The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 303: Key chess piece

After clarifying the action time of the other party, everyone sat and waited underground in peace.

They have done everything they should do now, and there is only one last step left, digging the ceiling of the grotto above their heads.

But now is not the best time. Both Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang know in their hearts that their current position is about 20 meters from the top of the cave, plus the thickness of the crust is nearly 10 meters, so they are not in the warning range now. Inside.

If you start to dig the top of the cave now, it will immediately alarm the ground.

Sitting there chatting, six people waited peacefully...

On the ground, more and more figures gathered in this stone hill map, tens of thousands of torches were like stars, showing that the strength of the arrogant alliance is already extraordinary...

Chen Shao sat under a stone mound with satisfaction, surrounded by a large group of middle and high-level commanders.

"Still, now it can't run, I just hope that the tribe statue can be exploded smoothly." Brother Hao said with a smile.

"Isn't it just a small statue? It's worth so much excitement, and I have to sit down in person so late." Chen Shao yawned and said impatiently.

"Chen Shao, don't underestimate this thing. With him, Crazy Brother's plan can be implemented smoothly, and our alliance can move forward at full speed. Although this thing is inconspicuous, it is worth a luxury sports car at the moment. "A commander explained.

"Isn't it just a sports car? Just buy one. Why are you so strenuous?" Chen Shao stretched out and said lightly.

"But... it's precious if you can't buy it..." The commander was speechless.

Brother Hao was suffocating a smile. Although he already knew that this guy was a straw bag, as he got closer to Shao Chen, the more he felt that this person was simply mud that couldn't support the wall. His revenge plan finally went smoothly. Implemented.

"Don't talk nonsense, how to fight in a while, are everyone here?" Shao Chen asked impatiently.

"Master, the number of the elite army has reached half, and others are coming one after another. They can arrive on time at 23:00." A commander replied respectfully.

"You will be in charge of the rest. I'll take a good rest. Don't bother me when I'm fine." Chen Shao waved his hand and motioned everyone not to surround him, then leaned down under the stone mound and found a comfortable posture. Lying there, he closed his eyes comfortably.

At this time, his mind was not in the game for a long time, just want to see how beautiful the sisters are...

The commanders looked at each other. They didn't expect that, as the commander-in-chief, Chen Shao hadn't even started to act.

"I didn't hear what the young master said, you are responsible for the rest, don't disturb his rest." Brother Hao said flatly.

"Understood." The commanders were silent, and left the hill, gathered under a stone hill closest to the front, and discussed how to deal with the plan.

Brother Hao watched them leave, and then looked at Shao Chen who was taking a nap with his eyes closed, with a look of disdain on his face.

He called up the friend column, immediately found the profile picture of Mo Xie who had secretly added to the friend list, and sent out a private chat application...


Mo Xie, who was waiting in the cave, suddenly asked for a private chat. The caller was actually Brother Hao...

This is something that Mo Xie didn't know beforehand. He had an agreement with Brother Hao that he would not contact him privately for non-important matters to avoid accidents.

But now, he actually sent a private chat application. Could it be related to tonight's actions?

"Brother Hao, what do you want me to do?" Mo Xie connected to the private chat and asked suspiciously.

"Xiao Mo, I didn't expect you to be online. There is one thing I must tell you. The Arrogant Alliance has a big action tonight and is ready to deal with one. Maybe a tribal statue will burst." Brother Hao said nervously.

In fact, for this plan, Mo Xie had never communicated with Brother Hao. He still didn't know that Mo Xie had come to make trouble.

However, the news revealed by Brother Hao made Mo Xie's heart more settled. This person really had a deep hatred with the Chen Group, and he wanted to destroy the development plan of the Chen Group...

"I already know about this. Don't worry, I won't let them easily succeed. You can watch the show soon." Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"You already knew it? What do you plan to do, do you need my help?" Brother Hao asked excitedly.

"I don’t need your help this time, and you don’t have to be too nervous about things like this in the future. You just need to tell me some important news. Because your current status is very important. When I want to use you, it will definitely be able to strike a blow. When the arrogant alliance is broken!" Mo Xie said with a smile.

What he said, the meaning is actually very clear, it is to let Brother Hao not be so anxious, usually only need to pay attention to some important information of the arrogant alliance, and he does not need to act personally to deal with the Chen group.

His existence will play a vital role in killing!

"I see, hey, it may be that I have waited so many years and waited too anxiously." Brother Hao sighed.

"You can rest assured, whether it is a new grudge or an old account, I will let you report it at that time, but you must take care of yourself now." Mo Xie smiled and comforted.

"Thank you, Xiao Mo, when you need me, you can chat privately or contact me by phone at any time." Brother Hao gratefully said.

"I now want to know how many people in the main army they are dealing with tonight, and which guild players are the main players?" Mo Xie thought about it, and raised his own question.

"In this deal, all the players who blocked the map were ordinary legion players, with a number of about 30,000 or 40,000. Now the entire periphery of the map is completely sealed, and no one can approach here. The main force in the battle is our elite legion, which has a number of one. Four thousand people, all the elites have been dispatched..." Brother Hao told the other party what he knew without reservation.

Mo Xie listened carefully and raised some questions from time to time. Brother Hao can always give the corresponding answer...

Who made him the most trusted confidant next to Chen Shao now? I'm afraid that some core commanders are not as extensive as Brother Hao!

Mo Xie asked, becoming more excited in his heart.

Brother Youhao is the eyeliner in the arrogant alliance, this is an important **** to determine the success or failure of both parties in the future!

In any case, we must protect his identity.

"Thanks to Brother Hao, you can just watch the show for a while, and you don't need to do anything, and don't make troubles in the future." Mo Xie exhorted.

"Watching the show... You can't even get close to the map, how can I watch the show?" Brother Hao asked puzzled.

"Don't worry about that, the secret is not to be revealed, and it will definitely surprise you at that time." Mo Xie smiled.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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