Especially, the person who made such a move was the famous righteous queen.

The vast land of China has advocated a unique set of customs since ancient times, and people in the world put the word righteousness first.

There are countless people like Xiao Wuyi who had their family bloodline cut off and were adopted and raised by their father's friends.

However, after the Annan Zhao family was wiped out, these people in the world seemed to have discovered for the first time that adopting an orphan of the blood of a friend, benefactor, or righteous man was actually such a high-risk matter, and the whole family could be wiped out if they were not careful.

Xiao Wuyi set this precedent.

As far as Yan Weilou knew, after this incident, everyone in the world was still frightened, and the number of people willing to take the initiative to adopt orphans decreased significantly throughout the year. It was not until time passed and the storm gradually subsided that many people forgot about it.

From this we can see how powerful Xiao Zheng’s words last night, “Don’t follow in the footsteps of Annan’s Zhao family,” were to deter Xie Yu! The literal meaning of this sentence seems to be a kind reminder to Xie Yu not to forget the fate of Zhao family in Annan, and to be careful to beware of "Xu Yuan" repaying kindness in the future.

Xie Yu, who had been thinking about the benefits he would gain from taking in "Xu Yuan", finally seemed to have thought of the possible hidden dangers behind it.

Now that they want to use Xu Yuan to gain fame and wealth, they must beware of possible consequences in the future.

The hesitation and struggle in his heart can be seen just by looking at his expression during the struggle today.

Anyone else would have thought that what Xiao Zheng did was to speak ill of Yan Weilou in front of Xie Yu and slander his character.

But Yan Weilou's idea was unusual.

According to him, Xiao Zheng's words were more of a subtle warning than a kind reminder.

He saw that Xie Yu's purpose was not pure, and that he might have the intention of taking advantage of Yan Weilou. Wang Jian exposed the other party's dream - back then, the Annan Zhao family also adopted the only son of the famous Xiao Daxia, leaving behind an unparalleled loyalty in the world. Fame, what happened next? If the Xie family doesn't want to follow in their footsteps, they shouldn't just think about the benefits. It's best to consider the consequences before making a decision, and don't be too unscrupulous.

What's more, after that incident, Jianghu Zhengdao's face was greatly damaged.

Xiao Zheng pointed it out today. Who knows if there are others who also remember that they are secretly caring for the orphan of the Xu family? With Xiao Zheng's warning, the Xie family will have scruples. Even if they use Yan Weilou, they will not dare to squeeze him too much. His treatment in the Xie family will be much better - if he is really the one who is full of quilts. The words of Mr. Xu Yuanxu, who was destroyed and was alone.

The other party's words may improve his situation.

Thinking of this, Yan Weilou couldn't help but sigh again: "Brother Xiao is such a good person.

"Xiao Zheng, who inexplicably received another good guy card, raised his head inexplicably and met the smiling eyes of the young man.

He could sense that whoever said this spoke completely from the heart, with unparalleled sincerity.

Compared with the vicious curses and trembling flattery, this kind of overly sincere praise made him uncomfortable.

Xiao Zheng lowered his head, took a gulp of a glass of wine, and muttered a vague response.

It seems a bit more unnatural than before.

Seeing this, Yan Weilou glanced at him doubtfully.

I don't know what I thought of, but there was a hint of surprise in my eyes.

...He probably guessed the other party's identity.

After having breakfast at the inn, Xie Yu's mood quickly returned to normal.

After all, he had been taught by the chief escort of the Chengyun Escort Bureau and had been brought up on several escort trips alone. His state of mind was considered acceptable, and his attitude towards Yan Weilou had returned to the original closeness, but now he was not so close. There is a little more sincerity in it.

If the original Yan Weilou was a flag, a symbol, a label symbolizing "the heir of the Xu family" in his eyes, then the current Yan Weilou has become a living person.

After his attitude changed, this person's words seemed more pleasant to listen to, less clichéd and more sincere.

"It's only a day's journey from here to Chengyun Escort Agency, so we're going to continue on our way.

I wonder where Brother Xiao wants to go? It would be great if we could continue to travel together.

"Outside the inn, after reloading the carriage and horses, Xie Yu stood in front of the carriage and asked politely.

Xiao Zheng agreed: "It happens that we still have half a day's journey to go. Since Mr. Xie sincerely invites you, I won't be polite.

" With that said, he stepped onto the carriage first, his movements were neat and neat, without any hesitation, and he even praised it: "This carriage is nice and comfortable.

Mr. Xie really enjoys it! "This specially modified carriage has a spacious interior, and the horse pulling the carriage is not an extraordinary species. It is said that it has a thin bloodline of monsters.

It is more than enough space for three people to sit in the car without being crowded.

Yan Weilou felt much happier when he was on the road again this time.

A few days ago, there were only two of him and Xie Yu, and every word they spoke was like a business exchange, and even passing the time was boring.

Things were different after Xiao Zheng joined.

This man's words and actions are a bit unscrupulous, and sometimes he is like a walking gangster, but I have to say that he is knowledgeable and can pick up any topic, although his views are sometimes too extreme compared with the mainstream of the world. A little more.

What's more, even if Xiao Zheng is a slanderer, the one who slanders is not Yan Weilou, but Xie Yu.

As a bystander who had nothing to do with himself, Yan Weilou did not feel that the journey was boring even though he was enjoying this scene in the sound movie.

But Xie Yu obviously didn't think so. He couldn't bear it anymore and asked tentatively: "I heard what Brother Xiao said before. He just came from Dayong a few days ago. Could it be that Brother Xiao is from Dayong?" "No.

I was born in Dongli, but I have been traveling all over the world in the past few years. This time I came here to see an old friend.

Xiao Zheng replied with a smile, but couldn't help but look at Yan Weilou: "What are Mr. Xu's plans for the future?" " Yan Weilou smiled bitterly, saying that he hadn't thought about it yet.

The young man's pale face was obscured by the shadow in the carriage, but his lowered eyes showed deep thought.

He always felt that Xiao Zheng paid too much attention to himself, or to the character "Xu Yuan".

It seems that he regards it as some kind of responsibility of his own, and he must place "Xu Yuan" in order to feel at ease.

If one day, this person knows that the identity of "Xu Yuan" is fictitious, who knows how he will react :)? Chapter 55 Returning (9) When the sun was about to set, a escort team came galloping along the official road and finally entered the city before the city gate closed.

The escort flag symbolizing the Chengyun Escort Agency burned like a blazing flame under the setting sun.

“This is the county seat of Xishan County.

"Hearing Yan Weilou say that he had never been here before, Xie Yu opened the carriage curtain, pointed out the window with pride and introduced, "Brother Xu, what do you think? " As the carriage moved forward, Yan Weilou's eyes swept across the street. He smiled and praised: "I have long heard that although Xishan County is on the border, its trade is developed. Now I see that this county is really prosperous, even better than Beijing. Not much different.

"Shangjing is the imperial capital of Dongli, so Xishan County cannot be compared with it.

His words sounded like polite flattery and should not be taken seriously.

Xie Yu was smiling and in a good mood.

Ever since Xiao Zheng left halfway, he has been in a good mood. Now that he heard Yan Weilou praising his hometown, the smile on his face is even more constant.

"This trip to escort the escort started three months ago. Unexpectedly, I only came back once, and a fight broke out between Dayong and Dongli.

"Xie Yu sighed, "This city is really deserted.

I'm afraid business in the coming year will also be affected.

"As Xie Yu said, Xishan County is one of the southwest counties of Dongli, bordering Yunzhou, the fiefdom of King Yongqi.

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