The Demon Lord's Successor

29: New Subordinates

You are on your fifth kill when the summoned spider shatters into pieces and disappears. And with it, so do all the webs it had created. All the trapped, aphrodisiac-crazed people are now once again free to do the only thing they have on their minds. One of the men simply shoves you out of his way, clearly uninterested in your body. Should you feel offended?

“Summon spider!” You shout immediately and a new spider appears. Nearly identical to the previous one, just a different haircut.

After a few minutes of your spider re-casting webs and you awkwardly standing in the middle of an orgy—now adorned with several dead bodies—you’re back to what you were doing. If there’s one thing you learned from that small setback it’s that these poor souls are probably not calming down any time soon.

“This is the last one I’m sure of,” Alpha says pointing at a woman with gigantic tits who is—by the looks of things—slowly suffocating a man with her thunder thighs, pressing his face into her throbbing pussy.

“Such a waste,” you say and order your spider to do the deed.

With the spider disappearing soon, you have to make a decision. You can’t waste any more time here and yet this potential manpower is too valuable to just let go.

While understanding that physical strength alone probably does not decide things in this world, its all you have to rely on for now. Amongst the crazed people, you search for the healthiest and strongest looking and then cast [Submission] on them one at a time. Seven in total, before you run out of energy.

“Obey all my orders!” You command after each spell cast. “From now on I am your master!”

“Yes! Yes! Yeeeeeeeeeessssss!” One of your targets says while thrusting inside a girl and tenses up, releasing inside her.

You can’t help but sigh. What little remained of your arousal, disappeared sometime during the execution of several dozen clueless, helpless men and women.

Wait, why didn’t I level up? Is the experience curve for levels that steep here? You bring up your status bar, but there is not a hint of experience to be found. Now, this is bullshit! You curse. You can put up with a lot of things. But an experience bar in any sort of rpg system is like one-oh-one when making a system even remotely intuitive! Now you’re left wondering what’s to blame for preventing you from gaining a level. Whether it’s the experience curve or your opponents weren’t worth much experience in this state, or you’re just a single rat kill away from gaining a level… Or all of those at once?

“Ahem,” you clear your throat. You doubt anyone heard it over all the moaning.

“Attention, my subordinates!” You shout. You can only assume they’re paying attention. “Stop fucking!”

You’re ignored.

“Tch,” you don’t like being ignored. You did not waste all your energy for nothing. “Alpha! Ariadne! Get over here!”

Both girls faithfully approach you.

“Alpha, cut off the dicks of all seven men that I cast my [Submission] spell on,” you order the bunny girl. “Ariadne, heal them so they don’t bleed out.”

You turn your eyes away from what about is going to happen, at your orders, and see something that makes your heart skip a beat.

“Meat!” you cry out and rush toward a wooden plate at the side of the wall with several well-cooked sausages on it. You grab one off the plate and rip it in half with your teeth like it’s the last sausage on planet earth. You tear up as you chew the juicy piece of meat. It’s really meat! Not that soy garbage mixed with chicken feathers you’d find in the supermarket. As you enjoy yourself, you don’t even hear the screams somewhere in the distance. Somewhere far away.

With all five sausages destroyed you lick your fingers as you get up. Perhaps you should not have eaten them all at once, as you vaguely remember that it’s bad for the stomach—filling it up like that when it’s all shrunken up. But who cares? You didn’t. Not at that moment, anyway.

“It’s done then?” You ask as you walk over to the two girls standing over seven newly-made and weeping eunuchs.

“Get up!” you command the eunuchs. They do so without hesitation. “I will repeat again—you now serve me. If you obey my orders, I will treat you well. Do you understand?”

“Yes!” they say in unison.

“Get dressed and get some weapons! Drag the others to the catacombs below and hide there. If you can’t just stay here. In either case—guard everyone here with your lives! There are worse things than death, should you try to run away. Understood?”

“Yes!” the eunuchs again repeat in unison and proceed to walk in different directions, looking for their garments.

