The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1039: The secret of Huangcheng Mountain

The holy princess finally believed in Mo Xie's identity. At her request, Mo Xie also set up a decisive battle plan and told it in detail...

Fairy Blazing Phoenix and a group of elves were very pleasantly surprised. They looked at Mo Xie and finally changed from a hostile state to a friendly look.

"The plan is good, but you underestimated the power of the Protoss." The Saint Princess still frowned and said.

"His Royal Highness has the same idea as General Zhen Guo. He is also worried that the power of the Protoss is too strong. What is going on?" Mo Xie asked suspiciously.

"I have been close to the Protoss since I was a child, and I know the great power they occupy in the imperial city. Especially the top of the imperial city, it is a place that the Protoss has painstakingly created for hundreds of years. When I was a child, I was always forbidden to climb to the top of the mountain. In the same way, the Protoss lied to us that a temple is being built on it. Once completed, it will be able to defeat the Holy Moon Empire and extend the lives of the royal family members.” The Holy Princess said.

"This must be a lie. The general said that the top of the imperial city is where the power of the Protoss lies." Mo Xie nodded.

"Yes, after I got bigger, I quietly went to the top of the imperial city mountain, and found that the six major temples of the Protoss had a teleportation altar built there, and the Protoss had begun to build their divine power altar on the top of the mountain. The sacred vessels of the veins are enshrined on it, so as to provide a continuous flow of divine power! And in the mid-air on the top of the mountain, above the divine power altar, they have built a small suspended island called the Temple of the Clouds, and stored a large amount of divine power crystals in this hall "The Saint Princess said.

"What... they have built the temple?" Mo Xie's eyes were taken aback, and he knew in his heart that something was wrong!

Just as the Saint Princess and General Zhen Guo were worried, all the generals and even themselves, underestimated the determination of the Protoss to control Huangcheng Mountain!

If they succeed in building the Palace of Divine Power, it means that they are not restricted by any divine power in Huangcheng Mountain, and they can continuously deploy Protoss soldiers to participate in the battle, and the number is beyond budget!

In this case, even if the emperor regiment gathered outside the imperial city, it would not be able to shake the foundation of the Protoss...

"Their Temple in the Clouds has been built, and they can continue to replenish the divine power consumed by the Protoss clansmen. Therefore, if we want to attack Huangcheng Mountain, it will be equivalent to a decisive battle with the Protoss. The existence of the temple is not only to supplement the divine power. At the critical moment, they can activate a powerful seal enchantment to seal the entire Huangcheng Mountain within the divine power barrier. Outsiders cannot enter, and those inside will also be affected by the divine power barrier. Powerful damage, it is impossible to defeat the Protoss." The Saint Princess warned.

"It seems that our plan has to be changed..." Mo Xie's heart beat as he heard it, and his lack of understanding of Huangcheng Mountain almost made him make a mistake. Fortunately, he found the Saint Princess to understand the situation.

"In fact, your plan is good. Sooner or later, our empire and the Protoss will have such a battle." The Saint Princess said coldly.

"His Royal Highness, is there any way to relieve the power of their temple so that we can drive them out of Huangcheng Mountain in one go. Otherwise, the royal family is controlled by them, and we must always follow the orders of the gods." Moxie said.

"In fact, there is still a secret in Huangcheng Mountain. The Protoss doesn't know about this situation. It was the emperor father who told me before he died." Saint Princess said.

"What? What secret does Huangcheng Mountain have?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"This secret is very important to our royal family. It is the last chance to save the destiny of the royal family. Back then, the ancestors seized the imperial power from the Protoss, thus creating the era of human rule. Unfortunately, the Protoss has been conspiring secretly to make it what it is today. The situation. Before his death, the emperor father told me that our ancestors actually had a sacred artifact specially designed to deal with the Protoss, and it has been hidden in the imperial city. Unfortunately, I searched for a long time and couldn't find the sacred artifact." The holy princess said silently.

"What sacred artifact can still deal with the Protoss?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"This sacred weapon is called the God-slaughtering axe. It is difficult for ordinary weapons to break the gods’ power shield, but in front of the God-slaughtering battle axe, any divine enchantment is like a dummy. As long as the **** axe hits the gods, their divine power will be Being completely sealed, only to be killed by a divine axe. This is also the key part of our ancestors who were able to force the Protoss to sign a divine power contract." Saint Princess said.

"God Slaughter's Battle Axe... there is even this kind of sacred weapon? Then the emperor has already told you the situation, why hasn't his highness been found?" Mo Xie asked suspiciously.

"Before the emperor father passed away, my mind was already in a trance. He told me that the formula for finding the sacred artifacts was upside-down. I don't know if it was true or false. I sneaked into Huangcheng Mountain from time to time over the years to find the human sacred artifacts. Unfortunately, I have not been able to succeed. "The Saint Princess said.

"Wait... Your Majesty said, these years, you can easily sneak into the imperial city?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Yes, Huangcheng Mountain is not a secret to me, and there is more than one way to enter Huangcheng Mountain." The Saint Princess nodded.

"My God, such a big secret, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Mo Xie was extremely excited.

"You may have misunderstood, the access to Huangcheng Mountain is limited to me alone, no one else can enter, so it's useless to tell you." Saint Princess said.

"What kind of passage is this, why can only you go in alone?" Mo Xie originally planned to make some arrangements on the secret road, but now he is very surprised.

"I can pass through the outer city from the secret passage of the royal tomb and enter the Huangcheng Mountain, but only my blood can initiate the transmission of one person, and the others cannot enter." The Saint Princess shook her head.

"Well, we'll study this situation in a while. You can talk about the treasure hunting formula of the first emperor. Maybe I can help you unlock the secret." Mo Xie asked.

"In the middle of the day, the universe is reversed, the heavens and the earth are changed, the seven stars change, the blood of the holy emperor, the sacred tomb, dragon scales and phoenix feathers, and the holy axe reappear! These are the few formulas that my father told me intermittently, and I don’t know if it has changed. Location, so I have not figured out the meaning of it all these years." Saint Princess sighed.

"These words and sentences seem to contain celestial phenomena and terrain, and the blood of the holy emperor and dragon scales and phoenix feathers are also related. It seems a bit complicated." Mo Xie frowned.

"Yes, so while deciphering it all the time, I was also collecting some of the things mentioned above, such as Feng Yu. I struggled to find Sister Xiao Yu. She is a pure Phoenix bloodline and should be able to help." The holy princess nodded.

"But this only meets one of the conditions. If I don't let me go to the imperial city to see the situation, these secrets cannot be answered at all." Moxie said.

"It's not difficult to go to the imperial city. There are my people among the imperial guards generals. As long as he is on duty, if you want to sneak into the imperial city, you just have to get the help of the General Zhen Guo and him." The holy princess nodded.

"Great, can I go to Huangcheng Mountain to take a look? Maybe I can unlock the secrets of these formulas. More importantly, I can still find the whereabouts of the Elf King." Mo Xie said excitedly.

"Your Majesty the Elf King! Are you looking for him too?" The holy princess asked excitedly with beautiful eyes.

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