The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 322: No doubt

Mo Xie has never tried such extreme rock climbing, but he has seen the charm of this kind of sport on TV and on the Internet.

From some rock climbing sports he has seen, he still understands some basic principles of rock climbing, that is, he must ensure his own safety.

When rock climbers climb up or down, they have to set a safety lock on the cliff every some distance to hold the rope tightly so as not to fall off the cliff.

And for people, rock climbing must have a certain amount of arm strength and endurance, but in the virtual world, the players' arm strength and endurance are controlled by the system, no matter whether you are the top rock climbing master in reality, you are in the game world. , Everyone enjoys the same rules.

In other words, rock climbers and ordinary players, after climbing the same distance, will receive a warning from the system.

This requires players to ensure that they are in a safe environment recognized by the system at all times, otherwise, even if you can climb the highest mountain in reality, you will still be an ordinary player in the virtual world.

To ensure a safe environment, Moxie understands better than other players what to do, which is to avoid the monitoring of the body by the control device. As long as his body does not appear abnormal in reality, the system warning will not appear.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to set up more auxiliary tools that ensure safety and do not make the body too tired.

He bit the torch and fastened the rope round and round to his waist. After freeing his hands, he immediately used the hammer to drive the iron rods into the rock hard...

Jingle bells!

The percussive sound was endless, and several iron rods were quickly fixed on the rock wall.

Mo Xie hurriedly passed the rope through the three iron rods. After ensuring safety, he rested for a few seconds, and after his body became stable, he climbed down again.

Every ten meters down, Moxie will stop, set a safe point on the cliff, and allow his body to recover. After resting, he will slowly descend...

After being warned at the bottom of the lake, he has fully understood the hidden safety rules of the virtual world. The system is for the sake of players. As long as the players keep their bodies safe, they don't need to pay attention to the warning restrictions of the system.

Half an hour later, Mo Xie descended all the way, and could no longer see the situation above the cliff. In the pitch black environment, only the halo of torches was left in his mouth, and there was still endless darkness around...

Nothing can even be seen under the feet.

The teammates also sent a private chat inquiries, Mo Xie told the truth, and immediately made several teammates worried.

But in the current situation, they have no solution, they can only pray that this guy can find a safe way out soon...

Mo Xie didn't know how long it would take to get out, so he also mailed all the trophies and all his teammates could use to them through the mailbox, so that they could continue leveling with peace of mind.

Among the eight trophies, except for the statue, the remaining seven are all cloth armor and leather armor type equipment and weapons. Except for Mo Xiaolang's warrior profession, they can be used by four teammates.

It's just that these are all level 30 equipment, they can only continue to upgrade their level to use.

With the new equipment, a group of teammates were immediately surprised.

After distributing the equipment, Mo Xie continued to descend all the way. His method this time was very effective, and the system warning prompt never appeared, which also made him more confident.

It keeps falling, and time passes quickly...

Mo Xie no longer knows how far he has fallen, nor can he remember how many safety points he has set. Anyway, a set of 999 iron rods is about to be used up by him!

It can be seen that the height of this cliff is beyond his expectations.

And now, he still can't see what's going on under his feet, as if this cliff is endless, reaching the end of the earth...

But now, there is no chance to go back anyway, he can only choose to continue down to see what is going on under the cliff.

But even Mo Xie didn't expect that his decision would take a very long time...

For a whole morning, Mo Xie descended all the way along the ropes in the midair of the dark cliffs. The iron and ropes ran out, and his teammates mailed him another set.

Seeing that it was about noon, Mo Xie hung his body from a safe point, letting three iron brazing ropes hang on the rope, and shining deep into the ground with a torch.

He had tried this action countless times, and this time it was the same as before. As the fire illuminates, it only allows him to see the steep rock wall ten meters below him, and further down, there is still a dark abyss!

I go, how far is this special?

Mo Xie was so speechless that he couldn't help but explode, and now he also had a slight doubt about his decision.

Such a high cliff, are there really other exits below, in case there is another dead end under the ground, I am afraid that this half a day is really wasted here...

But now that I have fallen such a long distance, the time it takes to return to the top of the cliff is longer than the time it takes to descend!

This is really a big trouble...

Although he got it, he also got the second statue and so many top-quality equipment, but he had no choice but to get out.

Let him see it this afternoon.

Mo Xie shook his head and called up the control panel, planning to deal with the cliff after dinner.

What makes him speechless is that as the control interface pops up, when he chooses to quit the game, he dinged and the system prompt appeared...

Ding...System: Sorry! Players should not be sad. After monitoring by the system, you are now in a special state of exercise and cannot choose the immediate offline function. Please try to use this command after returning to the normal state!

How could this happen again?

Mo Xie hung in the air, her body still swaying slightly, looking at the system prompts, it made him feel extremely helpless.

But this is also normal. He is being tied tightly by a rope and is in a dangerous environment. The system refuses him to quit the game, also for his safety.

However, this situation must be resolved, otherwise, if the online time ends today, the system will directly judge him as dead!

The most terrible thing is that he has used up nearly 3 hours of online time today from 0 to 2 pm last night, and nearly 3 hours of online time since the morning...

In other words, he still has more than 2 hours, and today's 8 hours will be used up again!

Understanding the dangerous situation facing him now, Mo Xie was extremely frightened.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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