The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1096: Powerful Hallows Set

"Anyone who can open the tomb of the holy emperor must be a descendant of the royal family. As long as the tomb can be opened to obtain the jade medallion of the last words, he will immediately become the heir of the imperial edict, regardless of the circumstances will be the heir of the holy emperor himself..."

The holy princess looked at the jade plaque and introduced the contents above in detail. She was shocked by the words above, her beautiful eyes widened...

The jade plaque in the brocade box clearly left the holy emperor’s last words.

He had predicted that the Protoss would come back sooner or later, and his descendants would be threatened by the Protoss.

So at the end of the day, the last words and imperial decree have been arranged, and the ingenious organs have been set up. Only the blood of the descendants of the royal family can open the holy tomb.

Once the Holy Sepulchre is successfully opened, the royal family member will accept the Holy Emperor's will and become the new lord of the empire!

"Is this all the last words?" Mo Xie asked.

"Also, the holy emperor confessed that you need to use dragon scales and phoenix feathers to break the seal of the holy emperor's body and get the holy axe to deal with the gods." The holy princess said.

"This is great, as long as the seal on the holy emperor's body is unlocked, the holy axe will reappear, and the end of the Protoss is coming soon!" Li Hong said excitedly.

"But what the jade card says is very clear, the holy axe requires a lot of divine power to activate, and must rest for seven days after one use, so the holy emperor was unable to eradicate all the protoss." The holy princess said helplessly.

"What... there is such a restriction?" Mo Xiaolang was stunned.

"Princess, please make it clear, how long does it take to use the Holy Axe once?" Mo Xie asked silently.

He seems to understand the setting of the system. The Holy Axe is not ready to be used at any time. After using it once, the cooling time is as long as seven days...

"It can be used for 30 minutes at a time. No one can stop the Protoss while the Holy Axe's power is exerting." The Holy Princess said.

"Thirty minutes... It seems that today I should have a chance to rescue His Majesty the Elf King." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

Since the Holy Axe has restrictions on its use, it must be used cautiously. Rescuing the Elf King and the elders is the most important thing. Only by rescuing them can the Elf Legion recover. Then the Saint Princess camp can confront the Protoss head-on...

"Now I want to open the seal of the remains of the holy emperor. I will get the holy axe first." The holy princess took the jade card and the scroll of imperial edict into her arms and motioned for the two goddesses to come and help.

"Hurry up as soon as possible. Now that there is such a big movement, I am afraid that there are Protoss soldiers everywhere outside." Mo Xie reminded.

"Understood." The holy princess looked at the two women beside her and motioned to them to act...

Fairy Blazing Phoenix and Qing Bing'er nodded, stretched out one arm, and opened the sleeves to reveal white jade-like skin. At the same time, the other hand stretched out two fingers, shining red and blue halo... …

They lightly stroked their fingers on their arms and frowned, and their jade faces showed a trace of pain at the same time.

At this moment, blood flashed on their arms, and a red and blue halo slowly floated for two days. Inside were a blue frost dragon scale and a fiery red feather burning with flames...

The holy princess bends down to thank, and quickly stretched out her hands to take the dragon scales and phoenix feathers from the air, and directly fell directly towards the holy emperor's body in the sarcophagus...

As the dragon scales and phoenix feathers slowly floated down the holy emperor's body, just after his armor was lifted, the red and blue halos kept shining in the coffin in an instant, as if fighting against some kind of power.


Two explosions sounded loudly, and brilliant golden halos continued to rippling around...

At this moment, the body of the holy emperor was visibly withered quickly, before it was still red with the face and body that looked like a living person, and suddenly turned into a terrifying skeleton!

And the white skulls kept cracking, turning into gleaming gold powder, flying around with the golden light.

The holy princess hurriedly knelt down, lowered her head and dared not look directly.

There was a jingle, and a crisp sound rang out, and the various parts of the emperor's armor covered by the colorful halo slowly floated out of the coffin.

First, the golden crown must have fallen on the top of the Saint Princess' head, and put it firmly on her head. Together with the princess's slender body, it slowly floated into the air, hovering quietly in the air...

The holy princess wearing a crown, as solemn and solemn as a saint, makes people feel the urge to bow down.

Immediately afterwards, the golden breastplate was scattered in the air, piece by piece connected to the holy princess, and then golden gloves and wrist armor, shoulder pads, waist armor and boots, all automatically worn on her body one by one, quickly wrapping her Become a majestic goddess warrior!


In the end, light and shadow flashed, and a blood-red cloak like a flame flew out, connected behind her and continued to dance fiercely...


The dull metal sound suddenly sounded, the last and most important treasure in the holy coffin, the two-handed mountain axe flew slowly and hovered horizontally in the air.

The holy princess gently stretched out her hand, then clenched both hands of the holy axe.

As she fell to the ground and the golden boots stood firmly on the ground, the entire temple began to shake violently, as if it was about to be destroyed!

Ding...System: Players should not be sad. You successfully helped the Saint Princess to open the Holy Tomb to obtain the Holy Axe, and get 10,000 points of favor of the Saint Princess. The friendship between you and the Saint Princess rose to the favor stage!

Ding...System: Warning! The imperial temple is about to collapse, please leave the danger zone quickly!

At this moment, two system prompts popped up in front of Mo Xie's eyes, and Li Hong and Mo Xiaolang also appeared a warning message.

"The temple is about to collapse, you must leave quickly." Mo Xie reminded the three goddesses.

"It doesn't matter, you hide behind me, and I will deal with it." The Saint Princess was in her armor and looked very mighty, striding towards the side of the temple.

Everyone hurriedly followed behind her, watching her cloak flying, the tall figure set against the golden armor, like a **** of war in the sky!

Mo Xie and the two goddesses followed the princess closely, Li Hong and Mo Xiaolang were at the end, and the group followed the princess forward.

Mo Xie wanted to see the attributes of this golden armor. As a result, the system only popped up an interface with a name, but no attributes were displayed...

The Sun Emperor’s Sacred Armor Set!

I go, is it a sacred object again?

This time scared him very much, even this set of emperor armor is a sacred weapon, I don't know how powerful the sacred weapon is...

"Be careful, we will go out immediately." Saint Princess shouted loudly in front.

She suddenly stopped moving forward, clenching the holy axe in both hands, and slashing straight ahead...


A brilliant colored arc light flew from top to bottom towards the wall of the temple, there was a bang of dust, the glare and the sound of explosions continued, the whole temple was instantly split into two by the holy axe, and slowly dumped to the sides...

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