The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1054: The secret of formula

Mo Xie's words immediately aroused a group of teammates' surprise, everyone wanted to know, what kind of secret is hidden in this phrase?

"What is your urgency, first help me see how I can safely escape in the palace and whether I can find a suitable escape route." Mo Xie said silently.

"You tell us the formula, I'm already thinking about it while watching it." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled.

"Say it quickly, don't rush us to death." Zhou Jianing smiled.

"Okay, listen up... the sun is in the middle, the universe is upside down, the sky is changed, the seven stars change, the blood of the holy emperor, the holy tomb, the dragon scales and phoenix feathers, the holy axe reappears! This is the formula the emperor told the holy princess However, the princess has searched for many times and has not found it. She thinks that the emperor was in a trance before his death and messed up these formulas." Moxie said.

"Such a long formula, what does it mean to fall on the ground?" Everyone muttered the formula silently, looking at the topography of the palace group on Huangcheng Mountain, and fell silent.

Mo Xie did not dare to disturb the thoughts of his teammates, and he stared at the palace complex halfway up the mountain, carefully pondering the meaning of the formula...

In the middle of the sun, the universe is turned upside down, the sky is changed, and the seven stars change;

The blood of the holy emperor, the holy tomb, the dragon scales and phoenix feathers, the holy axe reappear!

The meaning of the eight-sentence formula is very complicated. Mo Xie had thought about it carefully, but could not think of anything...

"This phrase is so difficult, there are no clues or clues, what does it mean?" Lianna's brain hurts.

"That's right, it's the sun and the universe, how to change the sky and the earth, the seven stars change, and the blood of the holy emperor and the dragon scales and phoenix feathers, what is this all about?" Ouyang Jiaojiao said silently.

"As far as I know, the sun refers to a calendar algorithm, the universe is the heaven and the earth, the seven stars...No, one sun equals seven days, which is our current week, seven days to seven stars, what does this mean?" Zhou Jianing wrinkled The brow kept murmured.

"Miss Zhou, what did you think of?" Mo Xie's eyes lit up when she heard it, and it seemed that she was the only one who saw a clue.

"Yes, Miss Zhou, how do you know that one day equals seven days?" Mo Xiaolang asked strangely.

"This is not a secret. The two words "Yaori" are the algorithm used by the ancients to calculate time. It is also called the Seven Lunar Diary Method. This diary method corresponds to our current seven days a week and seven stars, which is also called Mu Yao, Jin Yao, Earth Yao, Sun, Moon, Fire, and Water." Zhou Jianing said.

"My God, Miss Zhou really knows a lot." Lianna's eyes widened in admiration.

"Miss Zhou, keep talking." Mo Xie asked excitedly.

"Since the sun is divided into seven days, there will be a reversal of the universe. The so-called reversal of the universe means the transformation of heaven and earth, and then the seven-star transformation. I don't understand this." Zhou Jianing shook his head.

"The Emperor Xian can't talk nonsense when he is dying. A meaning phrase appears twice. It must be that he recites as usual according to the handed down formula. There should be no mistake." Mo Xiaolang said.

"If you follow the normal arrangement on Sunday, how should you arrange the seven days a week?" Li Hong suddenly asked.

"It's very simple. According to the ancients' algorithm, Sunday should be ranked first, and then Monday to Saturday, which are the sun, the moon, the fire, the water, the wood, the sun, and the earth." Zhou Jianing said immediately.

"It's so complicated. Sunday is the first one. It's called Sun Yao Sun. But why is Saturday called Tu Yao Sun instead of Lu Yao Sun?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked puzzled.

"That's how the ancients were named, you can't arrange them randomly according to your habits." Zhou Jianing smiled.

"My head is already dizzy." Lianna sighed.

"We haven't heard of this kind of calendar now, but in island countries and Bangzi countries, they have been using it until now. If you go to their country, they are named after the day of the week." Zhou Jianing laughed. Tao.

"It's no wonder that Saint Princess can't guess it. She is a game, how can she know the calendar of the sun." Mo Xie smiled bitterly.

"My God, there are still people using it now..." The two beauties were completely stunned.

"If you say that, the guy who set this task also made the design based on this situation. Miss Zhou's statement may be correct." Mo Xiaolang said.

"That's simple. Since the Seven-Star Transition of Qiankun's Upside Down has occurred twice, turn the correct order twice." Moxie said.

"If you turn twice, the result is easy to come out, and Huo Yao is ranked first." Zhou Jianing said.

"No, it's so amazing! Could it be that the ancestors of the imperial royal family predicted thousands of years ago that the people of the Fire Temple would pose a threat to the empire?" Mo Xiaoyu exclaimed.

"Since fire is already the secret of the first phrase, quickly find out how fire is in the palace." Li Hong reminded.

"Yes, look for it quickly." Everyone hurriedly looked at the palace complex, looking for the fire situation among the large building complex...

After a while, everyone's surprise eyes were all locked in one position...

That is the end of the palace's apse, a building called Guantiantai. Among them are five tall stone towers, namely the five-element stone towers of gold, wood, water, fire, soil!

"Is this stone tower marked with Vulcan Tower related to fire?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"In the entire palace, the only thing related to the word fire is it." Zhou Jianing nodded.

"If you guessed it correctly, the place where the important secrets are hidden is here..." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Yeah, if there is no special setting, why do you want to build this five-element sacred tower? There must be a secret here." Mo Xiaoyuan agreed.

"Lock the Vulcan Tower, and the second half of the formula has not been solved yet, everyone has to work hard." Mo Xie encouraged.

"The second half sentence is more complicated. The blood of the holy emperor, the holy tomb, the dragon scales and phoenix feathers, and the holy axe reappear! This first half has no relevance at all. What shall we do after we find the Vulcan Tower?" Asked.

"Perhaps, when I find the Vulcan Tower and go in, I can feel the situation inside. I don't know the specific situation just by fantasy." Mo Xiaolang said.

"But the second half of the sentence must be solved, otherwise even if you find the Vulcan Tower, there is no way to figure out the secret inside." Mo Xie frowned.

"I feel that this phrase requires us to find the Vulcan Tower first, then go in to a special location, and then use the blood of the Holy Emperor to open some mechanism seal, and the Holy Tomb will appear. But after the Holy Tomb appears, there will be The final protection measure must be to gather all the dragon scales and phoenix feathers to open the mechanism, and finally obtain the holy axe inside." Li Hong analyzed.

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