The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 546: The trouble is coming

"Except for Chen Shao, who would have such a grudge against you, is he nearby?" Ouyang Jiaojiao exclaimed.

"No matter so many, hurry into the dungeon." Mo Xiaolang also thought the same.

"But there are always times when I enter the dungeon. If he keeps here, the situation is just as bad." Moxie said.

"That's the same, they did it...Let's do it, Xiao Mo hurriedly retired and left, we will continue the copy to attract their attention." Mo Xiaolang said helplessly.

"Okay, Xiao Mo retires to our protection and drills into the crowd." Mo Xiaoyu nodded.

Mo Xie immediately called up the interface and chose to quit the team as soon as possible. He couldn't do the dungeon mission tonight, it depends on the situation tomorrow.

With the moment he retired from the team, Mo Xiaolang became the captain in second place, and immediately turned around and held a shield to completely block the situation behind him, and found the position, choosing to open the task dialogue.

The teammates quickly gathered around, even the two goddesses did not care about hiding their figures, lined up in front of them, giving Mo Xie time to fish in the troubled waters.

At this time, Mo Xie also knew that the situation was urgent, and as soon as he turned around, he plunged directly into the dense crowd of people behind him.

"Xiao Mo is gone, let's hurry up." Mo Xiaoyu watched Mo Xie disappear before speaking with confidence.


Just when Brother Hao led people quickly to approach them and was about to surround them all, I saw the light flashing continuously, and these guys turned into beams of light and disappeared without a trace.

"Damn, they are in the copy."

"Too thief, go in so soon."

"Quickly tell Shao Chen that the person he is looking for has entered a copy."

A group of eager flattering guys around Brother Hao immediately reported the news, but only he knew that Xiao Mo was not among the group of people.

After receiving the news, Shao Chen immediately ordered all the members of the arrogant alliance around him to temporarily abandon the dungeon mission, and all surrounded the dungeon, forming a huge encirclement.

Because the copy time is limited, even if the players do not complete the task, they will be directly ejected by the system if they reach the time limit of each copy, and then wait for the cooling time to proceed with the next copy task.

So, as long as you surround yourself, none of these guys can get out...

"Block all this place for me. As long as those few appear to be surrounded immediately, take the initiative to attack them and enter the fighting state, and don't let them go back to the city." Chen Shao was standing in the distance excitedly, this time it was difficult for him to cut his wings. escape!

But what makes him even more excited is that the two beauties have been mingling with that Mo Xie, so the news of A Hong can be figured out as long as they catch them...

"Understood." A group of subordinates replied in unison. Before the night was completely dark, they led a large number of Alliance players to surround the surrounding large terrain, just waiting for the next group of people to appear.

But they didn't see all of them. In the crowded crowd in the distance, a short figure had already sprang out quickly from the other side, and then greeted the mount to fly towards the distant grassland...

"Brother Wolf, you will be careful for a while. You are already surrounded by them. You must protect Sister Jiao and Sister Na from leaving safely." Mo Xie rushed forward while sending out a private chat application.

"I know, let them wait. Let's make a copy with peace of mind. It's just a pity that today is too unlucky, you can't do it together." Mo Xiaolang said silently.

"It's okay, they can't be there every day, they can't do it today, I will come again at 0 o'clock, and I have the ability to let them guard 24 hours." Mo Xie said indifferently.

In a situation like this, he has experienced it many times in previous games, but who can guarantee that all the players in the guild will be playing with one person here for the sake of an enemy?

Even Chen Shao, I'm afraid he can't do it now, there seems to be a more powerful crazy brother in their arrogant alliance...

"Then where are you going now?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"Since they made me unable to make a copy, then I will go to the giant of the mechanism and find a way to get some materials and other treasures." Mo Xie smiled.

"Yes, this matter is even more important by the dungeon mission. Go ahead." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Brother Wolf must find a way, don't let Sister Na and Sister Jiao be blocked by them, they all know it." Mo Xie warned.

"Don't worry, I will think of a way to ensure that the two beautiful women leave safely." Mo Xiaolang responded.

At the end of the private chat, Mo Xie adjusted the direction of his mount, took advantage of the darkness of the night, and rushed to the map on one side...

With a swift rush, he focused on the secluded terrain and rushed forward, slowly moving away from the copy map.

After more than half an hour of running wildly, there was finally only one hour left online, and Mo Xie once again came to the misty canyon map.

He rushed into the long valley again and came to the mouth of the valley where he encountered the mechanism Feiyu. This time there was nothing unusual.

Mo Xie followed the route of the last time, avoided a large number of monster spawning areas, and finally returned to the mountain range.

Climbing up the cliffs between the mountains, entering the half-mountain filled with white mist, and continuing to climb all the way up, the sound of rustling water faintly heard, and the mountaintop waterfall and huge pool were once again shown in front of his eyes.

After climbing up the mountainside, along the side of the pool, walked past the thrilling cliff edge and came to the huge waterfall.

Around the rumbling water curtain, Mo Xie found the mysterious passage behind the waterfall and walked straight ahead...

In a short while, he returned to the huge cave entrance again, and the ding and clacking sounds continued to be heard inside, calming his heart.

The organ master is still there, and it depends on whether he can help.

Walking into the cave, a bright red flame came into view, among the huge piles of materials, the burly figure busy on the iron furnace continued to build organ parts.

Mo Xie walked over quickly, looking at the steel body of the giant of the organ, couldn't help feeling unusually envious.

In fact, this giant of the mechanism is shorter than him, but he used superb skills to help himself build a body of extremely powerful mecha, which is really incredible.

"Why are you back again? Did you complete the task so quickly?" Without looking back, the organ giant actually guessed his identity.

"Master, I was in trouble this time, so I came back to ask for your help." Mo Xie bowed respectfully and saluted.

"What's the trouble, why did you come to ask me for help?" The mechanism master wielded the hammer, and intensively knocked on the red metal block. Amid the clanging percussions, the iron block quickly deformed and turned into a strange shape. Props.

I saw the mechanism master took out the iron tongs to clamp it up and looked at it. He seemed to be dissatisfied and threw it away. With a cry, this huge part made a red light in the air, and it fell into the garbage in the distance. In the heap.

He turned around and looked curiously at Mo Xie who was bending behind him...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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