Luo Feng stood in the hall, Mo Xie introduced and met with his core team members one by one.

When Zhou Jianing played the last time, Luo Feng's eyes were completely stunned...

"Miss Zhou, you are not interesting enough. You even ran back to the city to play games secretly and didn't say hello to my old Luo." Luo Feng pretended to be angry.

"How dare I start Mr. Luo, it's just a rest period." Zhou Jianing said with a generous handshake.

"Unexpectedly, President Mo is really awesome, quietly poaching away our local pride, you said, how much do you pay Miss Zhou?" Luo Feng joked.

"Without salary, Miss Zhou is our honorary league leader." Mo Xie smiled.

"Work for President Mo without money, my God, it's incredible." Luo Feng pretended to be surprised, and quickly led everyone to the restaurant sideways.

A group of foreign beauties and handsome guys hurriedly helped everyone open their seats and helped take away their coats.

Luo Feng sat back at the main seat, smiled and looked at the crowd, and rang to indicate that the food was ready.

"I'm really sorry today. I have invited everyone over for dinner so late. First, considering the special nature of tonight, and second, the nature of our work, we don’t have time during the day, so I interrupted everyone’s rest and came to enjoy a drink. "Luo Feng said with a smile.

"President Luo is too polite, in fact we plan to celebrate, but Mr. Luo's call is timely." Mo Xiaolang smiled.

"Is that so? That's great. Let's be honest, even if I didn't invite everyone today, I will call Mr. Mo to have a talk the day after tomorrow." Luo Feng said.

"Does Luo always have something important?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly.

"There is indeed a major event, but I am still not sure, whether this matter needs to be dealt with with Mo and you." Luo Feng's expression instantly became solemn.

"What's the big thing that makes President Luo so embarrassed?" Mo Xie's heart squatted, what he feared most was such unexpected events.

"In fact, I have heard about this, and it has nothing to do with you, but I have always had a bump in my heart these days. Maybe it will be more comfortable to talk to you." Luo Feng said in a deep thought.

"Mr. Luo, just tell me, what happened?" Mo Xiaolang asked curiously.

"As for me, although I do a lot of things that are ugly, and many people are disdainful or even afraid, Luo has never done two things since he entered society. One thing is to sell his ancestors. I definitely don't do it. I don't do anything involving **** and poison." Luo Feng said.

"This..." Mo Xie was stunned with everyone, not understanding what he meant.

“I’ve always been eating by all my life, and it’s because a bunch of brothers can afford to have that status. I received a call from an old brother from the northeast a few days ago. Since receiving this call, I It feels like eating a fly, and the stem is very uncomfortable in my heart." Luo Feng said.

"Mr. Luo, what the **** is going on here, it's impossible to have nothing to do with us, right?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"It's a little bit related, because this thing is a trouble in the game!" Luo Feng said, shaking his head.

"The trouble in the be continued?" Mo Xiaolang's eyes were taken aback.

"Yes, I was optimistic about this game. The virtual platform has unlimited commercial value. That's why I officially launched this project to build a super game alliance with my own strength, so as to seize the huge business opportunities of virtual games. Up to the present position, except that you have caused me a little trouble, my guild is advancing at full speed. But I did not expect that there are too many people watching this game, but even if the profit share is small, it is enough for our alliances. Everyone is full, but what cannot be tolerated is that some people actually eat inside and out, colluding with foreign forces!" Luo Feng said coldly.

"Eating inside and out, colluding with foreign forces! Who does this do?" Lianna couldn't help asking.

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang glanced at each other, and finally understood Luo Feng's real reason tonight...

The call from the northeast is enough to explain some problems.

"Someone is doing this, and they even called and invited me to join! The 10 billion cooperation fund is really worthy of me, Luo." Luo Feng said coldly.

"Needless to say Mr. Luo, we have already known your troubles." Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"Yes, President Luo, we have long suspected this matter. What you said today is equivalent to confirming our guess." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"The two really understand that I invite you to dinner today. First, I want to be friends with you sincerely, and second, I want to know, have you also received an invitation from each other?" Luo Feng asked with a smile.

"Mr. Luo looks down on us, but people don't look down on us. No such invitation has appeared. But if someone really sends out an invitation, how Mr. Luo responds will be the same for us." Mo Xie smiled.

"Yes, Mr. Luo, it's our business that matters in the national district, no matter how much trouble it is, but if outsiders want to mix up, then let them go out together." Mo Xiaolang said coldly.

"What are you talking about, what outsider, what invitation?" Lianna asked inexplicably.

"Miss Li, don't worry, we'll tell you in a while. I really didn't misunderstand the person. As long as Mr. Mo and Mr. Wolf are like me, I will be relieved." Luo Feng smiled.

"The affairs of the Tianxia League and the Brotherhood League were actually very skeptical in my heart when they were divided. The background of these two and their historical origins. The division of the two in one main city is a bit like Mr. Luo. The method is inside." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Oh, what do you mean, I designed the plan to arrange a separate main city for the arrogant alliance, and then purchase other guilds. Those two are the same operation?" Luo Feng opened his mouth and asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's not just President Luo who devised a clever plan, they actually prepared it for a long time. Moreover, the stick and the island country are originally a large area. What do they want to do, is this unclear?" Mo Xie smiled.

"Want to put nails in our area and build a bridgehead for them?" Luo Feng understood a little bit.

"Yes, they have so many small countries in their region, and we dominate a region. They are so close and have natural advantages. How can they not count us? In addition to our temper, they also understand that they have never Don't pay attention to other people, and fight in a mindful nest. When we start fighting, they have joined hands and developed rapidly, and there is no need to think about the following things." Mo Xie sighed.

"In addition, with the existence of these two alliances, they will definitely use this to provoke troubles and make the country uneasy. They can also seize the opportunity to develop." Mo Xiaolang added.

"It turns out that you all already know, I thought it was only me who knew a little bit." Luo Feng said in surprise.

"Mr. Luo, in fact, we know more. If you broaden your horizons, you will find that the cakes of the entire country can be digested by ourselves, but the big cakes of the world are the real treasures of Jinshan. , Whoever can get it is considered a real success." Mo Xie reminded.

"I also know this, but who is sure to think so? Even if the world's richest man comes to invest, he can't guarantee success." Luo Feng shook his head.

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