The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1076: Longkun Shoal

Only the gold and electricity of the holy artifact in Moxie's hand can slightly break the fire dragon's powerful defense. Although a single attack can only cause more than 300 actual typhoid fever across the dragon scale, it is actually worth the collective siege damage data of hundreds of people.

The sacred weapon in Li Hong's hands, the heavy dust, is itself a defensive weapon of the Earth system. It is mainly controlled. Attack damage cannot be broken against the fire dragon, and it is only a -1 damage number.

But her greatest contribution is that every half a minute, under constant attacks, there will always be a slow state, which just makes the huge fire dragon stay in the air for a short period of time.

Don't underestimate the slowness of this second, it has saved Mo Xie's life several times, allowing him to survive temporarily under the siege of fire and rain and the huge dragon's breath.

At this time, the teammates also began to rush across the square, jumping up to the roof one by one, and attacked the huge fire group in the sky...

However, it is a pity that only a long string of -1 damage numbers are still seen, jumping out of the head in front of the huge fire group.

While Mo Xie handed the sacred artifact to his left hand to continue his attack, he had already exhaled the package, took out the mechanical flying claws from it, and was about to start an attack against the thick dragon scales.

"Let's use flying claws, anyway, the damage is terrible now," Lianna said.

"It must be so, as far as possible to destroy the dragon scales, is the only chance to win today." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

All teammates immediately stopped continuing to attack with golden spears and took out mechanical flying claws from the package. While they were still in the state, they didn't have to worry about the fire and rain falling in the air.

At this time, the fire dragon was besieged by so many people, and it had been angered to the extreme. When the body was shaking, a large rain of fire fell from the air, and the dragon's mouth opened, and it was a pillar of fire chasing Mo Xie's continuous spit.

Countless fire rains have fallen from the sky, and many buildings on the ground have already ignited raging fires. It seems that these fire rains can continue to burn for a period of time.

There are countless firepower smashed on the black mask in the square, and the light shines instantly, and the explosion sound is endless!

The mask flickered, and the elemental spirits inside also hurriedly blessed the enchantment, so as not to die in the flames.

Fly around the fire dragon without stopping, avoiding the dragon's breath and the fire rain from flying, Mo Xie holding the mechanical flying claws, started attacking again...

Because the fire dragon is surrounded by a large fire ball, it is impossible to see its true appearance, and I don't know the gaps in its scales. Everything can only rely on luck.

But he has the experience last time, knowing that it is absolutely impossible to shoot down the dragon scales by shooting the fire dragon body from the front. Only by attacking from the side in the opposite direction can the flying claws pass the dragon body and happen to hang in the gaps of the dragon scales. Chong's power rips off the dragon scales.

To be honest, the last time he was able to remove the dragon scales, he was indeed lucky. If you give him a few more opportunities like that, he may not be able to do it.

The fact is indeed the case. Flying claws at the fire group sideways, with a ding sound in the distance, and the flying claws flew away from the fire group, but nothing appeared.

A dozen teammates tilted their shooting angles in accordance with Mo Xie's method, but after a round of volleys, nothing was beaten.

"It's a bit difficult, the dragon scales are not so easy to remove." Lianna exclaimed.

"Even if you try your luck, we must find a way today, otherwise our task will not be completed." Mo Xiaolang said.

"I don't believe I can't knock off a dragon scale if I keep launching for a while!" Ouyang Jiaojiao said angrily.

"Don't stop attacking, everyone depends on your luck." Zhou Jianing encouraged morale.

"But we have a limited number of flying claws. Who knows if we come back to deal with the dragon, we have to destroy the dragon scales, and now we don't have many." Mo Xiaoyuan reminded.

In each player’s package, there is at most a mechanical crossbow with a basic configuration of a set of 99 flying claws, which is sufficient for normal use. Dragon Scale, the situation is miserable...

"Let Brother Zhao mail flying claws to each of us immediately, and then come again after one set is used up." Mo Xie reminded.

"Just let them build the flying claws and put them in the alliance warehouse, we can directly use them, and ensure that the quantity is sufficient." Mo Xiaolang suggested with a smile.

"Then you quickly contact and see what other useful items are on. We will not only destroy the dragon scales, but also remove the dragon scales on a large scale to facilitate the final attack." Moxie said.

"I'll ask right away." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

Mo Xie continued to entangle with the Shenlong, using the wide range of transfer as much as possible to keep the Shenlong spinning in the air...

Coupled with Li Hong's attack, would the fire dragon stall for a short time? This helped Mo Xie relieved a lot of trouble and allowed him to run around calmly.

According to the deployment of the elder Jin Ling, the sealing effect of the sacred instrument heavy dust is not only this power, as long as the attack on the Longkou, the fire dragon's offensive can be sealed for a period of time.

But now, this skill has not yet been used, after all, the dragon scales have not been destroyed, and the real body of the fire dragon is still shrouded in flames.

Ao Moo!

The continuous pursuit was ineffective, and the dragon **** seemed to be particularly angry. The deafening dragon roar sounded, and the flames in the air were shining, and a long breath of dragon suddenly spurted from the position of the dragon mouth, which had not dissipated for a long time.

But it didn't lock Moxie's position, but Dragon Breath kept spraying...

"What does it want to do?" Zhou Jianing looked at the sky in surprise, and as the fire dragon rotated and sprayed the dragon's breath, a huge semicircular fire cloud had formed in the sky!

"Well, it's a big move for range attacks, Xiao Mo and Hong Mei be careful!" Mo Xiaoyu said in surprise.

"We also have to be careful, go back and recover if the state is not enough," the God Realm Dragon Soul reminded.

Braving the fire and rain, the light ball on their bodies is indeed very effective. Even if the fire ball falls on their heads, it is directly bounced off by the bubble light ball, and the surrounding flames are suddenly flaring, but they shuttle back and forth in the fire, just feeling the temperature hot That's it, not even a single hair was burned.

After the teammates fired another round of flying claws, seeing no effect, they turned around and jumped off the building, returning to the temple to bless the new state.

In the air, the two flying eagles continued to fly around the huge fire dragon. Now they did not seem to be escaping from the dragon's chase and killing, but as if they were teasing the dragon.

Of course Mo Xie knew how powerful the Dragon God was, not to mention the fire dragon of ten thousand years. This was just a special task set by the system in the dungeon environment.

If you really face-to-face confrontation with the Dragon God, let alone this ten thousand year dragon, even if you deal with Qing Bing'er, as long as she activates an ice and snow field skill, players in the nearby half of the map will be instantly killed.

Not to mention, can still entangle for such a long time.

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