The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 248: Black hole in the lake

At the center point of the bottom of the lake not far away, the director-level officer lay on the pile of rocks and closed his eyes and rested, lying there quietly.

Mo Xie was hiding behind a stone not far away, using his brain to think about the situation now.

He knows very well that in the current scene, maybe the things he guards are far beyond the value of this director-level!

And if you want to know exactly what is going on here, you have to take the risk to check it around.

Only when you get there can you understand what the system has set...

After staying behind the stone for a few minutes, Mo Xie came to a conclusion in his heart, while also observing his behavior.

But since he came here and found the Overlord Mad Shark, this behemoth has never moved, as if it really fell asleep.

It is absolutely impossible to be able to sleep.

But now that the system is set up like this, this must be the opportunity for him...

However, Mo Xie was not so impulsive, and he didn't intend to act rashly before he figured out all the circumstances.

Because he can't afford to die...

If it were not for the negative status of prestige, he might still risk a gamble and try again after hanging up, but the current situation can only make him more cautious and not take any risks.

Since he didn't move, he didn't want to go to death so easily. He had to figure out how long he slept.

Moreover, it seems that this person can swim around. He entered the bottom of the lake twice and found the existence in the crystal mines far away, which means that the generalist-level characteristics are still there, and it has not yet patrolled the map.

Mo Xie hid behind the stone and carefully sorted out his thoughts, but now he was not in a hurry.

Since you are sleeping, wait at ease.

He leaned tightly behind the stone, only quietly staring at a pair of eyes, and also kept standing still...

Time seemed to stop at this moment, the huge black shadow lying in the distance was still there, and Mo Xie also kept quiet.

This time, it was more than half an hour. The precious online time was wasted and made Mo Xie heartache, but now he has no other way, he can only choose to continue to consume it.

Slowly, the system time reached the hour, and it was also the third hour after Mo Xie went online today at 8:30, 11 o'clock...

At the moment when time reached 0 seconds on the hour, lying still in the distance, suddenly started to act!

A pair of searchlight-like blood-red eyes suddenly opened, and then its double fins and giant tail flapped at the same time, leading to waves of undercurrents at the bottom of the lake, spreading quickly in all directions, almost rushing Mo Xie, who was lying on the stone, everywhere. turn.

Fortunately, he hurriedly stuck his body in the small area between the two stones, and was not caught by the undercurrent.

Just when he thought that he was accidentally discovered where he was, he saw a huge black shadow passing above his head. The Overlord Shark had already swam past the rock where he was, and was swimming quickly in the distance. go with……

Mo Xie took a sigh of relief now, not because he found him, but because it was time to patrol!

It seemed that his waiting for nearly an hour was not in vain. Looking at the current time, Mo Xie suddenly understood that after returning to the lair, he would only rest for less than an hour, and then set off on the hour to inspect the nearby lake bottom again.

Is the system actually set up like this?

Mo Xie was extremely excited, and what he had mastered was great news for him.

He quickly rose to the top of the rock and watched the huge black shadow swim further and further away. He was even more pleasantly surprised. After watching the complete disappearance, he immediately turned around and looked in the direction of the huge boulder pile in the center of the lake...

The place where he lay and rest just now was Mo Xie's important goal now.

He didn't believe that on such a 20-level map, the system would inexplicably set a 50-level manager, and there must be important hidden situations in it.

Now that the Overlord Shark has left, there should be no dangerous monsters, but Mo Xie did not dare to be careless. After the figure disappeared completely, he immediately returned to the pile of boulders, clinging to the stone walls and the bottom of the lake, guarding Swim to the center of the lake...

While swimming slowly, Mo Xie kept an eye on the surrounding situation at any time, and was ready to escape.

Just swimming slowly and nervously all the way, he was getting closer and closer to the boulder pile in front...

Looking at the situation ahead, Mo Xie's eyes couldn't help being taken aback.

The large piles of rocks in the center of the lake are like a huge bird's nest, surrounded by high-rise stone pedestals, enough to be seven or eight meters high.

And there are countless stone pillars standing above the base, where the Overlord Mad Shark lay quietly just now.

These stone pillars are like railings, densely blocking all around, I don’t know what is going on in the middle...

Mo Xie was very curious, but also very nervous. He knew very well that there might be an important discovery going forward, but there might also be an extremely dangerous situation.

He stopped walking, looked at the huge piles of rocks around, and found a safe hiding or escape route around him.

After he determined how to save himself after encountering danger, he took a long breath and continued to swim forward...

When he came under the huge stone bird's nest, Mo Xie raised his head and glanced at the top, then gathered the courage to slowly float upwards, alerting the emergence of a dangerous situation.

But as he slowly floated up to the stone platform, when a large row of tall stone pillars appeared in front of him, he did not see any monsters.

On the contrary, the setting of the giant bird's nest in front of him gave him a strange feeling.

This underwater pile of huge stones with gray color resembles a giant temple. The tall stone pillars gradually appearing in front of him are like a row of huge pillars in front of the temple gate, but the temple is gorgeous and brilliant. And the pile of rocks in front of him was dark and old, and the two sides were not comparable at all. It was just the outline of the appearance that made Mo Xie feel a little weird.

The tall stone pillars are densely arranged in front of him, each of which is very close to each other, and each pillar is more than ten meters high.

As Mo Xie's strange fish slowly floated up, what surprised him most was not the appearance of these stone pillars, but through the gaps between a row of stone pillars, he saw the special situation at the center of the lake bottom.

The bird’s nest in Yuanyuan is in the center of a pile of strange rocks, and a dark hole is located in the middle of the center of the lake bottom!

What's happening here!

Mo Xie never expected that the place he guarded would be just a cave at the bottom of the lake...

However, it seems that the scale of this underground hole seems to be very large, and the circular black hole is like the big mouth of a monster, which seems to be able to swallow everything!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Mo Xie couldn't understand it even more, but since there were no monsters, he could feel free to check it out.

Swinging the fish tail and shaking the double fins, Mo Xie arrows generally rushed towards a row of stone pillars. After quickly passing the stone pillars, they rushed to the center of the lake bottom.

The huge hole in front of you is just above the origin of the center of the map of the bottom of the lake.

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