The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1126: Kerosene

The current battle situation is indeed very difficult, especially the existence of this defensive enchantment, which is a key issue related to the victory or defeat of the battle!

The imperial regiment defending the city was actually suppressed by the firepower of the Protoss legion outside the tower. Not only was it unable to counterattack normally, it was now difficult to even protect itself.

The players of the God Realm League saw that the situation was not good, and under the order of Mo Xiaolang, all the five Yufeng Shenzhou boats took off to help the Imperial Army defend the tower.

Sadly, the players’ offensives were still unable to break through the Aegis enchantment. Watching the protoss priests outside the tower, under the protection of the gold shield, attacked the tower unscrupulously. The situation is already very dangerous!

The imperial soldiers guarding the city, their heads are constantly declining, and unable to avoid the dense fireballs and drops of water from the Protoss. Watching the fireballs fall on the towers, they immediately burst and exploded. Countless flames attached to the imperial soldiers, continuously burning and causing damage. , All players are extremely anxious.

But looking at the situation on the tower, Mo Xiaolang's eyes lit up. From the attack launched by the opponent, it seemed that he had found a way to break the seal of Aegis.

I have discussed with my teammates just now that this shield enchantment is extremely strong against physical attacks. It is difficult to use arrows and stones to cause damage to the enchantment. Only the huge magical attack power of energy light bullets can make everyone The Holy Shield soldiers share the damage.

If this is the case, it would only have to use continuous magic attacks to consume the divine power support of the Aegis enchantment until the divine power is completely consumed.

However, all the soldiers of the Imperial regiment use physical attacks. The players’ mage army has limited attack power and is also limited by the terrain on the tower. How can we achieve uninterrupted magic attack damage and guarantee magic attack? Strength of?

When Mo Xiaolang was worrying about this matter, the flames on the tower seemed to give him a reminder.

Since the Protoss likes to use fire, then use fire to fight fire!

"Xiao Yuan, inform all the brothers on the Yufeng Shenzhou to immediately dump the fire oil and enclose the Protoss shield array into the fire oil area." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Use kerosene here...Boss, they have a magical barrier." Mo Xiaoyuan said in surprise.

"Don't worry, pour kerosene to see the situation, no ignition is allowed without my order." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Brother Wolf, are you going to burn them with kerosene?" Lianna asked curiously.

"Yes, only this way can cause damage to the shield formation now." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"But they have enchantment protection, and even energy light bombs can't penetrate it. Can kerosene work?" Lianna reminded.

"I've seen it just now. When the arrow shoots down from the tower, it will be bounced by the Aegis enchantment, but after the flying arrow loses its attack power, it can easily traverse the Aegis enchantment. This shows this peculiar Defensive barriers only form protection against threatening attacks. Dumping kerosene does not cause damage. I want to see how their barriers block our kerosene!" Mo Xiaolang said with a sneer.

"Understood, I immediately notify all the brothers to be prepared." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded on the Yufeng Shenzhou and replied.

More than 500 players of the God Realm League on the five flying boats gave up their attacks after receiving instructions, gathered on both sides of the ship, exhaled the packages together, and took out the bags of black kerosene that were already prepared inside.

This continuous burning resource has become the most important strategic weapon of the God Realm League. Although it has not been used in large-scale battles so far, everyone is full of confidence in this kerosene.

"Everyone prepares to dump the kerosene together, and the area must spread out to surround all the Protoss shield soldiers." Mo Xiaoyuan ordered.

"Yes." More than five hundred players replied in unison, immediately opened the oil bag, and dumped towards the outside of the tower...


For an instant, it was like pouring rain in the sky, and black kerosene kept falling...

Mo Xiaolang stared closely at the large black kerosene falling from the air to the Aegis enchantment. Whether he can successfully pass through this light curtain will be the key to today's battle.

Until a large piece of black liquid quickly fell on the light curtain, it penetrated the light curtain without any barriers and fell to the ground, immediately dyeing the entire golden shield wall into a dark piece...

"Pour more." Mo Xiaolang issued an order.

"I see." Mo Xiaoyuan replied to convey the instructions, and another black raindrop poured down...

Jingle bells!

Dense black fire oil fell on the surface of the golden shield wall, and the striking golden shield also made a metallic sound.

The holy princess stood on the edge of the tower, watching the black rain falling crazily in the sky, she couldn't help but looked up to the sky curiously, and found that it was a player from the God Realm League, and Yu's face suddenly showed a happy expression.

She knew that these people had already figured out a way to deal with the Protoss shield...

The players on the flying boat had already dumped three bags of kerosene in a row, but Mo Xiaolang still felt that it was not enough, and kept urging to continue using kerosene.

Mo Xiaolang knew very well that there were too many enemies outside the tower, and either he didn't fight, or he had to fight hardest!

Watching the black raindrops continue to fall, the penetrating light curtain fell on the golden shield, and continued to drip to the ground, the foot of the large protoss shield battle was already covered with a shallow layer of black fire oil.

Seeing the black oil flowing on a large area of ​​the ground, some of the black oil began to condense slowly, forming a sticky substance like an ointment.

This means that the amount of black kerosene is enough, once it is lit, the outside of the city will definitely become a sea of ​​fire!

"Be prepared to throw a rocket, remember not to shoot an arrow, just throw it down after lighting the rocket." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

He has now determined that the Aegis enchantment automatically determines the attack skills. If you shoot an arrow, it will definitely be bounced by the enchantment. I don't know where it will fly. It is not certain whether it can ignite the fire oil.

You can only use the method of throwing, let the enchantment judge that this is not an attack skill, and it will stop the protection, so as not to waste divine power, which may also be useful.

"I know." Mo Xiaoyuan followed Mo Xiaolang for too long. He had understood the boss's thoughts a long time ago, so he hurriedly informed the more than 500 players under him.

Suddenly, large groups of people on both sides of the spacecraft took out rocket props one after another. Numerous fire spots suddenly appeared in the air. Players were holding the ignited rocket, waiting for the order to throw.

"Everything is ready, throw in all directions, fully ignite the kerosene!" Mo Xiaolang quickly issued an order.

Now the imperial soldiers on the tower are under increasing pressure. The magical attacks of the protoss priests have caused great damage, causing the blood volume of these soldiers to decrease again and again, and some have even left less than one-third of the blood volume. Danger is coming!

You know, the imperial soldiers are defending from the inside of the tower, and once they hang up, no one will come to replace them.

Because the stairs leading to the tower are all on this side, now they are just sealed by stones.

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