The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 306: Sit back and enjoy

In addition to the giant tail sweep, the Lightning Leopard King currently exhibits three combat skills.

Because the current level is too different from the players, it is impossible to see its specific attributes, so the commander of the arrogant alliance can only observe the battle while understanding the combat capabilities they possess.

The lightning strike skill is the skill that worries the commander the most.

Once the lightning strike is launched, the black panther will turn into a black lightning, continuously launching continuous assaults around it that cannot be judged in the direction. Players around it are immediately knocked into flight, causing a high number of damage. Will crash into surrounding players...

This powerful assault skill is the last combat skill players want to see when a large team encircles and suppresses.

Because the encirclement formed with great difficulty, maybe it will be completely disintegrated because of the launch of an assault skill...

As for the claw-swing combo, it is a single damage skill that can send three or four lightning combos to the target in a row. Almost none of the shield fighters hit by the lightning combo can receive the treatment of the nurses. He was completely lying on the ground, turned into white light and flew away.

But fortunately, the most indispensable thing in the arrogant alliance is the number of people. If you hang him one or two, you don’t care at all, and this continuous attack skill will only be activated once every five minutes, which means that it will inevitably happen every five minutes. Kill one person!

The last skill, Leap Attack, is also an area damage skill, and it also comes with a three-second freeze state.

After activating this skill, retreat and kick the ground quickly, and the body leapt up into the air, hitting the ground straight up and down, forming a circular shock wave with a range of 5 meters. Any player affected by the shock wave will suffer a certain amount of damage. Value, stay in place for three seconds and can’t move...

All four skills of the Lightning Leopard King were clearly seen by the commanders of the arrogant alliance.

Mastered the power of the skills, they quickly worked out a corresponding battle plan.

"Let's pass on the order, and work with the soldiers, and you will be forced to the original location, ready to carry out a siege attack! Remember, the skill cooling time must be mastered. When its range skills are cooling down, everyone must disperse!" Arrogant Melon shouted Commanded.

After observing for nearly twenty minutes, he has a general understanding of the situation, and it is time to deal with it!

But he didn't dare to take it lightly. After all, this was the first time the players had to deal with it in the unfinished business. Whether there are any other system settings for this is still unknown, so he can only continue to pay attention while playing.

"Understood." The commanders replied, immediately relaying the commander's order.


A loud voice sounded, the sub-group leaders of each sub-group and the Warrior-Knight sub-group initiated the charge order at the first time, and saw a huge crowd of black and heavy people, rushing frantically from the hills, one by one, forming a huge The combined force of the force forced the body to retreat continuously.


In the angry howl, the Lightning Leopard King's blood-red eyes watched nervously around him, and more and more crazy players rushed in front of it, forcing it to retreat temporarily.

The sound of dense footsteps continued, and a large number of black shadows swarmed, pushing back to the original refresh point step by step, backed by four hills and a large number of summoned beasts, facing a huge army of players.

"Boss, has arrived at the designated location." The head of the sub-head hurriedly reported back.

"It's well done. The archer and the summoner attacked first, and transferred the attraction to the rear. The regiment quickly stood firmly, and the nurse and the mage set up a battle nearby." Arrogant Melon has commanded countless confrontational team actions. The situation is very satisfactory.

If there is no major accident, the plan tonight will be successfully completed, as long as it takes some time, it is not a problem to die...

Arrogant Melon stood in the distance with peace of mind, watching the large figure of people arrive at the designated attack position under his schedule, and the right encirclement circle has been formally formed.

Angrily attacked continuously, and the low roar kept sounding. Its huge body was blocked in front of the four hills, and countless arrows fell in the air behind it, and it was blocked by a large group of shield walls, leaving it empty. Power, but there is no way to show it.

With its strength, it was enough to kill all player classes except the current Shield Warrior. Unfortunately, the commander of the arrogant alliance did not give it a chance to show its strength, and completely blocked its front and back roads.

Starting a crazy forward charge, the giant claws flashed with cold light, and the players' shield wall made a harsh metal rubbing sound in one sweep, sparks splashed in the dark, and the battle scene was extremely lively.


There was a constant sound of sharp breaking through the air, and countless arrows rained down, covering the body in the arrow rain offensive, and continuously inflicting continuous attacks on it. Long series of damage numbers jumped out from the top of its head.

It’s a pity that players’ current attacks are still very low, coupled with the physical defense type, although the number of arrows is dense, the offensive is also wave after wave, but after each shot, it can only bring a dozen Point of injury number.

While suffering damage, there will be a beating green number on the top of the head, and it can continue to recover blood during the battle!

Behind it, a large group of various summoned beasts rushed out from the hills and completely surrounded the back, but the number of damage caused by these summoned beasts is not worth mentioning, and there are even many words of successful evasion. It keeps appearing in the injury numbers...

"It is difficult for archers to cause substantial damage to it, and the level of the summoned beast is too low. How is our mage army preparing?" Arrogant Melon asked quickly.

"Commander, the mage army is in formation, and all of them can launch an attack in five minutes." The mage commander quickly replied.

"Tell all the mage sub-leaders that this level is too high and the control skills can't produce effects. All are output by damage skills, so you can wear off its health bar as soon as possible, and don't give it a chance to recover." Arrogant Melon nodded.

"Understand." The mage commander mobilized the sub-groups of the subordinate divisions, and asked them to line up behind the soldiers, close to the attack distance...


It didn't take long for a dazzling light to appear in the night sky. As the wizard players raised their staffs and chanted spells, they saw colorful magic skills flying all over the sky, and the scene was more gorgeous...

The red fireball, the blue water ball, the cyan poisonous smoke, and the purple thunder and lightning, interweave a dense firepower net in the air, under the head cover of the lightning panther!

