The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1110: Escape from Huangcheng Mountain

Finally hearing the sound of running footsteps again, he hurriedly commanded the people around him, changed direction and continued to surround.

At this moment, the Saint Princess had already rushed forward quickly from the other side. After rushing out of the encirclement, she turned back to the mountain intersection and rushed forward quickly.


Li Hong's perspective also flew to the sky, watching a group of golden armored soldiers surrounding her and Mo Xie's bodies.

After a while, a group of red-robed priests came and took a look, anxiously instructing the soldiers to leave quickly.

On the white misty grass, the two bodies lay there, as if sleeping, Mo Xie hugged her sideways, and she was also snuggling in each other's arms...

Not only did this scene look not a bit miserable, but it was also romantic and sweet.

Mo Xie couldn't help but open the screenshotr and save the scene he saw...

The two of them waited for the time of death, but they could only helplessly watch the countdown and slowly jump away.

At this time, with the help of Li Hong, the holy princess has quickly turned back and rushed into the white mist, rushing all the way towards the mountain pass, plus the time lost by the protoss manslaughter Li Hong just now, so she finally rushed to the pursuit team Before the mountain road, I rushed to the mountain crossing in advance.

At this time, in front of the two mountains, the only passage leading to the mountain road has been sealed by densely packed Protoss soldiers. They must be here to stay here until the chasing soldiers rush to meet.

Unfortunately, their strength is not enough to complete this mission...

As soon as the holy princess rushed out of the fog, holding a heavy axe in both hands, she had swung a shining arc of light horizontally, whistling and rushing to the front of the crowd!

The Protoss soldiers already knew how powerful the Holy Axe was. When they saw the Holy Princess burst out of the white mist, they were already scared to the sides, but they still couldn't avoid the semi-circular arc that rushed forward...

Puff puff!

Amid the intensive impact, the screams sounded even more. Numerous golden armor soldiers were cut into two at their waists, and the ground was suddenly filled with corpses.

The holy princess made a move, and the forward step did not stop at all, she had already rushed straight to the panicked crowd at the mountain crossing, the holy axe waved from side to side, and another scream continued to sound.

In less than three seconds, she had already used her strength to forcefully break through the dense human wall, blazing a blood path straight down the mountain road.

When her slender figure disappeared after the corner of the mountain road, the white mist flashed, and a large figure of people rushed to the front of the mountain road. The two temple masters with high crowns on their heads looked angry at everything in front of them, and once again waved their hands to gather their subordinates. , Chasing hard to the front of the mountain road.

But they knew in their hearts that the Saint Princess at this time was even more difficult to hunt down.

As he rushed all the way, he just rushed to the front of the square in front of the palace, and saw the halo of the holy axe in the hands of the holy princess dimmed, and the colorful glow of the envelope disappeared and turned into an ordinary black stone axe.

The divine power of the holy axe finally disappeared, but the current holy princess did not panic at all, rushing towards the big intersection on the side of the square...

At this time, the elves had already rushed to the mountainside where the imperial palace was located. They were rushing forward on the main road while fighting with the protoss guards blocking the road ahead.

Countless stones were flying in the air, and the two goddesses in front opened the way, and they were fighting fiercely with the gods.

The poor protoss soldiers were obviously not the opponents of the two goddesses. One of them kept waving countless fireballs. Whenever they were touched by the fireball, the whole person was wrapped in the fireball until only one armor was left!

The body of the other goddess was shrouded in a blue ice ball. Wherever he went, rows of sharp ice shoots appeared on the ground in front of them, appearing among the soldiers in the golden armor, and a bunch of ice blue injuries exploded over the heads of large groups of soldiers. Numbers, and the whole person will be turned into an iceman to stand there from time to time, and then destroyed by a group of elves wielding a **** into countless pieces of ice scattered on the ground.

The two goddesses opened their way in front, and the slain soldiers of the Protoss could only retreat continuously, and the flying stones in the sky caused them to cry and howl.

But between the two goddesses, at the very center of the road, a burly figure with a tall and tattered coat is even more fierce. When he waved his hand, countless vines appeared at the feet of the soldiers. They were accidentally entangled by the vines. These thorns The vines can penetrate the armor, causing long-term toxic damage to the soldiers of the Protoss, and also make them immobile like zongzi, they can only be passively beaten...

The Elf King himself took action and vented all his grievances on the soldiers of the Protoss.

Three god-level masters occupied the forefront of the road, and the soldiers of the Protoss were attacked by them all the way from the passage of the palace mountain to retreat here, and the number of them was getting smaller and smaller!

"Retreat and return to the city wall for defense!" A Protoss officer had no choice but to issue an instruction.

In this way, the pressure on the elves was immediately relieved, and they could rush down the road quickly and continuously toward the foot of the mountain.

After passing the two bends of Panshan Road, and then passing the last two bends, you can successfully reach the inner imperial city area at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, there was a commotion behind the elves team, one by one the elven clansmen stepped aside, the graceful figure of the holy princess chased up from behind, passed through the center of the team, and approached the front.

"The Holy Princess is back!"

Cheers continued to ring in the elves, and finally attracted the attention of Mo Xiaolang.

When he turned his head, there was a halo in front of him, and the tall Saint Princess came to the Elf King's side.

"Your Majesty, you are finally safe, and I have caused you all these years." The Saint Princess said apologetically.

"His Royal Highness is too polite. Back then, I only blamed the Protoss for being too cunning. Now our Elves still support the Holy Princess!" The Elf King said excitedly.

"Where did Xiao Mo and Hong Mei go? Why didn't they come back?" Mo Xiaolang looked at the team interface, and the two teammates' heads that had been black, he didn't know their situation at all. Once he entered the map of Huangcheng Mountain, All external communication channels are closed, and the only ones that can be used are public channels and team channels.

Although it is not clear why the system is set up like this, there is no news from his teammates, which makes him very anxious.

"Your Excellency's sister has all fallen on the top of the mountain in order to make me stand out..." The holy princess said with red eyes and lowered her head.

"Oh, that's it... It's okay, they will wait for us in the city in a while." Mo Xiaolang was in a daze, but he didn't expect that both of them would be killed...

But Mo Xie died. It was the first time he heard about it. He still felt a little weird in his heart. It would be too difficult for the system to make this guy die once...

"Let's go out quickly, and don't disappoint the Governor's wishes." Said the Saint Princess.

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