“Alright, let’s go!” You say to Alpha and Ariadne and walk over to Gamma and out of the dome-shaped room, into the corridor opposite of the staircase to the catacombs. That better be worth it, you think, realizing how much trouble you are in for having wasted on your energy on that little stunt.

As you turn a corner you nearly run into a man in red robes. He barely opens his mouth, before his head is left standing on Ariadne’s greataxe blade, separated from the rest of the body.

“Great reflexes!” You praise your sister. Then a figurative lightbulb turns on over your head as an idea comes to mind. “If we come across someone else, try to keep him alive if possible. Of course, as long as he can’t call for help. Same goes for you two, Gamma, Alpha!”

As you walk through the maze of lighted stone corridors, you come across several empty rooms with doors open. Then, up ahead you hear some people talking from behind a closed wooden door.

“Ariadne, storm in, Gamma follow up,” you whisper. “Try to keep them alive. Even if they are on the verge of death. Go!”

Ariadne busts down the door and rushes in. Gamma follows behind her, but her second shield gets jammed in the doorway, as she tried to walk with it upright. You have gotten used to their ludicrous size, but now remember that they are, in fact, each about the same size as a regular door.

“What the hell!?” someone screams inside the room. Your view is completely obstructed. You look to the left nad to the right, to make sure there isn’t anyone else coming, as you hear something heavy breaking inside the room, then a clash of steel while Gamma adjusts the angle of her shield to get it inside.

“Ju—“ you interrupt yourself. You wanted to shout “just drop it”, but remembered how foolish it would be to shout in an enemy maze of long, stone corridors.

“Argh!” someone inside cries in pain.

By the time Gamma is inside, the fight is over. You follow the bunny girl and with Alpha also coming inside behind you, you close the door. Ariadne is standing over four bodies. One of them lies unconscious with a disfigured, bloodied face. Not even his own mother would recognize the poor man. Then there is a pair of legs, lying amidst the pieces of a broken wooden table. A torso, missing a pair of legs, lies resting against a wall in a pool of blood and guts. That man is also, understandably, unconscious. You start to see a pattern.

“They’re all alive, as you asked, My Lord!” Ariadne says with a smile. No doubt glad that she could single-handedly fulfill your wishes.

“Good job!” You say. “Alpha, let me borrow your rapier.”

As you take the bunny girls weapon you hope that your insane plan works. You place the pointy end of the rapier against one of the bandit’s throats and then press it, easily piercing through the thin skin. You repeat it with all four bandits, basically kill stealing from your sister.

We are sort of in a party, so experience should be shared anyway if there is such a thing. If not, I should be getting at least some experience for delivering the finishing blow. In some systems, it would give all of the experience for the killing blow, though that is rare and usually considered—

[Level up!]

[Congratulations! You are now a level 5 Demon Lord!

[Use a Spell Point!]

[Summon Golem – lvl 1

Summons a Clay Golem with defensive capabilities.]

[Wall of Fire – lvl 1

Summons a two-meter high, five-meter long wall of fire.]

[Hellfruit – lvl 1

Summons a small, red, otherworldy edible fruit, that satiates hunger and heals the body.]

[Tentacle From Beyond - lvl 1

Summons a highly durable, lust-filled Tentacle to trap a single target.]

[Masturbation Hex - lvl 1

Places a hex on a single target causing them to be consumed with the desire to masturbate.]

[Loss of Libido - lvl 1

Temporarily reduces the sex drive of a single target.]

[Offense Trait – lvl 1

Additionally increases the power of your spells.]

[Defensive Trait – lvl 1

Additionally increases Your defensive statistics and resistances.]

[Summon Duration Trait – lvl 2

Increases the time duration of your summons by 20 minutes (for a total summon duration of 40 minutes).]


Hm. I did think this chapter would be like a super short one. Oh, well - hope you like it! :D

I will probably need to create some sort of list so you can track what abilities you have. What would be more convenient - some kind of chapter with an updated list of all the MC's spells? Or add it to the glossary? Anything else that should be summarized (besides the plot XD)?

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