The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1216: Oath of the Holy Beast

"You go to work for the time being, don't worry about me, I will help you take care of the Skyfire you stay there, and I will never let the Protoss get it." Sun Qilin said with a smile.

"Master Saint Beast knows what we dropped into the lake?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"The old man said that it has a life span of several thousand years. How can you not recognize the fire-type sacred artifact, and what you lost is really accurate, almost thrown into my hole at the bottom of the lake."

The Sun Qilin smiled slightly, and turned into a silver light, flying quickly into the air.

"Old girl, when the battle is over, I will definitely visit the Dragon Palace. You have given birth to a good daughter, and I will have a great gift!" The voice of the sun unicorn came from the sky, and there was a flash of silver light and a thump on the lake. When the water column soared into the sky, the holy beast returned to the bottom of the lake.

"Mother, what did he just say, is there a gift for me?" Qing Binger asked curiously.

"I will know when I see him." Dragon God smiled slightly, seemingly very happy.

"Let's go, the sacred artifacts are already hidden, and the sacred beasts help to take care of them. We can also go back and deploy defenses without worry." Mo Xie said with a smile.

With the three glare of light rising into the sky, the three-headed beast continued to fly in the air, carrying a group of people back the same way...

At this moment, Mo Xie's worries were completely resolved. Standing on the dragon's back, enjoying the flight journey comfortably, he also began to open a private chat to ask about the situation in the alliance.

Good news is also constantly coming. The three fortresses in Sun Valley have already completed the construction orders, only waiting for the cooling time to end.

Now Brother Zhao is hurriedly taking the architect players to the Earth Temple to continue building the fortress defense.

Mo Xiaoyuan led some players to run the alliance mission intensively, rushing the alliance experience value again and again, and Mo Xie saw that it was only a fine line from the upgrade experience value.

In other words, after lunch, the God Realm League will be officially upgraded to the God Realm Legion!

"Sister Hong, after arriving at the God Realm Town of Cuiping Mountain in a while, you stay here to prepare materials and gold coins, so as not to spend time preparing for upgrading the city after upgrading the legion." Mo Xie reminded.

"No problem, I have always been responsible for the construction. I will arrange all the town upgrades before noon today." Li Hong smiled and nodded.

While contacting the commanders and communicating the current situation, when the beasts flew across the desert and flew over the town of God Realm, Mo Xie asked the beasts to put Li Hong down to prepare for the upgrade of the town, and then continued to lead the beasts to the emperor. Drive towards the city.

He hasn't chosen a camp yet, this time he went back to determine the camp to guard as soon as possible, and then consider those areas that need to be increased defense...

During the fast flight, more than half an hour passed, private chat applications continued one after another, and deployments were proceeding step by step.

At this time, the defense regiments of the three main cities have been transferred. The three guarding generals, led by their generals and a large number of soldiers, are nervously gathering money from the imperial city to participate in the battle to defend the empire.

The imperial warriors and some of the elven warriors led by General Anode had also arrived at the Golden Crow Barracks ahead of schedule. According to Mo Xie's request, they were temporarily stationed in the Tibetan cave in the valley, ready to take over the defense of the Earth Temple.

With all kinds of good news coming, Mo Xie also felt very relieved.

Dealing with a player guild is already a very complicated task, not to mention that he is now responsible for the defensive command of the entire Sun Empire. Without the sharing of a group of brothers and sisters, he would have been busy and dizzy.

Flying all the way, the three-headed beast finally came to the western city map of the imperial city, flew over the Golden Crow barracks, and continued on towards the thick earth mountain of the Earth Temple.

Flying over the mountains, the outline of the towering imperial city reappeared in the distance, and the sacred beasts also slowly descended towards the half-half of the black mountain.

At the foot of the thick soil mountain at this time, the foundations of the three medium-sized forts have been completed.

Just wait for time to slowly pass, and the three forts can be officially completed and put into use.

However, the completion time of the fort is around 11 o'clock tomorrow, and the faction war may have been fully opened at that time.

Mo Xie jumped off the dragon's back and brought the beasts to the exit position on the edge of the cliff, condescendingly looking at the situation in the distance.

From the west gate of the imperial city to the foot of Houtu Mountain, it is about 4 kilometers away. There is a flat grassland and dense woods in between. These terrains will be the battlefield for tomorrow's battle.

This large open area is difficult to defend, especially when there are a large number of Protoss legions. Players who want to resist the enemy can only use the thick soil mountain as a fortress to block the enemy's offensive, otherwise the situation will be very dangerous.

But fortunately, after the Earth Temple moved here, it can be regarded as helping the Golden Crow Barracks block the enemy's firepower. The Protoss Legion will do its best to surround the barracks and then launch attacks on major cities.

If this is the case, the situation will be very dangerous, because there are too many Protoss legions, and once they spread out to attack, Mo Xieke will be unable to parry.

Now, he only needs to focus his main power on the two sacred sites and the mirror city to deploy defenses, and to ensure the safety of these three places, he can keep the main cities in danger.

But the three fortresses can only be successfully built after the battle starts tomorrow. You must find a way to block the Protoss Legion outside the two cities for a while...

Looking at the outline of the imperial city in the distance, and then at the large open terrain outside the city, Mo Xie frowned, thinking about tactics...

Now there is only one day left for him to prepare for defense, and he must seize every minute!

"His Royal Highness, how many imperial soldiers are currently stationed on Houtu Mountain" Mo Xie asked back.

"Now the guard general of the Golden Crow Barracks will personally lead 50,000 soldiers to garrison, half of them are behind us, and half are stationed in the valley on standby." Princess Earth replied.

Mo Xie looked back and saw that in front of the temple halfway up the mountain, on a large stone step platform, there were countless imperial soldiers standing densely, together with the soldiers of the earth, firmly sealing all the passages leading to the temple gate. .

Mo Xie immediately turned back and walked towards the huge stone steps. This was a wide platform with one step and one step dug along the mountain, which looked very grand.

Walked up a few steps and came to the first platform. General Jinwu stood right in front of the soldiers' phalanx.

"Master General, I need your help in important matters," Mo Xie said quickly.

"His Royal Highness and the general have already given orders, and the final general will follow your orders. Please do not hesitate to order if you have anything." General Jinwu replied respectfully.

"That's the case. It is necessary for the General to lead all the soldiers in the Golden Crow Barracks to immediately dig a chasm and trap in the small forest in front of the Houtu Mountain, and try to delay the time when the Protoss Legion arrives at the foot of the mountain."

Mo Xie told him his thoughts.

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