The players of the arrogant alliance, after killing hundreds of players, will finally be forced to the original location, and with the advantage of the terrain, they will be firmly enclosed in the middle.

The front is surrounded by a thick shield formation, in the middle is the warrior legion pressing the formation, the two wings are protected by the medical legion, the siege formation has been arranged, and the export legion has also begun a crazy offensive.

The howl of anger is endless, but it has been controlled within a narrow range at this time, even if it is fierce, there is nothing to do.

The fierce battle is still going on, the shield wall is holding on to the attack, a shield warrior falls, and a new teammate is behind him holding the shield on top, keeping the defensive formation in a perfect state.

As time passed slowly, the amount of blood was gradually reduced under the intensive offensive, especially when the Mage Legion’s skills were issued every round, it was obvious that the life bar continued to decline...

"Maintain the formation, speed up the attack, don't save the blue medicine, get rid of it as soon as possible to rest early." Arrogant Melon roared.

"Understood." The players answered one after another, the staff lifted high in the crowd like a forest, and groups of glare flew into the air...

In the lively scene outside, no sound can be heard underground.

Mo Xie and his teammates stayed in the center of the cave, raising their heads to look at the ceiling above their heads...

"How is it going outside?" Lianna asked curiously.

"Looking at the time, they should have already begun to attack." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"Yes, it has been playing for half an hour now. With the strength of the arrogant alliance, it must be in control of the battle at the moment, right now." Mo Xiaoyu nodded and said.

"I received the news. Now I am besieged by them and attacked in the middle. There is 96 health left. Don't worry, as long as the health is below a certain level, one of my iron brothers will remind me in time." Mo Xiaolang Said lightly.

"Wow, only 96 HP is left so soon? Then let's act quickly." Lianna said in surprise.

"Since you are in a hurry to start work, let's start." Mo Xie was about to start work. Seeing that everyone couldn't wait, he said with a smile.

"The top of the cave is so high, how do we go up?" Lianna asked anxiously at this time.

"I have already figured out a solution. When you ask questions, we are out of the picture." Mo Xie smiled lightly and exhaled the package interface...

With a wave of his arm, the swish black light flickered, and the open space in front of everyone was suddenly filled with countless groceries and stones...

These square black ashlars of the same size are a common prop sold in grocery stores and are used to build city walls and various urban buildings.

However, depending on how players use these stones, they can also have many uses, such as now...

Each black square stone was one meter wide and one meter high. After being discarded from the package by Mo Xie, it suddenly filled a large area of ​​the cave floor.

"Everyone, help, pile the stones into piles, and we can reach the top of the cave." Moxie said.

"That's okay..." Lianna said in surprise with her beautiful eyes.

After all, the game world is different from the real world. Pile of rocks requires players to use tremendous power to move such heavy rocks, especially if they move higher and higher, it is impossible to do without cranes and cranes.

But in the virtual world, this job becomes much easier.

Moxie only needs to discard these stones from the package, and others need to pick up the stones again, and then put them in the designated position. Only one command can easily build the stone platform.

The six people were busy picking up the stones. After the package was turned around, they immediately headed to the designated place. A black high platform in the center of the cave was quickly forming, and it continued to pile up toward the top of the cave...

The players were excited to climb up the rock pile, and in a short while they easily reached the height of the cave ceiling, and they could reach the ceiling with one hand.

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang stood there, each of them stretched out their fingers and tentatively touched the rock wall on the top of the cave. Although the rock wall felt hard when they started, when their fingertips crossed the rock wall, a little powder was constantly falling. It can be seen that the stone walls here look hard, but they are actually very fragile.

"Everyone, hit the stone wall with a hammer and steel drill, pay attention to safety, don't let the stone hit your head." Mo Xie reminded.

"I got it." Everyone answered, dispersed separately, stood on top of the stone platform, took out the spare hammer and iron drill from the package, and started to get busy...

Jingle bell...

In the crisp sound of percussion, countless rubble fell one after another. Every time they smashed a hammer on the iron drill, they could easily nail a small hole in the rock wall. This time the project was not difficult.

Rocks continue to fall from the top of the cave on the stone platform. With the efforts of six people, a small circular pit is gradually forming...

Although it was ten meters thick from the top of the cave to the ground, it now appears that they can easily dig through the crust above their heads in less than two hours.

And the battle outside is extremely fierce at this time. No matter it is the players of the arrogant alliance, no one has thought that they are at their feet, someone is calculating them...

"Haha, this is good, let the people of the arrogant alliance help me fight, I am afraid they will not guess in their dreams, we are here to sit and enjoy." Lianna said with a smile while waving the hammer.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, rest early after playing, stay up late but get old quickly." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"By the way, Xiao Mo, I am still worried about your safety after falling for a while." Mo Xiaolang said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Brother Wolf, I'm thinking about it. There will be absolutely no danger. As long as you enter the mining area and seal the hole, you will definitely die." Mo Xie smiled and told the other party the state of the red flames.

"What I'm worried about is that the distance from here to the entrance of the mine is still a bit far away. If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Don't worry about this. The body is too large, and the cave is just big enough for it to pass through, but it is difficult to run at extreme speed. I have a way to get rid of it." Mo Xie explained.

"Since you are sure, then I don't worry about it. We will wait for you at other cave entrances later. As long as you enter the mining area, you should quickly give us news so that we can leave here soon." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"I see, this plan is foolproof, and wait for my good news then." Mo Xie was confident.

His observation ability is very strong, which is one of his few advantages.

After seeing it the last time, he still remembered the specific size of his body. Compared with the cave opening in front, the height of the cave was much higher, but the width was only slow enough to pass through, unable to maximize the speed.

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