The Demon Lord's Successor

16: Aphrodisiac Mist♡


Wow! Got number 5 on trending today! Thank you all for the support! :)

Now, here's 11 options for you! Good luck agreeing on what's the best one! And no, we're not doing several of those in a row. Not now at least. >.>

Oh, and a special shoutout to the ones who wanted to walk into Alpha's cell before nuking her with more of your spells. You are braver souls than I. :D

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

“Gamma, step back from the cell until you’re up against that wall,” you say to the fidgeting bunny who had the second-largest titties in the entire area.

The bunny does as you say and back up against the wall. Considering how… “intense” Gamma got the last time she got aroused, you decide that it’s best not to unleash her full potential. At least, not yet anyway. Now, what was the saying? You ask yourself.

“If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again,” you say and cast [Aphrodisiac Mist] a second time.

At first, you don’t see much change. Alpha sits on her butt, hands on the floor, breathes heavily and stares at you. You stare back at her. Then you realize that her heartbeat should have calmed down since that short scuffle by now. And, more noticeably, she’s been too quiet for the last couple of minutes. But not feeling like standing here for half an hour waiting for results you just cast [Aphrodisiac Mist] a third time.

“Haah, haa…” Alpha breaths deepen. You’re almost convinced you can see her warm breath escaping from her lungs. Her eyes turn glassy and she squints as if trying to get you back into focus. Then she brings her hands up and looks at them—they’re shaking.

Although Alpha tries to hide it—or, perhaps, doesn’t yet understand it herself—even from outside the cell you can see how erect the nipples of her small breasts are, pressing hard against her waistcoat.

In the corner of your eyes you see Delta already unbuttoning her waistcoat.

“Don’t you dare!!” You shout at Delta and she jolts with a flushed face, her breasts bounce with her, just barely staying unexposed. “Keep your hands at your sides and don’t move a muscle!”

For a moment you’re not even sure why you did that. She’d be a distraction, you think to yourself. A bunny girl with her figure, with her legs spread, tongue out, and ready to go… It might just be too much! You rationalize.

“Wh-what… are you doing… to my body?” Alpha says looking at you and you turn back to her. Her face is bright red. And just when you wonder when will the bunny girl notice that she’s already drooling, she wipes the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand and looks at it in shock. She then looks down at her skirt and reaches there with her hand, but half-way grabs it with the other. You’d be willing to take a bet that she’s thoroughly soaked between her legs and find her stubborn resistance more adorable than annoying.

What I wouldn’t do for a mind-reading spell right about now, you wish and continue watching the show.

Alpha does try to resist, however, pushing herself up against the wall with her legs, not even lifting her butt off the floor, leaving a small puddle where she sat before. But despite having enough willpower to stop herself from reaching down to the source of the juices, she keeps rubbing her thighs against each other to suppress her urges.

“Ahn…” Alpha lets out a moan she probably desperately tried to hold back.

Doesn’t she realize that she’s already giving in by rubbing herself that way? You can’t help but smile at her fleeting signs of defiance. Perhaps I should make it more obvious? You cast [Aphrodisiac Mist] again, for the fourth time.

“AAAH!!” Alpha cries out loud and tenses up.

Did she just—?

[Congratulations! Spell [Aphrodisiac Mist] is now level 2!]

With a tab popping up and obstructing your view, you are notified of an important level up, though, at the worst time possible. You dismiss it as soon as you can and see Alpha breathing heavily with wide eyes. Yes, she must have! You conclude and click your tongue at having missed the most important moment. You cast [Aphrodisiac Mist] two times in a row, in frustration, disregarding how low your energy is getting.

“You…” Alpha turns to you and whimpers with tears in her eyes, as the mist thickens around her. “I swear, that—KYA!”

The moment Alpha tries to shift her weight she jolts and collapses to the ground.

“Ahh… No!” She cries, but with involuntary response to the overwhelming stimulation, it just keeps getting more intense, leaving Alpha moaning and writhing on the floor.

She’s so aroused that even the slightest friction of her skin does that? You can’t believe the sudden difference in results. Six casts of [Aphrodisiac Mist], two of which of higher level, really did a number on her!

“Oh, look at how cute she is!” Epsilon speaks up from behind you. You turn around and see her licking her finger and caressing her gigantic breasts. “It just makes me want to… skin her alive.”

“Eh?” You let out a sound. You had forgotten about the three bunny girls behind you. Though you’re pretty sure that the mist couldn’t have reached Epsilon. She’s gotten excited at the sight all on her own? Though her ideas are not what you had in mind.

“I wonder if in her condition she’d enjoy it and beg for more, sister?” Gamma says with a wicked smile. She still obeys your order and has her but against the cold stone of the corridor, you’re standing in. But she’s leaning the rest of her body forward, as close to the cell as possible. Both her hands are buried somewhere beneath her excessively vast hair that-in this position-covers most of her body. But the squelching sound coming from Gamma’s nether regions betray her actions if they were not obvious enough already.  

“I wonder if she’d cum as I break her little bones?” Gamma asks with the eyes of a predator. “Would she beg me to crush her skull, drooling in anticipation?”

Delta glances at Gamma on one side, at Epsilon on the other, then looks straight ahead at Alpha. Despite sweating profusely and shaking as if cold, Delta obeys your order. She even keeps her bunny ears as far away from each other as possible, possibly afraid that them even touching each other by accident would be too much stimulation to obey your order.

With the arousal of the bunnies rising so does the danger of them getting... too engrossed and turning their fantasies into reality. At least Epsilon doesn't have her whip, you think. And you've completely forgotten about Beta, still lying in the same cell with Alpha.

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