The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1091: Crossing the palace

Standing on a high cliff, on the viewing platform of the palace, looking at the beautiful scenery of the vast green hills and vast plains outside.

Now Mo Xie and the two teammates were in no mood to observe the scenery at all. Under the leadership of Fairy Phoenix, they quickly climbed over the fence on the other side and entered the dense bamboo forest of the Royal Garden.

Not long after they hid in the depths of the bamboo forest, they saw neat footsteps on the promenade just now, and two long rows of golden armor soldiers just turned back...

"Be careful not to make any noise, all the Protoss soldiers here are very alert and must not be discovered by them. You follow me..." Fairy Blazing urged softly, turning and walking towards the depths of the dense and quiet bamboo forest.

In the large bamboo forest, there are intricate forest trails everywhere. At intervals, you can see roadside benches and some swings and other playing props. Walking through the large bamboo forest, there is dazzling sunlight in front of the bamboo forest. Came to an end.

"Outside is the most dangerous piece of garden. Remember, you must wait until the patrolling soldiers turn their backs to us, and immediately speed up with me. You can ensure safety by rushing across the small bridge to the rockery on the opposite side." Fairy Fire Phoenix warned. .

"Don't worry, we will follow you." Mo Xie replied softly.

The four of them quietly came to the edge of the bamboo forest and looked forward along a winding path. They saw large expanses of exotic flowers and plants blooming in the sunny garden, and the scenery was exceptionally beautiful.

But in this wide garden, there is no hiding place, it is a very open area.

At the end of the garden on the right side, there is a lake. A small bridge spans between the garden and the rockery. As long as you cross this small bridge, you will find the rockery viewing area on the opposite side, where you can find a hiding place.

While the players were observing the situation outside, a group of golden soldiers was patrolling to the end of the garden on the left, only the backs of the last few rows of soldiers were going away, while a new patrol team appeared on the other side of the rockery. , Is walking towards the bridge, ready to continue to inspect the garden.

"The guards of the Protoss are too strict, one team after another." Li Hong said in surprise.

"Of course, the imperial palace is very important to them, and there is absolutely no room to lose. Therefore, the Protoss has maintained a high level of alert in the imperial palace for so many years. It will take some effort for the princess to come back." Fairy Blazing Phoenix nodded. .

"Then now, we will wait for this group of soldiers to reach the middle of the garden, and as soon as we turn around, we must rush over. If the second group of patrolmen comes over from the rockery again, we will be trapped here forever! "Moxie said.

"Yes, find a place to hide as soon as you enter the rocky mountain, otherwise you will be caught!" Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"We only have one chance. We must calculate the time. The most important thing is that after rushing into the fake mountain, we must find a suitable shelter before the soldiers appear." Moxie said.

"Don't worry about this, I know where to hide in that rockery." Fairy Blazing Phoenix said.

"That's great, let's wait slowly." Mo Xie nodded, looking into the distance...

I saw the team of patrolling soldiers neatly crossed the small bridge and started winding along the garden path from bottom to top, carefully patrolling the surrounding environment all the way, slowly walking towards the left side of the garden.

After turning a bend, the front rows of soldiers have already begun to turn around, and the soldiers behind have also turned around in rows and continue to patrol forward.

Mo Xie waited nervously, when all the soldiers turned their backs...

And he also knows that the time left by the system for players is limited. If you can't leave the garden and rush across the bridge as soon as possible, and hide in the rockery before the next pair of patrol soldiers appear, this action will simply fail!

"Almost!" Li Hong took a long breath from the side, ready to act at any time.

"Everyone prepare, 3, 2, 1... rush!" Mo Xie stared at the forward speed of the soldiers, and when the last row of soldiers successfully turned around, he immediately issued an order.

Huh huh!

Four figures rushed out of the bamboo forest in a row, more than a hundred meters away from the back figures of the patrolling soldiers, and they quickly traversed the garden and rushed straight to the small bridge above the lake!

At the same time, in the middle of the opposite rockery, you can faintly see the long golden helmets of patrolling soldiers walking through the rockeries, and they will come here soon!

Fortunately, the rockery is covered by rockeries everywhere, which gives players a chance to succeed...

Under the leadership of Fairy Blazing Phoenix, the three followed them, rushing across the bridge at the fastest speed, and rushing directly to the rockery group on the left!

It wasn't until Fairy Blazing Phoenix rushed through the two rockeries first, and suddenly got into the large clump of flowers and plants against the courtyard wall, that Mo Xie understood her so-called hiding place.

The footsteps of the soldiers sounded clearly, and they were walking towards the small bridge just across a rockery.

And Li Hong was the last one to pass the rockery, just avoiding the soldiers' sight.

The three people rushed into the flowers and grass one after another, hiding inside and not daring to get out of the atmosphere, waiting for the dense footsteps to continue passing four or five meters away...

But they all understood that this time it was only one second, and they finally managed to get rid of the soldiers' guard.

Hidden among the flowers, he did not dare to raise his head, relying on the sound of footsteps to go away, Mo Xie dared to quietly poke his head out, watching the long line of soldiers have crossed the bridge and continued to patrol towards the garden.

"From here, we pass through the last water pavilion area, and then we can go to the rooftop viewing platform." Fairy Flaming Phoenix pointed to the other side of the courtyard wall, where there seemed to be a gate.

"What's the situation in the Shuixie District, can you tell us now?" Mo Xie asked.

"There are also many patrolling soldiers there, but Shuixiego is the place where the emperor rests. There are many court ladies who belong to the princess. They will help us through the waterside." Fairy Flaming Phoenix said.

"Great, let's go." Mo Xiaolang said in surprise.

The four of them stood up from the flowers and marched forward against the courtyard wall, and soon came to a garden arch.

Mo Xie looked out cautiously, and saw that there was a beautiful small lake in the garden, countless tall palaces were built around the lake shore, and there were many pavilions built on the lake, like gorgeous boats floating on the water. It is an extremely beautiful scenery.

The emperor's resting place is indeed well-deserved.

But here is also very dangerous. There are golden soldiers standing guard on the shore of the lake. There are rows of soldiers on the pavilions and pavilions patrolling back and forth. It is indeed very difficult to cross here.

But the situation is still relatively good now, because in a pavilion in the center of the lake, it seems that there are countless people gathered around, and on the lake, there seem to be countless water splashes, emitting colorful water in the sun.

What's happening here?

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