Su Xinghan was distracted unconsciously, staring at his figure in those eyes.

The original depression and disappointment gradually dissipated, and a slight arc of satisfaction appeared on the expressionless face.


Exactly so.

With this smile, he nodded slightly.

When the first ray of morning light quietly shone in from the window, the two of them realized that the night had passed before they knew it.

Yan Weilou ignored the subtle reluctance in his heart, got up and went to the side hall to wake up Chu Wushuang.

Looking at this guy who was sleeping soundly and without any warning at all, Yan Weilou was speechless for a while.

I don’t know whether I should lament the other person’s big heart, or be proud of my own charisma for being able to trust such a stranger whom I only met once.

However, for Chu Wushuang, it was a different mood at this moment.

"You want me to wear this?" Looking at the clothes thrown in front of him by Yan Weilou, he refused and waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no! I really can't do this!" What was in front of him was a woman's. There are clothes, even matching shoes, socks and jewelry.

Not only that, this is a robe that has reached the level of a spiritual weapon. Its appearance design is very characteristic of the Yaoguang Palace. It can be summed up in four words: "coquettish bitch".

It was the one that Yan Weilou conveniently put into the Qiankun Ring when he raided the treasure house of Yaoguang Palace.

I originally thought I might have a chance to use it...and now I have:).

"You really don't want to wear it?" "I won't wear it even to death.

"Chu Wushuang shook his head vigorously, resolutely rejecting someone's bad taste, "I, Chu Wushuang, a manly man, how can I dress up as a woman? "Forget it."

"The young man shrouded in black robes sighed regretfully, and said in a regretful tone: "I thought this special robe could hide your aura..." "What? Hiding aura? Real or fake? "Of course it's true. I got this robe by chance."

You can only hide your popularity, but you can't create a demonic aura out of thin air. Maybe you can pretend to be a little demon with insufficient congenital qualities.

" Yan Weilou explained with a smile, and was about to put away the dress Zhu Chai, "But what you said makes sense. You are a man..." "Ahem, I am a man, capable of bending and stretching.

"Chu Wushuang picked up the things in his arms at lightning speed, with a stern look on his face, "I'm just pretending to be a woman for the time being. For the sake of all the people in Qingyang Fucheng, I can do it! "Obviously speaking from one's own heart, but being able to speak so righteously and with great righteousness is also a kind of talent.

Looking at Chu Wushuang's back holding the cassock and leaving, Su Xinghan appeared beside him at some point, his gaze never blinking: "I always feel like you did it on purpose.

" Yan Weilou: "Ahem! "...What kind of truth are you talking about?! "This is indeed the best method at present.

He did not deny it, "Unless you can stay with Mingguang and hide in the temple without leaving... But this is impossible."

"Xu Xinghan nodded.

"It's just..." He was suddenly confused and confused, "Since I have this robe, why didn't you let me pretend to be a little demon and sneak in?" It's not that Su Xinghan likes to dress up as a woman, he just brought it with him Compared with bringing a human to a banquet with a little demon, the latter is obviously much more convenient.

If there is a demon king among this group of demon kings who is extremely hostile to humans, the existence of Su Xinghan is a provocation, which will inevitably lead to a conflict between the two parties and even expose flaws.

Yan Weilou was stunned by his question, shook his head, and said frankly: "I really haven't thought about this.

"...Before last night, he had never thought of the existence of this robe in the Qiankun Ring.

If Su Xinghan hadn't mentioned it on his own initiative, he wouldn't have even thought that he could let Su Xinghan disguise himself in this way.

It's not that Yan Weilou despises the cross-dressing man in his heart. In his previous life, he had to dress up in disguise more than once when faced with a life-and-death crisis. But once he associated it with Su Xinghan... Yan Weilou's eyes scanned the young man in front of him seriously. Passed by, scanning his spotless white clothes, his face that was paler than snow, and his seemingly cold and unhuman eyes.

It was really difficult for him to connect this person, who was as pure as the snow on the mountain and the clouds in the sky, with something else.

“...You’re good this way.

"Xu Xinghan was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to say something, a strange voice came from behind the screen, accompanied by a muffled grunt, as if someone tripped and fell to the ground while walking.

The two of them turned around at the same time and saw that Chu Wushuang had already put on the blue gauze skirt and was walking out from behind the screen holding the hem of the skirt awkwardly.

His facial features have been modified to soften the edges and corners, showing only a faint sense of heroism. His long hair is simply pulled up, but the hairstyle is unexpectedly well done.

There are a few faint animal patterns painted on both sides of the cheeks, like a little demon with incomplete transformation.

Heroic and charming, unique.

"very nice.

"Yan Weilou clapped his hands in admiration and winked at him, "I think even if you walked out in such a big way, King Ling would definitely not be able to recognize you.

"Anyway, he had already dressed up in women's clothing. Chu Wushuang simply ignored the weirdness in his heart, abandoned his moral integrity, and walked around again in front of the two of them.

After receiving unanimous praise, he walked to the door of the palace, poked his head around, and slipped out while no one was paying attention.

Only one sentence is left: "I will take the first step.

" Not long after, when Su Xinghan and the two came to the wilderness in front of the Demon King's Hall where the meeting was taking place, they saw that this guy had already blended into a group of little demons and was having a fierce fight.

Even though he is a stranger, there are more than tens of millions of little monsters here. Who can recognize every one of them? I don’t know if the cross-dressing man was too successful in his disguise, but there were actually several little demons looking at him with admiration, offering soul fruits and showing off their strength. They were so attentive! The two looked at each other and couldn't help but feel a little admiration.

According to the original plan, Yan Weilou went to the Demon King's Palace first to complete the details of the attack on Qingyang Fucheng with the demon kings.

Xu Xinghan, on the other hand, seemed to be wandering around aimlessly, using illusions to gather information from other little monsters without leaving a trace.

Especially under the Spirit King, there may be someone who has seen the token similar to the Hanhai Order on his body and knows the inside story.

In this way, two days passed quickly.

On the evening of the third day, the two were awakened by a sharp and long roar.

Yan Weilou put on his outer robe, and his whole body was like a strong wind, flying high into the sky in an instant.

I saw countless little demons in the wilderness rushing into the distance like a sea, and the figures of six demon kings were suspended high in the air, looking excited and excited.

"The time has come, Qingyang City will be destroyed tonight!" Chapter 43 Entering the Vast Sea (13) Under the vast sky, two cities that are only five miles apart are confronting each other.

One of them is tall and straight, simple and square, and looks majestic and majestic from a distance.

It is Qingyang Fucheng; compared with it, the painting style of the other city is much rougher.

It looks like it is just a few huge rocks randomly pieced together. It has a primitive and barbaric atmosphere. It is the gateway for the demon tide to set off.

If the former is a majestic city built with painstaking efforts by generations of palace lords, then the latter was built by a few demon kings who moved mountains and chopped rocks in less than half a month.

It's like comparing the pinnacle creations of the feudal era with the masterpieces of ancient times.

At this moment, under the sky, these two majestic or rough cities, as well as the distance between them, have been submerged by the vast black tide.

The raging endless demon tide collided and entangled with the human army, almost forming a huge millstone of flesh and blood, and there was only the sound of endless fighting between heaven and earth.

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