The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 288: Furious Ape King

It can stand alone in a group of monsters, withstand the crazy attacks of large groups of monsters, thereby helping players to reduce the burden.

Now the steel fury ape has been upgraded again, and it is still a key level of 20, which means that this demon spirit pet will open a third new skill, and its combat strength will also rise to a new level!

But as the beam of light dissipated, the moment the body of the steel anger ape appeared again, all six people were dumbfounded...

Because the stainless steel angry ape that appeared in the beam of light was no longer what it was just now.

The current big pet, the black short hair that originally covered the whole body, suddenly turned brown, and the hair was more shiny and shiny.

Moreover, its shoulders, chest, wrists, knees and other parts used to wear black iron shoulder guards, heart glasses, wrist guards and other equipment, but now it has turned into shiny pale silver armor.

The most striking thing is the giant black mace in its hand, which has now become a stainless steel mace. The countless spikes on the head of the mace are also dim from the original black. Become the silver light now...

Numerous spikes are densely covered at the front of the mace. Just looking at it from a distance makes people fearful, lest this horrible weapon full of spikes will fall on one's body.

After this demon spirit pet is upgraded to level 20, not only the equipment on the body is automatically upgraded, but also the appearance becomes larger than before, and the color is completely changed...

"I'll go, will this be the case when I reach level 20?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked with wide eyes in surprise.

"What a majestic pet, the upgrades are different from other pets." Mo Xiaoyu also stared with beautiful eyes, exclaiming.

"Xiao Mo, hurry up and show everyone the pet attributes." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"Yeah, how did it change so much when it reached level 20? There must be even greater changes in attributes." Lianna said excitedly.

"Xiao Mo, send a screenshot of the attributes quickly." Ouyang Jiaojiao urged.

Seeing that his teammates were so eager to know the upgraded attributes of the pets, Mo Xie quickly opened the pet bar and called up the current attributes interface of the steel angry ape. At a glance, even he was extremely confused...

Steel Fury Ape Fighting Demon Spirit

Qualification: Excellent

Form: Furious Ape King in the second stage of growth

Demon spirit talent:

Level 2 Fury: Automatically accumulate a layer of anger after being attacked. When the anger increases by 9 times, the next attack must cause triple critical damage. If it is a skill attack, it will cause triple damage while at the same time the control state is also extended Triple time.

Demon spirit level: 20

Health: 930

Physical Attack: 80-92

Attack speed: 1.1

Attack distance: 3.2

Physical defense: 136

Magic defense: 101

Crit rate: 15.5

Hit rate: 9.8

Attribute points:


Horn of Fury: Makes a terrifying roar, debilitates all enemies within five meters around you for 5 seconds, reduces the enemy's attack on itself by 30, and blesses the damage rebound effect for 5 seconds, and the damage value 10 is fed back to the opponent. The skill cooldown time is 10 minutes.


When Mo Xie posted a screenshot of the level 20 attributes of the Steel Fury Ape on the team channel, all his teammates were shocked!

The 20th-level stainless steel angry ape successfully upgraded to the second-order form, no wonder the appearance has undergone significant changes.

It is no longer roaring King Kong, but has become the Furious Ape King!

The most surprising change for Mo Xie is that the demon spirit pet's furious talent has been upgraded to the second level. After the ninth level of rage has been accumulated, the attack launched is actually three times the damage!

And if it is a skill attack, the control state time can also be extended three times...

For example, if in a furious state, the steel anger ape activates the steel hammer skill, it can cause all enemies around it to freeze for 3 seconds!

After evolving into a Tier 2 form, the attack speed and attack range of the Steel Fury Ape has been improved to a certain extent, and the third pet skill is officially opened.

Although the new skill that appeared this time is not an active attack type, what makes Mo Xie even more excited is that if the skill state time of this rage horn can be extended by 3 times in the rage state, it would be great. ...

15 seconds of damage reduction is 30 status, and 15 seconds of rebound damage status is attached. This guy is a great ape, he is completely a hedgehog!

Mo Xie was very satisfied. Although this kind of demon spirit-level pet is not a sacred beast, for players, if they can have such a pet at this stage, it can be completely comparable to a piece of artifact equipment!

"Oh my God, this is too powerful!" Mo Xiaoyu heard her husband say that this young man named Xiao Mo had a powerful pet early on, until she saw the mighty steel angry ape with her own eyes. I believe this to be true.

But now, the powerful attributes of the stainless steel angry ape that has been upgraded to level 20 shocked her even more...

"People are more popular, when will I have such a pet." Lianna said silently.

The attributes of ordinary pets are really bad. Players found it very strange at first, but when they left the safety map near the main city and took their pets into the more advanced wild map, they found that the ordinary pets were only It can be used for transportation, let them come out to fight, the rush of blood loss, and the cost of medicine are a scary amount.

Therefore, fewer and fewer players recruit pets to fight, preferring to fight on their own, rather than carrying a large amount of pet life potion in the package at any time.

After all, the parcel space is limited, and you have to prepare your own potions, carry groceries and props, and have to leave a place to store the mission props and replacement weapons. The space is really not enough.

For example, among the six people in this team, only Moxie dares to use pets. The others simply don’t bother to recruit ordinary pets. They have to add blood after a while. It’s too much trouble. In case of death, even the mounts are not sent. used……

"Don't worry, everyone, demon spirit pets will become popular sooner or later, but it will be difficult to get a superior demon spirit pet like Mo Xie." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it is a demon spirit pet." Ouyang Jiaojiao said expectantly.

After watching the upgraded powerful attributes of the Steel Angry Ape, the team continued to farm and level up.

Mo Xie quickly added the pet's attribute points as planned, and watched it wield the giant silver mace, continuing to show its power among the monsters.

The attributes of attack and defense and life have been significantly improved. With the emergence of new skills, the steel angry ape is more handy to deal with the monsters around him. Between the swings of the giant sticks, the muffled sound is endless. The tank-like body of the silver-armored rhinoceros was directly repelled by it easily.

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