The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 132: Protoss Knight

Princess Zixin took two short mine spirits, already standing in the center of the street near the edge of the cliff, waiting for Mo Xie's instructions at any time, and then began to take action.

In the dense building complex on the right side of Long Street, Mo Xie and the two goddesses work together to lead a large number of elves and mine spirits forward quietly, walking through the alleys in the middle of the buildings, constantly approaching the foot of the cliff. .

In a short while, densely packed figures came silently to the last row of city buildings, and immediately followed the instructions to hide under the corner of the wall to hide their figures.

"Notify you princess, you can act." Mo Xie immediately issued an order to a shadow elf next to him.


The black shadow flashed, the elf immediately turned around and rushed into the distance, following the order to inform Princess Zixin...

Everyone stayed quietly under the corner, and Mo Xie and the two goddesses also listened carefully to the movement outside.

On the long street, a string of dark shadows rushed from one side of the building complex and quickly rushed to Princess Zixin. After relaying the news to her, the elf immediately returned to the building complex and continued to rendezvous with the large group.

Princess Zixin immediately raised her arm and made a whining sound in her mouth, ordering the two mine spirits to start action.

Two short figures rushed forward quickly along the empty long street, and Princess Zixin followed them, keeping a safe distance of more than ten meters.

Of course, this is all Mo Xie's arrangement.

The two mine spirits galloped, and quickly rushed across the last section of the long street. Under the tall rock wall not far in front, a huge black hole was clearly visible. On both sides of the hole were densely arranged large groups of people, divided into two rows to guard In front of the hole.

As the two mine spirits dashed forward and approached the entrance of the cave, they also entered the guards of the Protoss.


In an instant, hundreds of tall protoss holy light knights wearing golden robes raised their golden light staff one after another, and a group of brilliant halos shone on the top of the staff. The moment they found the enemy, All are ready for battle.

"Stop, who!" Standing in front of the team, a protoss guard who appeared to be of higher standing shouted.

"Squeak!" When the two mine spirits flew all the way to a distance of more than 20 meters in front of the cave entrance, they immediately stopped and dared not move forward, lest they would be directly attacked by the other party, but stood still and shouted desperately. Screamed, and turned around and stretched out his finger to warn the long street behind...

Their task is very simple, it is to attract the attention of the guards, reveal the position of Princess Zixin, and point out the goal for the guards of the gods.

This trick really worked. The protoss guards looked curiously behind the two mine spirits, and saw a tall woman clearly visible in the distance of Long Street, and her whole body was black leather armor and black gauze hat. It even surprised the guards.

"Damn, the elves actually came here, catch them for me!" the protoss guard commander roared angrily.

"Yes." Dozens of guards in the first row immediately sold their steps, and while the staff was raised high, white light beams landed in front of them...


The beam of light dissipated, and a pair of white horses suddenly appeared. These protoss guards quickly set off for the white horse, chasing after Princess Zixin frantically.

The intensive sound of horseshoes suddenly broke through the quiet long street, and white shadows rushed forward and rushed towards the elf princess, but at the entrance of the cave, another row of protoss holy light knights was still guarded, and they were only half-led The number is only.

The two mine spirits quickly stepped away to the side of the street, watching the swift cavalry line passing by. They also quietly retreated and retreated to the side of the building complex, quietly disappearing without a trace.

At this time, Princess Zixin did not directly run away because of the enemy's rushing. On the contrary, she followed Mo Xie's request, and her figure turned into a series of black afterimages, directly facing the rushing group of enemies...

With the sound of horse hooves, the distance between the black shadow and the cavalry was getting closer and closer, and they were about to rush together.

At this moment, countless black shadows appeared again in the distance of Long Street, and another group of elves came here...

"Damn it, how could the elves find here! All the soldiers obeyed the order and arrested them for me, and the whole city is fully guarded!" The Protoss leader looked at the distant situation in surprise, waved his hand and issued the command again. All the guards were dispatched, the beam of light kept shining...

Got it!

Horseshoes sounded continuously, and soon there was only a golden figure at the entrance of the cave. All the guards of the gods went to deal with the elves, leaving only one leader.

When the soldiers went to hunt down these elves that suddenly appeared, the leader of the Protoss immediately picked up the white horns hanging on his chest and fought hard to blow...

Oh oh oh!

Loud and high-pitched voices rang over the city, and the guards of the Protoss soldiers who guarded all the cave entrances on the cliffs opened their eyes wide, showing shocked expressions.

Immediately, rows of soldiers summoned their mounts, leaving only half of them to continue to guard the entrance of the cave. All the others rushed towards the city streets, planning to eliminate all enemies who had entered the city.

At the moment when he heard the sound of the horn, Mo Xie and the two goddesses had quietly followed the wall to the other side of the building, poking out his head and looking out, clearly seeing the huge cave in the distance. There is only one protoss leader.

"Well, why is there another one?" Lianna asked nervously.

"What are you afraid of, he is the only one left, and we can even rush in." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"You can't be reckless, this guy looks like a very high status, and he must be very strong. If you are not sure, you can't mess around." Mo Xie said helplessly, shaking his head.

He knows very well that even if there is only one enemy at the entrance of the cave, the large forces cannot rush out at will, otherwise if he kills any of the Elves, this mission will be declared a failure!

But before the three of them were worried, the only golden figure waiting at the entrance of the cave actually started to act...

As a white light dissipated, a white horse reappeared, and the leader of the protoss also rode on his mount, rushing towards the long street.

Because more than a hundred meters in front of him, a large group of protoss guards have already met Princess Zixin head-on, but it is helpless that although this princess is limited in strength, her movement speed and dexterous dodge movements are far from these. Low-level ordinary guards can deal with it.

Even when a large group of mounts rushed wildly, the faint black shadow did not retreat but moved back and forth, swaying back and forth between the white horses, causing these guards to look around, but could not lock the specific location of the black shadow.

It is precisely because of this that the leader of the Protoss had to give up the entrance of the cave to play in person, and there was nothing in front of the wide entrance!

"He also left, and finally no one is left now." Lianna said excitedly.

"Notify the people behind, get ready to act!" Mo Xie saw clearly and quickly ordered.

Xi Xi Suo Suo...

Following his order, a large group of people suddenly appeared behind the building.

Mo Xie hurriedly took the anode general and the two goddesses to get up first, and rushed towards the entrance of the cave with big strides...

The strategy of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain can finally be announced now!

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