The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1188: Smash the Protoss

At the same time that the big damage digital movie broke out, these sad guys entered a poisoned state again, and there was toxin on the whip of the emotional elves...

Rows of elves leaped and launched their attacks, the landing position was still the stone steps, almost the same as the previous jumping position.

The elves understand that the space on the tower is limited, and they are good at long-distance combat.

Therefore, none of the elf warriors climbed the tower to join in the fun, just jumped in place, attacking in rows.

As soon as the elves holding the long whip landed, they immediately grasped the long whip with both hands and slammed it, only to hear the screams, which sounded continuously from the crowd on the tower.

Numerous figures of burly protoss soldiers were dragged out of the tower by a long whip, screaming and flying to the ground on the side of the tower.

Before these guys stood up, a large group of imperial soldiers and players rushed forward, waving their swords, and seeing only a few white lights rising...

As soon as the Elf Legion appeared, it brought too many surprises to the players. They were on the tower, fighting with the Protoss soldiers in peace.

Groups of green lights flew up in the air from outside the tower, all fell on the players, and their blood volume rose rapidly.

The activation of the healing skills of the elves priests is far more powerful than the healing of the player's nurses.

And the Elf King, with a large group of Elf priests holding long sticks, constantly waved large green lights and flew over the tower.

After these green lights landed on the ground, large tracts of green vines were immediately formed, which firmly entangled the surrounding enemies like a snake, causing them to completely lose their combat effectiveness.

Faced with the gift from the elves, there is no reason for the players to refuse. A group of players excitedly waved their weapons and quickly killed the enemies that could not resist.

With the great support of the Elf Legion, the battle situation on this section of the tower has been completely controlled by the defender.

In this way, the pressure on the Saint Ching Hee and the Holy Light soldiers was greatly reduced. The Saint even turned around and rushed to the battle position of the Master Master and the Master of Water God, and joined forces with Master to deal with the enemy’s army... …

Faced with such a severe situation, Palm Master Water God has been flustered, and he can guarantee a tie against the Palm Master of Light. Now there is another master to deal with him. Even if he can continue to hold on, the people around him are increasing. The less, he also lost the courage to continue fighting.

With a wave of the ice stick, an ice shield was formed around him, blocking the joint offensive of the Master of the Holy Light and the Saint Ching Hee. The gaze of the Master of the Water God has been locked on the side of the tower...

He rushed to a gap in the retaining wall, intending to fly down from the siege chariot...

"I want to run away and dream!" The Master of the Holy Light smiled coldly, waved his arm, and the golden light group spinning around her suddenly flew out, hitting the ice wall with a bang, and it broke and collapsed.

The golden ball of light continued to fly forward and flew directly to the water god's palm teaching volley, ready to jump off the tower...



There was a muffled sound, the blue light scattered, and the Water God Palm Master made a terrible call, and his body slammed into the crowd downstairs, and was carried away from the danger zone by a large group of Water God priests.

"Master Master, is he dead?" Saint Ching Xi asked excitedly.

"It's very difficult to kill him, but he will never recover from his injury." Master Sacred Light smiled and looked into the distance outside the city...

After a fierce battle, the Protoss failed to attack, but suffered heavy losses. The holy princess injured the Thunder God's Commander, and she is still missing.

The Sect Master of the Light severely injured the Sect Master of the Water God and was rescued and left by the Water God priests.

The elders and priests of the Protoss suffered countless deaths and injuries, and the soldiers of the Protoss also fell.

Although the foot of Huangcheng Mountain is still densely populated with people from the Protoss Legion, the biggest gain of this battle is that the players and the imperial generals know that the Protoss is not invincible. As long as they have the courage to fight, they will definitely be able to defeat them...

The battle situation on the tower gradually stabilized, and most of the siege tanks were occupied by players and imperial soldiers. With the help of the towers on the tower and the catapult phalanx outside the city, the intensive offensive forced the Protoss soldiers to restrain themselves. Festival retreat.

The earth protoss and the holy light protoss always pay attention to the surrounding situation, and immediately support the past when there is a danger.

The elven legions also jumped onto the tower, using long-range attacks to continue to inflict damage on the Protoss soldiers outside the city. This round of the Protoss attack is now completely disintegrated!

And Mo Xie took the holy princess and quickly flew to the distant sky, only to see the black dragon, still facing the Vulcan Palmer...

Between the two giant dragons, what was originally a huge dragon bone, has now become another fire dragon burning with flames.

And the fire dragon soul that the Vulcan palm teaches riding, the whole body is dim, and there is only the remaining divine power, black smoke is flying around, the huge fire dragon soul is rapidly shrinking.

"Lord Dragon God, do you have to fight against our Protoss?" Vulcan Palm Master asked coldly.

"Despicable fellow, our Shenlong clan has always lived in seclusion, never intervening in the grievances of your protoss and human races, but you have repeatedly harmed our family. First my husband was killed, and then I was imprisoned by you, and now even my daughter is I was seriously injured by you! I won't ask you who will settle this account!" the dragon asked coldly.

"All of this is a coincidence. I don't know anything about your family. If Lord Shenlong leaves now, I will make an oath that I will never disturb the dragon again." Vulcan Master said helplessly.

The Vulcan Master does not know the battle situation in other places now, but on his side, the offensive of the Protoss has gradually disappeared, the counterattack on the tower has become more and more fierce, and the role of the siege chariot has disappeared.

In addition, the giant fire dragon under the palm of the Vulcan god, the raging flames that enveloped the original body, has now been absorbed by the dragon bone, and the entire soul of the fire dragon is left with a dark red dragon figure, and it has stopped dancing. , Like a long fire cloud hanging in the air.

On the contrary, the skeleton of that giant dragon is now shining with fire all over the body, slowly moving in the air with its head and tail shaking...

"Husband, return to the Dragon Tomb. That's where you should go. After the revenge, my daughter and I will return to the Dragon Tomb to accompany you." The dragon's voice resounded loudly in mid-air, but the tone was extraordinarily gentle. .

Ao Moo!

A loud dragon roar came from the fire dragon's mouth. After shook his head and wobbled his tail beside the giant dragon, he looked back at the Fire God Palm Sect who was still standing on top of the dragon-shaped fire cloud. The eyes of the dragon were full of hatred...

Turning his head suddenly, the keel wrapped in flames rushed to one side of the sky and flew quickly toward the horizon.

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