was about to take the next step, the scene in front of him suddenly shattered, and the white smoke that filled the palace suddenly dissipated.

Yan Weilou: "???" ...It was said that it would be very difficult to wake people up from the mirage? He hasn't really started yet.

The smoke dissipated in the blink of an eye, and a familiar figure appeared unknowingly, with black hair and snow-clad clothes, as if carved from ice and jade.

Before Yan Weilou had time to say hello, a body suddenly leaned into his arms, accompanied by a very faint cold fragrance.

The man reached out and hugged him tightly, his body still trembling slightly.

Yan Weilou was slightly startled. He didn't expect that a person who had always been reserved and cold would suddenly burst out. It seemed that being trapped in a mirage was really uncomfortable.

So he gave the person in his arms a hug and patted his thin back comfortingly.

The body of the person in his arms stiffened and became even tighter.

After a long time, Su Xinghan reluctantly let go of his hand and withdrew from the other person's embrace, seeming to have turned into that cold, indifferent, god-like existence again.

He glanced at Yan Weilou, as if he wanted to say something, and finally said in a low voice: "Sorry to trouble you.

” Yan Weilou naturally smiled and said he didn’t mind.

He said happily: "By the way, I can probably guess how to leave this secret realm. Do you want to give it a try?" Su Xinghan looked at him and nodded: "Yes.

" "That's good.

Yan Weilou's eyes were slightly bright, as if he couldn't wait to cause trouble, "First of all, we need to disguise our identities to contact the big demon..." After a slight pause, he gave a high-five: "Yes!" "" From now on, I am the new master of Xuandong Mountain, the great demon.

" Yan Weilou's eyes swept up and down Su Xinghan, "As for Mingguang you..." After thinking about the opponent's basically zero acting skills, he made the final decision: "You will act as you are, as the male favorite of the master of Xuandong Mountain, As long as the appearance is outstanding, it is enough.

” #最#新#网#地址# find#Back#… 6u6u6u.ㄈòМ#最#新#网#地址# bz2021.ㄈòМ Chapter 37 Entering the Vast Sea (7)... Male favorite? Su Xinghan’s eyes She suddenly widened her eyes and looked at him blankly.

Yan Weilou hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, it's just that Mrs. Nishang occupied Xuandong Mountain not long ago, and the big demons outside have not seen her true body. They only know that she has always been lustful and loves to kidnap beautiful men from the human race.

He glanced at Su Xinghan and said with a smile: "With Mingguang's appearance and temperament, it is only this identity that makes the most sense to appear next to the Master of Xuandong Mountain."

" "You don't even have to act, you just need to be as cold and unwilling as you are now.

" Yan Weilou explained seriously.

“I’m not reluctant.

" Hearing Yan Weilou's opinion of him on weekdays, Su Xinghan was startled, and defended a little awkwardly, "It's just..." Just restraining himself, he had done his best.

Yan Weilou smiled: "I understand everything.

"How many grown men in this world are willing to be treated as male favorites for no reason? What's more, people like Su Xinghan who come from an extraordinary background, seem unattainable, almost like a fairy? He doesn't have a third It is very rare to be angry for a moment.

Many thoughts passed through his mind in an instant, and the smile on Yan Weilou's face became more genuine.

Seeing this, Xiuxing Hanqing couldn't help but slightly curved his lips and smiled back.

The two of them were clearly talking to each other, and they actually reached an understanding of each other.

Yan Weilou's tone was a little more friendly than at first: "However, I just learned from Mrs. Nishang's memory that she had seen a token similar to the Hanhai Order from another big demon.

"" If you want to find out the truth as soon as possible and leave this secret realm, you may need to blend in with the big demon, so I can only force you temporarily.

"This is as it should be."

"Xu Xinghan suddenly said, "No matter what you want me to do, I won't force it.

"After saying this, he stood there as usual, his aura as cold and clear as the clouds in the sky and the snow on the mountain top.

He added a little awkwardly: "...After all, you saved me just now.

" Yan Weilou immediately followed the good advice: "Then, from now on, Mingguang, you are the closed disciple of a certain hidden master of the human race. You were captured by this big monster like me just after you came out of the mountain.

" He said jokingly, and he wrote a script of robbery in minutes: "The romantic and lustful demon suddenly captured a fairy-like young master, and from then on dispersed the three thousand harem, and always wanted to take his sweetheart with him. When you are with him, you can't leave him for a moment, even when you go to the territory of other big monsters.

Isn't this reasonable? "Xu Xinghan's eyes opened wider and wider, and a little light seemed to flash in those clear eyes.

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