
Whoops. Set the previous poll for thirteen days instead of thirteen hours. Still, the voting is conclusive and chapter is done. ^.^

More importantly, this story is again 1st in trending! Thank you all so much for your support! I'm so happy that this story is so popular!

We might have a shot at winning the contest! ^.^

I hope you like the chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it :)

The first wave of troglodytes divebombs your party, aiming their tiny, pointy beaks at the girl’s bodies. Both you and Gamma keep yourselves safe from the first attack. The birds dive past Gamma’s shields, apparently not being suicidal enough to turn themselves into a bloody mush against the steel wall that the bunny girl created.

Hearing your orders to fight back, Alpha—with a bloody wound just below her chest—springs to her feet and narrowly dodges the half a dozen birds that were about to riddle her with holes. With her last jump above the diving bird, she manages to skewer it onto her rapier. The bird fiercely flaps its wings, unable to move from the long needle. Alpha swipes her rapier to the side, violently flinging the bird off her weapon and into the rocks. The bird struggles to fly, but only weakly manages to flap its wings.

Ariadne, meanwhile, attempts to hit the birds with her greataxe, but—much like trying to swap an annoying fly out of the air with a rolled-up newspaper—fails to hit a single one. Her only success is not being hit herself as the small birds fly around her swings. But if that first round is the sign of things to come then it will turn into a battle of attrition, with the odds not in favor of your sister.

All but one of the troglodytes pull out of their dive just a few inches before hitting the ground and climb up, high above your heads, preparing for a second round.

The little balls of death seem to have an advantage in both speed and maneuverability, and can easily stay out of range if need be. You now realize that you’re the only one the capability of ranged attacks, but there is no way you will have enough energy to cast that many [Shadow Bolts] or [Drain Life]. Especially since the latter spell uses even more energy.

You consider a retreat into the tunnel that you came from or running forward covering behind the shields. But if there is another such “nest” or ambush point up ahead you will be trapped from two sides, while returning puts you back right where you started. No! You declare to yourself. I’m a damn Demon Lord! I’m not running away from a bunch of fluffy birds the size of my fist!

I need to reduce their mobility first! You think and cast [Summons Spider]. What better time to see what it’s capable of?

Out of a cloud of smoke that your casting creates, appears a... woman! Well, to be more precise, the lower half is that of a spider. A giant, human-sized spider! Four pairs of hairy, light-brown legs, separated into seven segments, and with two black claws on the end of each leg. The upper half of the body is that of a mature woman, with sickly pale skin and long, blonde, silky hair. She’s completely naked, save for a pair of black nipple covers in the shape of a spider, displaying her ample bosom for all to see and joining the rapidly growing club of big-breasted girls under your command.

Here goes nothing, you think, as the troglodytes rapidly approach for a second attack, and say “Make a web to catch those annoying furballs!”

The spider nimbly moves its legs and scales a nearby wall, however a bunch of the troglodytes, seeing a new target, change direction and dive at your summon. You watch in horror, from behind of Gamma’s shields as your fresh summon is impaled a dozen times and falls to the ground. The birds somehow survive the attack and proceed to rip the spider girl's body to pieces. Within a couple of seconds, the summon disappears in a puff of smoke, apparently dead.

Ariadne jumps at the grounded troglodytes but they scatter and lift off again, before the axe lands. Another group attacks Ariadne from above, two of the birds graze her right arm and shoulder as your sister furiously tries to kill at least one. Your sister is clearly not used to dealing with such small and nimble targets.

Alpha is more successful and skewers two more birds, however, you’re worried about the fact that her waistcoat is now soaked in blood and—with each of Alpha’s swift movements—a little more of it splatters on the rocks. The petite bunny girl shows no sign of worry, but by this point, you’re convinced that she would not react even if her arm was severed.

“Behind you!” you scream when you see three winged balls dive at Gamma—and you—from the other side of the steel wall.

Gamma reacts instantly, raising her shield above her head and spinning rapidly, creating a windmill out of her shields. One bird gets pulverized, the other two dodge and rise to join the others for another attack.

You look at the flock circling high above your heads like tiny vicious vultures, preparing for supper. Despite five of the troglodytes killed, you can’t tell if their numbers have decreased or increased since the fight has started.

Their high-pitched screeching is aggravating. You can’t help but feel the birds are mocking and laughing at you as they prepare to dive again.

“That’s it!” You exclaim and cast [Summon Imps]. Three small, giggling lolis appear in a puff of smoke. The only thing distinguishing them from children are the small curved horns sticking out of their candy-colored hair and the fact that they are proficient in using daggers.

“Gamma, drop your shields and fling the imps at the troglodytes!” You command. “Ariadne! Alpha! Cover us!”

You don’t have to tell the bunny girl twice. She drops her shields and picks up the loli closest to her.

“Imps, cast the biggest fireballs you can when you’re in range!” you command as the first loli is launched into the air to meet the diving troglodytes. “Make me proud!”

The loli imp laughs maniacally as it flies through the air and lets out two fireballs out of the palms of her hands into the screeching troglodytes. The birds try to spread out, but too late. A dozen charred carcasses fall to the ground.

The troglodytes panic and flop around in the air. But before the birds can recover, two more imps are in the air, their giggling echoes through the cave as they gleefully unleash fiery death. It would have been a scene of nightmares had you been their target. But you’re not! You stand full length, arms crossed and, with a smile, look proudly at your lolis, while more burnt victims fall around you.

The loli imps are giggling cheerfully and holding hands together as they experience sky diving for the first time in their lives, all thanks to you!

[Level up!]

[Congratulations! You are now a level 4 Demon Lord!]

[Congratulations! Spell [Summon Imps] is now level 2!]

[Use a Spell Point!]

[Summon Golem – lvl 1

Summons a Clay Golem with defensive capabilities.]

[Wall of Fire – lvl 1

Summons a two-meter high, five-meter long wall of fire.]

[Tentacle from beyond - lvl 1

Summons a highly durable, lust-filled Tentacle to trap a single target.]

[Masturbation Hex - lvl 1

Places a hex on a single target causing them to be consumed with the desire to masturbate.]

[Loss of libido - lvl 1

Temporarily reduces the sex drive of a single target.]

[Offense Trait – lvl 1

Additionally increases the power of your spells.]

[Defensive Trait – lvl 1

Additionally increases Your defensive statistics and resistances.]

[Summon Duration Trait – lvl 1

Increases the time duration of your summons by 10 minutes.]


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