The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1178: The battle of the great gods

"Yes, Master Master." The two Master Masters nodded together, their figures swayed, and suddenly turned into two blobs of blue light, rushing forward quickly.

Two blue lights flashed across the shield wall, and then rushed to the sky. The dark blue light group flew to the black light ball above the tower, and the light blue light group rushed directly to a siege chariot...

The Vulcan Sect Master looked towards the front mid-air and was attacking the phoenix and dragons of the Protoss soldiers, and there was a look of gloomy bird in his eyes.

In less than a few seconds, his gaze had been fixed on the profound frost giant dragon. He could see that among the two divine beasts, the dragon **** was a little lower in age and strength, and it should be easier to deal with.

"The Vulcan Legion besieged the tower with all its strength and dealt with the phoenix, and the Shenlong will leave it to this seat to clean up." The Vulcan Master said back.

"Observe, Master Master." The Vulcan elders nodded together, and the Vulcan priests wearing large flaming robes rushed to the edge of the tower.

The palm teacher of the Vulcan turned around, his body turned into a blazing flame, and flew straight ahead...

At this time, the light blue halo Master Water God quickly rushed under a siege tank on the edge of the city wall. With a flash of light, it rushed to the top along the stairs, and rushed to the top of the siege tank in an instant, and turned again. In a human form, the towers facing the tower...

With a wave of his hands, a huge cloud of blue ice suddenly appeared...

"Thousands of Frost!" The palm teacher of the water **** groaned loudly, and the blue ice group grew larger and flew forward quickly.


The deafening sound of explosions resounded across the two sides of the tower, and the huge ice blue light group suddenly exploded into countless small light groups, forming a line of straight lines, respectively rushing towards the direction of the defensive towers...

Bang bang bang!

Dense muffled sounds sounded one after another. As the scattered blue ice **** hit the towers, they suddenly turned into a thick layer of frost covering the stone walls of the towers, and then the frost continued to spread along the surface of the towers. Come on...

In an instant, I saw the arrow towers and stone towers covered in frost, and even the shooting holes for shooting arrows were covered in ice. The imperial soldiers inside instantly turned into ice sculptures, and the damage value on their heads continued...

"What's the situation? What happened?" Mo Xie was surprised when he looked in the air, but he didn't know that this was the supernatural power of the Master of Water God.

"My God, what kind of magic is this, why is it so powerful?" Mo Xiaoyuan was also very scared. In less than five seconds, all the defensive towers on the entire tower had become huge. The ice bucket cannot exert any attack power.

"Be careful, this is the treasure of the holy water temple, the frost seal issued by the extremely ice holy rod. Don't be hit by any blue ice ball, otherwise you will be frozen. All of their masters will come. The city is under attack!" The clear voice of the Master of the Holy Light sounded in the air, and this reminder seemed to have used divine power. The players on the entire tower can hear clearly.


Listening to the reminder of the Sacred Light Master, Mo Xie's heart was shocked. This battle actually allowed the Protoss Master to take action personally. This is still an ordinary battle, almost becoming a decisive battle in the camp!

He hurriedly stopped the attack and ordered the mount to fly into the air, just in time for him to see an amazing scene...

Numerous defensive towers have all turned into ice sculptures, all the offensives on the towers have stopped, and only the catapults are still throwing stones.

And above the tower on the other side, a dark blue light ball was rushing into the air, and the target seemed to be the black ball of light emitted by the Earth Temple...


The dark blue light ball flew into the air, and the light suddenly dissipated, and a figure in a dark blue robe appeared out of thin air!

I saw this figure holding a gleaming halberd intertwined with thunder and lightning in both hands, holding it high above the head, and slashing towards the black light ball...


In a flash of lightning, a huge lightning fell suddenly in the sky, just hitting the black ball of light, and the black light was flying in the air. The huge waves formed black whirlwinds, spreading towards the distant sky, until all disappeared. ...

"Ah! Our thick soil barrier is gone too!" Li Hong shouted in horror.

"Be careful, the Vulcan Master is here too!" Lianna flew in the air and saw a large red figure flying across the shield wall outside the tower, gathering crazy together, rushing toward the side of the tower, where their charge was impressive. It is the direction of Fairy Blazing Phoenix in the air...

With the use of the power of the Water God's sacred tools by the Water God Palm Master, all the defensive towers on the tower were frozen, and the players' offensive was suddenly reduced by half!

And the Thunder God’s hand taught Shi Breaking Shock’s sky-thunder bombardment, which immediately smashed the thick soil barrier and immediately restored the players’ defenses to their original state...

At this time, a large number of Vulcan sacrifices were quickly gathering towards the position where Fairy Flaming Phoenix was, and they had already rushed to the bottom of a siege chariot, with countless fire spots dense, and they would attack again.

Mo Xie was shocked. He had guessed that the opponent's offensive came with a purpose, but he couldn't respond instantly. He could only watch Fairy Flaming Phoenix being surrounded, but he had no chance to remind him.


Among the large red crowds, the dense fire lights all rushed into the sky, and the shining fire groups unexpectedly derive a thin line of fire between each other, connecting all the fire groups together, forming a large splendid fire net. He quickly rushed under the beast Phoenix.


The screams suddenly sounded, and the huge fire net suddenly wrapped the huge body of the phoenix divine beast. The line of fire sparkled, and the flame attached to the phoenix divine beast's feathers was quickly absorbed by the fire net, spewing a huge pillar of fire toward the ground...

The pillar of fire descended, just hitting the tower, a large sea of ​​fire spread to the surroundings, covering all the Protoss soldiers and players, and countless white lights rose up in the wailing sound!


The eyes of all the commanders were straight, and the white light group rose, which meant the situation when the players died!

"Well, they are absorbing Xiaoyu's flame power, and then attacking our people with power!" The Saint Princess said in surprise behind Mo Xie.

"What, they have such a great ability" Mo Xie asked in shock.

"With Xiaoyu's strength, even a hundred Vulcan sacrifices cannot pose a threat to her, but now there are no less than a thousand Vulcan sacrifices to deal with her!" The Saint Princess sighed helplessly.

"Damn protoss, they are too cunning!" Mo Xie frowned, suddenly staring, as if thinking of something.

"Binger, leave the tower quickly..." Mo Xie turned his head and looked up the tower on the right.

The huge dragon that is still hovering and dancing, spitting ice-blue water mist downward, attacking the Protoss soldiers on the tower...

He had predicted that the Protoss would definitely deal with Qing Binger at the same time!

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