The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1005: Encirclement and Suppression Orcs Legion

The two battlefields are still in fierce battles, and the military camp in the middle is not idle. The army transferred from the south of the ten thousand city is holding on to the top of the mountain tower. The black orc army surrounds the ridge where the military camp is located, bearing the arrows and stones on the tower. On the attack, a lot of energy cannonballs exploded in the crowd of beasts, taking away a lot of black light groups...

In the face of a heavily defended barracks, even if the orcs occupy an absolute number of advantages here, they will not be able to climb to the top of the mountain for a while, and even on the platform at the entrance of the barracks, they are thrown down by the bows and arrows of the guards.

The second barracks were set aside by Moxie, the only place where they only defended and did not participate in the attack. The orcs here will be reserved for the guards of the Golden Crow barracks. After they have eliminated the orcs outside, the God Realm Dragon Soul will naturally transfer the front of the army. To support.

And the third barracks had nothing to do now. Ten thousand defenders were guarding the tower, and there was no orc around.

The orc army that originally attacked here has now been attracted by the life players of Brother Zhao to leave, and the original defenders of this barracks are still rushing forward halfway. After half the distance, those trials sent by Brother Zhao He had already chased these golden armored soldiers, let them return at full speed to pincer the orcs.

In the map of the sorrowful stream in the south of the city, nearly 40,000 troops of the South Gate Guard Corps quietly lie on both sides of the mountain stream, watching the high mountain stream that is only a few meters wide, waiting for the enemy to come.

In a short while, news came from a secret agent in front and found that many people were rushing towards the entrance of the Ape Sorrow River. There were tens of thousands of ordinary players in front, and the orc army of nearly 100,000 in the back!

"Well come, let the order go on, everyone is not allowed to attack, you can only start with my order." The guard general said excitedly.

"Obviously!" The spy immediately took the order and passed the General's command to all the commanders.

The sound of footsteps finally sounded intensively. Brother Zhao took the mighty team of life players, carrying hammers and iron hoes, and quickly shuttled between the valleys. A mountain stream entrance appeared in front of him, the official destination of his trip. Map of Yuanshoujian!

"Mr. Zhao, this mountain stream is narrower than an ordinary ravine, and it has such a high height!" A player looked at the narrow mountain stream ahead and the two cliffs with no tops, and couldn't help feeling chills.

If someone lies in ambush on the cliff and launches an attack downwards, then this mountain stream can easily become a place to bury people!

"It's still very considerate. We have arranged this ambush location long ago. Our task is to bring in the enemy." Zhao Ge laughed.

"I see, those orcs have caught up with our last brother, many people have been wronged, and now they can finally get revenge!" a commander said excitedly.

In order to attract the orc army to pursue long-distance pursuit, they had to rush all the way, but also to find a way to reduce the speed, not to throw the orcs too far.

It's a pity that they didn't know that these orcs were running extremely fast, and they caught up with them in a while, and the last Life Legion players died and wounded countless!

After such a long-distance pursuit, more than 30,000 live players have been overtaken by orcs to kill nearly half of them!

Fortunately, after paying a certain price, I can finally see hope...

Under the order of Brother Zhao, a large group of life players rushed forward and rushed into this mountain stream without hesitation.

When the last player rushed into the mountain stream, less than 20 meters behind him, a group of crazy black leopard men had already chased the Ape Sorrow River. Their blood-red eyes just swept the front and continued to chase quickly. Rushed directly into the mountain stream.

The mighty Leopard team is tens of thousands, rushing into the mountain stream one after another.

Hundreds of meters behind them, the large force of the orc army finally rushed over.

Looking at the countless black hairs falling from the mountain stream ahead, this is a sign left by the leopard assassin deliberately. A lion head general carrying a black epee waved forward, and the orc army rushed forward again...

The burly bear-man warriors rushed forward, each of them holding a stainless steel mace in both hands, just blazing ahead.

Then came the Tauren Legion, Tiger Warrior and other professional orc warriors, who kept exhausting their sorrows, and continued to hunt down the enemy soldiers who ran out of the barracks.

Their goal is only one, killing all the people who escaped from the barracks, absolutely cannot let them return to the imperial city!

As more and more orcs rushed into the mountain stream, the sound of footsteps in the narrow mountain stream was deafening.

The players led by Brother Zhao rushed forward and rushed directly to the other side of the mountain stream.

They all know that they must give up the lot as soon as possible to provide a battlefield for the army ambushing here.

The players rushed forward quickly, and the players behind found that the orcs were getting closer and closer. At this time, they didn't care too much, and started to climb upwards with their hands and feet together, away from the chasing enemies.

In this way, the leopard assassins had to continue to rush forward and chase the enemy on the ground.

Players who climbed on both sides of the cliff just climbed over a hundred meters high, and found that there were countless golden armored figures on the cliff above their heads. They waved their arms to signal the players to climb up. , Don't hinder the start of the battle.

When more and more orcs were chasing in the center of the mountain stream, the spies immediately reported the news to the guard general.

"The one who helps us lead the enemy, as long as we leave the mountain stream, we encircle the two ends and attack in the air." The guard general ordered.

"Yes." The spies immediately relayed the order, and all the ambush soldiers were also ready.

Brother Zhao led the people all the way to a dash, and he didn't know how far he rushed, but the exit on the other side of the mountain stream in front of him finally showed his sight.

When he quickly rushed out of the mouth of the mountain with people, a large number of golden armors appeared in the other valley mouths in front of him.

"Leave over there." A general only wanted to one side, where a gorge was just vacant.

Brother Zhao immediately led people to the prepared exit, and a large number of soldiers in golden armor surrounded him, ready to block the canyon.

Oh oh oh!

The sound of the horn suddenly sounded on both sides of the mountain stream, which meant that the encirclement had been successful.

"Stones in the air attack, so that they can't get in and out!" The guard general roared, and the saber in his hand slashed to the side of the mountain stream, where there happened to be a huge iron net wrapped in countless stones on the cliff. .

As the sabre cuts the rope, the iron net is quickly pulled apart, and countless rocks are constantly rolling down toward the mountain stream!

The other soldiers also cut off the iron net in front of them and scattered all the stones...


Dust was flying in the entire mountain stream, and large pieces of black rock fell from the sky, and under the mountain stream, there were countless orcs crowded, waiting to chase the enemy forward quickly.

As the rocks fell all over the sky, only the blood-red eyes of the orcs showed horror!

"Passing the order, blocked on both sides, can't let one pass." The guard general shouted loudly.

"Yes." The soldiers conveyed the order to both sides one by one.

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