The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1046: Hiring craftsmen

Looking at the tall Huangcheng Mountain, the buildings are neatly arranged in circles.

To reach the palace on the top of the mountain, you have to circle upwards along the avenue.

This situation is even more dangerous. Once you meet the guards of the Protoss, you won't even have the chance to escape!

"Your Royal Highness, is there a seal barrier on Huangcheng Mountain?" Mo Xie asked.

"Except for the mountain top above the palace, there is no enchantment on the other ground, unless the protoss sets the enchantment by itself." Saint Princess replied.

"Understood, that is to say, as long as the Protoss does not add an additional enchantment, our flying mount can still be used." Mo Xie said excitedly.

"Yes, mounts can be used in most areas of Huangcheng Mountain, except for the palace and the top of the mountain." The Saint Princess nodded.

"Understood, Your Royal Highness, can lend me your sand table for one day first, I want to study carefully how to unlock the secret of Huangcheng Mountain." Moxie said.

"Yes, you can take it and check it carefully for a day. Anyway, you are willing to give me the God Pearl. I can't be too stingy with this sand table." Saint Princess smiled.

"Then it's so decided. Her Royal Highness will settle here for one day. After I have studied the action plan, everyone will act together." Moxie said.

"Okay, if you make a decision, come here to find me. But if you enter Huangcheng Mountain, you still need to ask the General Zhen Guoda for help. The passage I have is limited to the descendants of the royal family." Sheng The princess reminded.

"Understand." Mo Xie tried to wave his hand, and the light in front of him flashed, and the huge Huangcheng Mountain sand table turned into a white light and flew into his package.

Saying goodbye to the princess and a group of elves, he directly chose to return to the city scroll and fly to the imperial city for the first time...

Quickly came to the General's Mansion and rushed all the way to the General of Zhen Guo.

"General, good news!" Mo Xie started the conversation excitedly.

"What good news, you guys have something to say." General Zhen Guo asked inexplicably.

"Report to the general that I have found Her Royal Highness Saint Princess and settled in a very safe place." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"What! Did your Royal Highness really find it?" The General Zhen Guo looked stunned and he was suddenly excited.

"I have reached an agreement with Her Royal Highness. Before the dynasty meeting begins, Her Royal Highness and I want to enter Huangcheng Mountain to explore the situation of the Protoss. By the way, we will untie a formula of His Majesty the Emperor." Moxie said.

"It's not difficult to enter Huangcheng Mountain, but the place you are going to is the palace, where the guards of the Protoss are guarded, my people can't get close at all." General Zhen Guo said.

"I only need to enter Huangcheng Mountain, and we will take care of other things by ourselves." Moxie said.

"When do you plan to go to Huangcheng Mountain, this general should make arrangements in advance." General Zhenguo asked.

"About the day after tomorrow," Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"That way, when you are going to Huangcheng Mountain the day after tomorrow, come to me in advance and I will help you arrange it." General Zhen Guo nodded.

"As long as the secrets of the imperial city are solved this time, the general can no longer worry about the affairs of the Great Court." Mo Xie smiled.

"In fact, as long as you find your Royal Highness, this general will no longer worry about it. Even if the Protoss uses His Majesty as a puppet, but the Princess is still there, the old man will save his life and uproot the Protoss from the palace!" General Zhen Guo Sneered.

"The general, don't worry, we still come step by step, and we don't have to take risks if we don't have to." Mo Xie persuaded.

"Go and prepare, this general will also start to act. By the way, your general recommendation letter has been handed over to your majesty, and the Protoss is really dissatisfied. This general said that it will be temporarily delayed until the dynasty will come to study this matter again. "General Zhen Guo said.

"Thank you for the general's trust. I will give the Protoss a surprise this time at the Great Dynasty Meeting." Mo Xie smiled.

After confirming the time to go to Huangcheng Mountain, he turned to leave, and after rushing out of the mansion gate, he immediately called out his mount and flew directly into the sky...

Flying through the city wall to the west of the city, soaring in the blue sky, Mo Xie looked down on the ground, looking for the ruins of Holy Light City.

After a while, he saw the deserted old city again in the northwest corner outside the city, and ordered the mount to slowly descend.

Standing outside the city, determining the position, Mo Xie swiftly marched all the way to the northwest, and soon came to the hilly area, and continued to move forward...

Crossing the map of hills, a plain appeared in front of him. At the end of the plain, between the two large mountains, a huge valley appeared in front of you.

Mo Xie relied on a fast moving pace, and it didn't take long for Mo Xie to walk into the huge canyon in front of the mountain...

According to the contact method agreed with the master Kuang Geng, he waited quietly at the mouth of the gorge with peace of mind.

After a while, the shadows flickered in the valley, and a large group of old men in ragged clothes walked out of the valley one by one in surprise and walked in front of Mo Xie.

Hundreds of elders surrounded him, and a tall figure carrying a sledgehammer came again in the valley, and the mythical craftsman finally appeared.

"Don't be sad, what important things do you have when you came to see us this time?" Master Kuang Geng asked first.

"You guessed it, I'm looking for the masters this time to tell you that Her Royal Highness has been found, and she is currently resting in a safe place. We are about to launch a full-scale attack on the Protoss, so we need the help of the masters." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"You, you found your Royal Highness..."

"Great, the imperial royal family is finally saved!"

"His Royal Highness is still alive, we old bones must help His Highness drive away the Protoss!"

For a while, all the elders were excited.

"What you said is true?" Kuang Geng asked in surprise.

"If you don't believe me, you can take the masters and follow me now. Your Royal Highness is in the west of the city." Moxie said.

"Great, we have waited for this day. We have waited for more than ten years... There were more than one thousand craftsmen, but now there are only three or four hundred of us. After a while, I am afraid that there will be fewer and fewer. !" Kuang Geng said excitedly.

"In this case, the great **** will lead people to go with me. Meeting with His Highness can also ensure the safety of everyone." Moxie said.

"No problem, where is your Royal Highness, we old guys have to crawl to her and work, you come with me first, we have a lot of things to take away." Kuang Geng nodded excitedly.

He turned around and brought a group of old men back along the original road, and walked happily toward the canyon.

Mo Xie followed closely, following them into the wide canyon...

In the depths of the canyon, tall city walls were built at intervals. At least three crossbow mechanisms were erected on each city wall. Some elders guarded there. When they saw their own people, they quickly moved away. Juma stalled at the gate of the city wall to welcome everyone to move forward.

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