It would be okay if it was just a simple fight, but now one party is eager to leave, and the other party is desperately trying to hold it back.

Two weaker demon kings were beaten to death on the spot.

Even the bravest owl king was beaten until he was a little dizzy.

Just when he was dizzy, he suddenly heard a clear whistle from the distance, which was the signal agreed upon before! He suddenly became more energetic, and all the feathers on his body stood up: "The plan was successful!" As expected, the fluctuations in the formation below began to change, dissipating bit by bit, like a locked door being pushed open. A slight gap opened.

The demon kings no longer bothered to stop them, and hurried towards the door that was pushed open, about to rush in.

"Hahaha!" The eyes of the Owl King who rushed at the front shot out endless fierce light, "Qingyang City has finally been destroyed. Today, I will plunder Laoer Qi's treasure house and devour thousands of blood foods with open belly!" Waves of demon wind seemed to be blowing between heaven and earth. Not only these big demons, but also the infinite demon tide were excited at the same time, constantly attacking the human army and about to invade the city.

No one pays attention to the expressions on the faces of the great masters of the human race who are lagging behind. They must be despairing, right? However, not long after the demon kings rushed to break into Qingyang City, darkness suddenly fell.

There was total darkness between heaven and earth.

It was as if a huge curtain covered the sky, turning day into night.

"No——!!!" A heart-rending scream suddenly sounded, followed by several more screams one after another.

What followed was a strange sound.

It was like something was being squeezed, chewed, and ground constantly.

Just listening to this sound can send an infinite chill from the depths of one's soul.

The countless little demons who were still blocked outside the city couldn't help but tremble, with incomparable fear in their eyes.

The city not far away seemed to turn into the open mouth of a monster, its densely packed jagged teeth shimmering with cold light; it also seemed like a huge illusory millstone lighting up in the sky above the city, slowly pressing down.

It bites, chews, and grinds prey into pieces.

Qingyang Fucheng, in formation.

The formation that seemed to have been broken open by Yan Weilou now turned into a cage, trapping all the demon kings in it.

"Master Xuandong Mountain, what is going on?" He watched indifferently as several demon kings were crushed to pieces by the power of the formation. The only spirit king who could barely maintain his figure had cold eyes.

"I need an explanation.

" Even at this point, he still didn't believe that this was a conspiracy between Yan Weilou and the human race. He just thought that the master of Xuandong Mountain had temporarily expanded after controlling the formation, so he turned his back and refused to recognize anyone else, wanting to get rid of the other demon kings and monopolize the victory. .

After all, the relationship between humans and demons in this world is extremely bad. It is understandable that ordinary people and little demons at the lowest level temporarily surrender in order to survive. But when they reach the level of the demon king, they turn to humans to murder their own clan. Is that too incredible? What good can this do? Therefore, King Ling did not panic and only warned in a deep voice: "I advise you to think clearly.

Now there are four human race grand masters outside the city who are eyeing you. You think you have the formation spirit in hand, and you only care about the petty profit in front of you and start an internal fight. Have you ever thought about the final consequences? "At this time, the environment inside the formation has become extremely bad. The space is upside down and chaotic, with storms, thunder, constantly churning space turbulence, and everywhere terrifying pressure. The Spirit King feels like he is in a torrential flood, and it is possible anytime and anywhere. Killed by the torrent.

Yan Weilou's voice slowly sounded: "I never consider the consequences of whoever I want to kill..." Not far away, the indistinguishable figure of the young man loomed. He smiled and tilted his head. His smile was as bright as ever, his eyes were bright. Deep down it was cold and cruel.

"As for the reason...the way these idiots looked at me made me very unhappy, it would be better to die!" Until now, he is still maintaining his character, "Besides, don't think that I don't know, you have already planned You want to get rid of me and frame this little beauty who is the king!" His tone suddenly became cold, and he reached out to hold his hand, and the power of the surrounding formations was activated by him, and immediately there was a struggling monster. Wang was directly crushed to death, leaving no intact body.

The Spirit King's pupils suddenly shrank, but he didn't panic.

He has one last trump card! There was a silent urge in his heart! ...can't push, can't push? ! Press again! Still can't push it? ! The Spirit King felt inexplicably uneasy.

The next second, the young man not far away smiled and opened his palm, revealing a familiar pill: "Are you activating this?" This was provided by the Spirit King, which is said to have great influence on the soul/demon soul. Beneficial elixirs.

"I clearly saw you eat it with my own eyes..." The Spirit King froze in disbelief and could no longer maintain his composure.

"Impossible! This is impossible! Without the help of this pill, how could you control the formation spirit with your demon soul realm?" "The formation spirit is indeed not under my control.

The young man smiled and said, "From beginning to end, this is just a show."

"Chapter 44 Entering the Vast Sea (14) The scene at this time is very strange.

The killing array has started, and all the demon kings have almost died tragically. The only strongest spirit king is still struggling to hold on, while Yan Weilou, who bears the identity of the demon king, stands watching the show with a smile.

It was agreed that the great demon Xuandong Mountain Master would control the formations of Qingyang City and invade the human territory in one fell swoop. However, he inexplicably joined forces with the formation spirits to perform a show, and instead trapped several demon kings into the killing formation.

While the Spirit King was fighting against the formation, he thought of the Xuandong Mountain Master's promise a few days ago that he would be able to control the formation spirit. He felt that he was so stupid and naive that he believed his lies! If I had known that this demented spirit was easy to deceive, I didn’t need to use illusions. If I could be coaxed away so easily, why would there be any need for this guy to take action? He just takes action himself.

However, this guy deceived the formation spirit, but it was used to harm the same kind. The most important thing is that the reason why he did this was-"Didn't I say it? If there is any reason, it is because I can't stand it. These idiots!" Beside the formation, the figure of the young man in black robe was looming.

His tone was innocent and harmless, and surprisingly confident.

"Besides, I guess you will probably plot to kill me afterwards. What's wrong with me attacking first?" While speaking, he continued to use the power of formations to launch long-range attacks on the Spirit King.

The Spirit King was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

No, he really spurted out a mouthful of blood! He was already injured in the formation and was so angry at Yan Weilou's completely unreasonable words. How could he not be made to vomit blood? "Madman! You madman!" While struggling to hold on, he was still trying to reason with Yan Weilou, "Do you know that doing this will not do you any good. If we are trapped and killed here, we will wait for those great masters of the human race to come over. , What do you think will happen to you?" "It doesn't matter, as long as I feel happy.

Isn’t the purpose of living to seek happiness? "Spirit King: "...Poof! "The Spirit King felt that this was a lunatic, and he himself was about to be driven crazy.

He has always regarded himself as a wise man among demons. He always uses his brain first when doing things, unlike those guys who only run rampant.

This time the plan was originally sound.

A frontal attack on Qingyang City would be too costly and time-consuming, and would easily attract reinforcements.

After learning about the existence of the formation spirit, he would find another way and prepare to directly control the formation spirit.

For this reason, he specially selected the leader of Xuandong Mountain, an outsider who had been in Qingyang Mansion for less than a year.

It is precisely because this demon has a shallow foundation, is addicted to beauty, and has no ambition.

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