The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1042: Artifact

"My lord, my sister and I have reunited, and we will have a lot of time to meet in the future. You should still take her back to the princess. You must protect the safety of the holy princess, otherwise the protoss will sit on the throne, and our sacred beasts will suffer a huge disaster!" The Fire Phoenix Beast said.

"Why, the seizure of the throne by the Protoss will affect you?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Yes, the Protoss is restricted by the contract. If he wants to unlock the contract, he will use the blood of our divine beasts to supplement their divine power altar. Once they are in power, the world divine beasts will not have a good life." Huofeng Divine Beast said.

Watching the flaming staff slowly fly in, and beyond the fire, the colorful glow of the sun shines, so that Mo Xie is already surprised.

The exclamation of Fairy Blazing Phoenix further proved the value of this staff.

"Sister, my brother is now serving as the guardian beast, and his life is protected, and he doesn't need the chance of Nirvana. It's better to hand it over to the lord of the city as a weapon to kill those despicable gods." Fire Phoenix Saint Beast said lightly.

"But if you are in danger, you won't be able to rebirth from Nirvana!" Fairy Blazing Phoenix said anxiously.

What... what does the chance of Nirvana rebirth have to do with this staff?

Mo Xie heard it inexplicably. Seeing the wand flew in front of him, a system message appeared...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don’t be sad, you successfully completed the task of rescuing the beast, and over-task required to bring Fairy Blazing to the beast, completing the hidden task requires the brothers and sisters to reunite with the plot and get gratitude from the beast. Special reward artifact: Nirvana A scepter!

Looking at the prompt in front of him, Mo Xie's eyes were instantly dull!

Oh my god, it's an artifact reward!

This is something he never dreamed of...

Doing the task actually gets the reward of the artifact, no wonder Fairy Flaming Phoenix is ​​so gaffe, it turns out that this nirvana scepter is equivalent to the lives of the fire and phoenix divine beast!

Without the power of Nirvana, the fire and phoenix beast will lose the opportunity to rebirth. Once there is danger, the consequences will be disastrous!

"My lord mythical beast, I dare not accept your artifact." Mo Xie looked at the firelight stick floating in front of him, hesitating still did not reach for it.

"Don't worry, I am now your guardian beast, and the injury has been cured. As long as you don't remove my post, there will be almost nothing that can threaten me." The Fire Phoenix Divine Beast said with a smile.

"But in case..." Mo Xie hesitated.

"Nothing in case, if you hold this nirvana scepter, you can immediately deal with the gods and no longer worry about their divine protection. This way, killing the gods quickly is also something I would like to see." Huofeng Divine Beast said.

"But brother, you handed him the scepter of Nirvana, and he went to kill the gods. Doesn't the gods know that you no longer have the power of Nirvana..." Fairy Blazing Phoenix said worriedly.

"It's okay, my brother is here to guard the territory. If the protoss wants to kill me, they have to attack the occupied land. They also need this ability. I believe in the ability of Lord City Lord." Huofeng Divine Beast said with a smile.

"Oh, sir, I will lend you the scepter of Nirvana, and return the original after I deal with the gods. If the gods really want to deal with you because of this scepter, I will take this opportunity to give them a lifetime Unforgettable lesson!" Mo Xie said with a smile.

"This is what you said, my brother's Nirvana power is only temporarily loaned to you, and will be returned to him in the future." Fairy Blazing Phoenix said in surprise.

"It's still the thoughtfulness of Lord City Lord, not to mention, the power of Nirvana should be loaned to you, and I will return to me after defeating the Protoss." The Fire Phoenix Divine Beast thought for a while and smiled.

"Then it's settled!" Mo Xie stretched out his hand excitedly, grabbing the holy staff in front of him...


The fire in his hand was shining, and the huge staff was held by Mo Xie, looking extraordinarily gorgeous...

Ding...System: Dear players, don’t be sad, you have successfully obtained the artifact, please make a contract with the artifact before you can use it!

Ding...System: Players should not be sad. You have successfully obtained a high-grade god-level weapon. Do you want to open the area notification?

Two consecutive system prompts appeared, and Mo Xie was overjoyed.

The district notice, hell, it is impossible for others to lead the way, no!

As for how to get the contract artifact, he doesn't only know how to do it. Could it be that it requires a drop of blood...

Mo Xie quickly opened the character interface, took off the original staff first, and then tried to put the holy staff in the package...

System: Your operation is invalid!

With a muffled sound, the artifact could not be put in the package, which was something he had never experienced before.

After all, it was a top-grade divine weapon, and it was also tied to the life of the phoenix divine beast.

"Stupid, first find my brother and take a drop of his blood contract to get the approval of the divine tool, otherwise you can't control it." Fairy Blazing Phoenix said silently.

"What, I'm still looking for the blood from the beast, isn't it mine?" Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise.

"This is the divine tool of my divine power and life. Only after I approve it will it obey your orders. Come here." The Fire Phoenix Divine Beast laughed.

Mo Xie quickly took the holy rod and walked over, looking surprised.

When the other party waved his hand, a blood-red halo rushed forward, Mo Xie stretched out his hand to take it, and there was a drop of burning red blood in his palm.

Quickly drip the blood on the staff, with a ding sound, the staff gleamed with the fire, and disappeared without a trace.

"Okay, it's yours. In some specific battles, it can help you crack the gods of the gods, allowing you to easily kill the gods warriors." The fire phoenix animal said with a smile.

"What is a specific battle?" Mo Xie asked inexplicably.

"I am one of the imperial guardian beasts bestowed by the first emperor, so when protecting imperial cities and territories, there is a certain divine power bonus, so when you hold the staff and find that the fire suddenly shines, it means You are on the right battlefield, and you have received a powerful bonus from the guardian of the divine beast. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, it can only serve as a divine-level weapon." Huofeng divine beast explained.

"It turns out that this is the case. Thank you for giving me the weapon. After I defeat the Protoss, I will return the power of Nirvana to you." Mo Xie smiled and opened the package, and the flaming staff appeared there.

"If you don't pay it back then, I can't finish with you!" Fairy Flaming Phoenix said angrily.

Mo Xie shook his head and smiled, reached out and clicked the artifact icon, and chose to equip a new weapon...


The glow in front of him flickered and the flames burned. In his right hand, a magic staff that was much taller than a human suddenly appeared.

But this time, the system did not convert the staff into a short ruler appearance. The short figure of Mo Xie, holding a tall staff, made his image instantly more than several times more powerful...

His entire body seems to be surrounded by the flames of the divine weapon, looking very spectacular!

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