The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1120: Verbal controversy

"It's finally here." The holy princess stood by the city wall, watching the blue figure wrapped in a blue mask, quickly passing over the heads of the armored soldiers, and a cold smile appeared on Jade's face. meaning.

Among the Protoss, the noble head of Water Temple is rushing towards the tower...

After a while, the blue light regiment stopped in front of the golden armored soldiers' queue. In the blue light regiment, I saw a long and thin figure standing on top of the two soldiers on both feet, facing the tall tower not far away.

"Brother Wolf, the head of the Protoss has appeared, and it seems to be negotiating with the Saint Princess." Lianna immediately informed the commander of what she saw.

"Both sides are the first to salute, then to see how they negotiate." Mo Xiaolang said.

At this time, downstairs, the soldiers from both sides faced each other quietly at a distance of 30 meters, and the atmosphere was particularly solemn.

"His Royal Highness, haven't seen us for so many years, why do we become enemies when we appear?" The loud voice of the head of the gods suddenly sounded from outside the tower.

"Master Headmaster's words are wrong. I'm just going home. How can I be said to be an enemy of you? When did the palace become the territory of your Protoss?" Saint Princess asked lightly.

"The princess is serious. Today's empire has its own emperor. Although the holy princess is the emperor, but if you want to do something, you have to report to the emperor, right?" The head of water **** asked without showing any weakness.

"Your so-called Majesty, he is my own younger brother. He was under the supervision of me since he was a child. It is a pity that since he was forcibly supported by you to the throne, my sister has never seen him again. I don’t know. This is what he meant, but people with ulterior motives are blocking our relationship." Saint Princess sneered.

"Your Majesty is the supreme empire. For his safety, everyone who meets your Majesty must inform in advance. Even the holy princess must abide by this rule. Doesn't it mean that you can see it when you see it?" The water **** said with a smile.

"Ten years ago, I asked to see your Majesty at the gate of the palace several times. You have repeatedly blocked our brothers and sisters from meeting. You just want to completely control my brother's freedom and let him take orders from you, trying to use my brother's hand to help. Your Protoss controls the entire empire, do you still dare to sophis up to this day?" The Saint Princess asked coldly.

"What happened more than ten years ago, the holy princess mentions it again today. Did you forget that you led your troops to besiege Huangcheng Mountain, just like today's situation, do you think you can win today?" Asked.

"Regardless of whether you can win or not, I will lead the Emperor Corps to expel your Protoss from Huangcheng Mountain and drive back to your temple!" The holy princess yelled.

"His Royal Highness, you didn't have the opportunity back then, and it is still the same today. Even if we don't have the help of the Orc Legion, we are still more than enough to deal with you!" The Water God Palm Master said with a smile, seemingly ready.

"The empire is the empire of our human race. The protoss will never occupy our territory. Give you a chance. If you continue to abide by the divine power contract, the protoss can still keep a little face! Otherwise, don't blame the entire protoss as the temple of life and the **** of wind. Like the temple, it will disappear forever in this world!" The Saint Princess shouted coldly.

"Your Royal Highness's words are wrong. Our Protoss has always supported the Emperor. How can we rebel? The empire is still the empire of your human race. We are only helping your Majesty to assist Jiangshan. Is the holy princess be tempted by a traitor? Think we will do something beyond your Majesty?" The Water God Master asked with a smile.

"Hmph, you know what you want in your heart!" Saint Princess sneered.

"Your Majesty has wronged us too much. Your Majesty values ​​our Protoss and wants us to help manage government affairs. Your Majesty still decides important matters. We dare not covet the throne. Please rest assured. If you really don't believe it, you can ask your Majesty to order. As long as there is an imperial decree, our Protoss will immediately return to the temple and no longer participate in the management of your empire. So please the holy princess to dismiss these soldiers to prevent the situation from worsening, and then follow me to the palace to meet your Majesty. By then everything will be understood." The teacher said with a smile.

"Master Master, I am a woman, but I am not a child. You should put your tricks away and lie to others." The Saint Princess smiled lightly.

"Since the holy princess must listen to the slander and lead a heavy army to conquer Huangcheng Mountain, can I think that you just want to rebel and cause chaos again? You have done it once more than a decade ago, and your majesty did not give a will. You are held accountable, and now you are in trouble again, then don't blame us for helping your majesty clear the rebellion!" The Master Water God shouted loudly.

"It's ridiculous that the thief shouts to catch the thief! The Protoss ambition is already known to the world. Who else do you want to deceive? All the generals of the entire Imperial regiment have been suspicious of your behavior for more than ten years. Now the Imperial regiment has all If you are willing to expel you, you should save the time." Saint Princess said with a faint smile.

"What...All the generals are bewitched by you, how dare you betray your majesty?" The water **** palm teacher looked surprised. From today's situation, he only judged that some generals are attached to the holy princess camp, but he did not expect the matter to be so serious!

"The emperor's brother was held hostage by you. For more than ten years, you have not asked about government affairs. You are in charge of all major affairs of the country. How can you deceive everyone! If you really have the edict of the emperor's father, why didn't you see Zhen Guo last time? Yuxi, if Yuxi is in your hands, who would dare to betray all the generals?" The Saint Princess sneered.

"Take out the jade seal." The general defending the city standing next to the holy princess immediately raised his sword and shouted.

"Take out the jade seal!"

"Take out the jade seal!"

"Take out the jade seal!"

Suddenly, all the officers and soldiers on the entire tower raised their weapons and shouted in unison.

The deafening sound resounded inside and outside the entire tower, making countless players watching from a distance bewildered...

No one knows what is happening in the tower, but the only thing that is clear is that something important will happen today!

The Shuizhen Master planned to use his tongue to calm the vacillating Empire generals, but now it seems that they are already determined to follow the holy princess. If they can't get the jade seal, the protoss can no longer control the emperor.** Tuan, even in the name of the emperor is unlikely...

"It seems that Her Royal Highness has incited the imperial generals to rebel together. Fortunately, Your Majesty is wise. You have already drawn up the imperial decree and handed it over to this seat. If you continue to persevere, don’t blame the imperial decree in this seat and list you all as an empire. Rebellious!"

The Palm Master of Water God stretched out his palm, a golden light flashed, and a golden scroll appeared.

"The imperial decree is ready, but you are taking great pains. Declare it, I want to see what else you want to do." The holy princess smiled disdainfully.

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