The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1199: Protoss defeated

"There are a lot of supernatural power spars in Danding, do you want to take them all away" Li Hong asked excitedly.

"Don't destroy the Danding tripod, or else the temple in the clouds will fall directly, and that round of divine power will slowly disappear, and the imperial city that never sleeps will no longer be able to maintain the daytime. We, the gods, must also quickly return to the holy land. Otherwise, you have to die here!" The Master of the Holy Light was so frightened that he quickly stopped.

"This Pill Ding is not only the source of the divine power of the Fire God Temple, but also the life guarantee of the Holy Light and the Earth God Race. It cannot be destroyed at will. We should leave here quickly." Mo Xie nodded.

Ao Moo!

The Dragon God flew into the air, his body turned into a black light, and instantly turned into a huge dragon.

Everyone jumped onto the dragon's back, and as the dragon flew into the air, they finally moved away from the dangerous area of ​​Huangcheng Mountain...

Flying all the way, flying over the foot of the mountain, flying over the tower, the dragon slowly fell on the square outside the city gate.

As Mo Xie and Li Hong jumped off the dragon's back, a group of players were already surrounded by excitement.

"Xiao Mo, how did you get so many sacred blood spar this time? It's incredible!" Mo Xiaolang's excited eyes beamed.

"Yes, where did you get so many advanced materials?" Mo Xiaoyu was equally excited.

The holy blood spar is still a precious resource that is out of reach for the players. Even if the players discover the source of super power such as the holy blood spar, they cannot be collected because the mining level is too far apart...

Unexpectedly, Mo Xie was captured by the Protoss once and brought back tens of thousands of sacred blood crystals...

"We not only took away the materials of the Protoss, we also destroyed all their pregnant gods..." Mo Xie smiled and told the commanders all of the harvest from the trip to the top of the mountain...

"It's so handsome, this time the Protoss Legion will kill one less, and there is no need to worry about their strength being too strong!" Mo Xiaolang was extremely surprised.

"Don't get too excited, the current Protoss Legion is already very powerful. From tomorrow on, neither the brothers of our God Realm League nor the Emperors will be able to confront the Protoss head-on, unless they occupy favorable terrain." Moxie said.

I have seen the strength of the Protoss Legion, even without the constant replenishment of the Pregnancy God Pool, the number of their soldiers is still unmatched.

"Understand." The commanders nodded together.

"Continue to stare at the tower. If they attack again and fully defend according to the old method, if they don't attack, we will defend the tower quietly." Moxie said.

"Don't worry, we know what to do." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"As long as the battle is delayed until 23 o'clock, immediately organize manpower to **** the Emperor's regiment to evacuate the imperial city. First go to the three major legions to be stationed. Players will continue to stay at the tower and wait until 0 o'clock to update. You will know what will happen tomorrow." Mo Xie said.

"Okay." The commander replied with a smile.

"Sister Hong and I went to eat first. I starved to death." Mo Xie remembered that he and Sister Hong had been busy directing the battle. It was almost 19 o'clock and the two had not eaten yet.

"You go to eat first, we are here." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

Mo Xie immediately walked to a group of great gods, let them rest temporarily downstairs, and then took Li Hong to go offline...

The two returned to the real world almost at the same time, looked at each other in excitement, left the studio holding hands, and went to the cafeteria for a meal.

Today's restaurant has not been closed. Mo Xiaolang has already greeted him. Due to the important battle today, the restaurant has been open until 22:00.

The two went into the restaurant, quickly took the meal and sat down at a table, gobbled up their stomachs...

Remembering the battle in the game, after a quick dinner, they hurried back to the studio.


The private chat application was just sent in less than three seconds, and the user was immediately connected. In the private chat interface, Luo Feng's character image appeared in the video frame.

"Mr. Mo, you made the show today, but you didn't take care of me, brother." Luo Feng said with a smile.

"Why, I suffered a heavy loss today. I killed tens of thousands of brothers just by defending the city. The brothers in the entire alliance have almost died once." Mo Xie cried bitterly.

"I've heard about this. The Protoss Legion is powerful. If it weren't for the defense of the tower, you wouldn't be able to stop them at all." Luo Feng laughed.

"Yeah, if I fight against the Protoss tomorrow, I wouldn't dare to play like today." Moxie said.

"For sure, it hasn't been updated today. The faction warfare expansion has not yet appeared. The Protoss does not have siege weapons. After the update, not to mention the wall you are currently guarding, but the towers of the imperial city cannot block the Protoss legion. Offensive." Luo Feng said lightly.

"Oh... Mr. Luo, listen to what you mean, you seem to know a little bit about tomorrow's update," Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"When you are playing lively, of course I have to figure out a little bit of the situation, so I asked a few friends to ask, basically I know some of the updates tomorrow." Luo Feng laughed.

"Mr. Luo is really good, so he just revealed a little bit." Mo Xie smiled to please.

"Since I let you know, I didn't want to hide it from you. This will update the expansion and the Cursed Lands will be opened. Because you pushed the plot too fast, the official has to lower the level requirements for players to enter the Cursed Lands. , Dropped from level 80 to level 60." Luo Feng said.

"What does this have to do with me? The Cursed Land used to have level restrictions" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Yes, the Cursed Land is a buffer map between the two empires. The monsters in it are all level 80. It was originally intended for players to start a national war after level 80. Now you have gotten out the camp battle. The official can only lower the standard of the Cursed Land in advance according to the needs of the plot." Luo Feng said.

"The reduced level requirements of the Cursed Lands means that we can directly enter the Cursed Lands and find the way to the Holy Moon Empire as long as we defeat the Protoss and unified the Sun Empire!" Mo Xie said in surprise.

"That's what it means, but the Protoss is not so easy to deal with. You blocked their plan to occupy the tower today, but after the update tomorrow, the Protoss will have control of the entire never-sleeping imperial city, and occupy the imperial capital to start a battle with us. And outside the three gates of the never-night imperial city, there will be a monument of God descending from the sky."

"Players can decide which faction they support in front of each monument. They can enter the imperial city by choosing to help the gods. Those who choose to help the imperial imperial family can only stay within the field map and the three main cities. The city will be killed!" Luo Feng said.

"I'm going, it really is the setting, we all guessed it!" Mo Xie said angrily.

"However, you fought well today, and it is of great significance to defend this tower." Luo Feng smiled.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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