The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 549: Secret road

Beyond the walls of the main city, there is an endless expanse of plains. The plains are densely covered with countless monster spawning areas. There are also many hills, bushes, and rivers.

Similarly, some huge stones are scattered on the grassland at intervals of three to five, showing black spots on the green grassland.

From the number of black dots on the small map, Mo Xie could clearly know the location of all the nearby stones.

But only a stone is the right place to open the passage.

He couldn't help but admire in his heart that the giant of the organ was indeed extremely capable. He actually thought of setting the secret passage exit here. I am afraid that no one would have thought of the existence of a passage under these stones.

According to the instructions of the giant of the organ, Mo Xie immediately ordered the mount to go to the middle of the city west to find the suspicious boulders.

With the horse running wild, he has completely entered the center of this vast grassland, facing the central axis of the west gate of Sunset City, two or three in the middle of the green grass mound, he actually saw a piece of black that is more than two meters high. The rock sits there, and there are no other special settings around it.

Is that it?

Mo Xie drove the mount curiously, and while paying attention to the surrounding situation, he quickly approached the boulder.

Jumped off the mount and stood in front of the boulder, and saw that this black boulder that had existed here for an unknown period of time was densely covered with black holes that seemed to have a long history. There was nothing special in appearance.

Quickly took out the trident-like key, and Mo Xie began to experiment in each hole.

However, the holes were large and small, and none of them could be found that could fit the key completely, but he was not discouraged. He slowly searched one by one, intending to find the correct passage before the last online time was over.

He quickly tried to open all the holes in the upper half of the stone, but failed to find the correct position.

He squatted down and looked at the rocks in the lower half. There were still countless holes in it. It would take a long time to complete the experiment one by one.

He didn't rush to experiment, just holding the key, carefully observing the shape of the stone, looking for a hole similar in size to the keyhole.

Suddenly, Mo Xie's eyes lit up, and he saw a part of the boulder bulging under the rock, which seemed to hide a small hole, which seemed to be similar to the keyhole...

He immediately reached out his hand and inserted the key directly into the hole from bottom to top, with a click, a strange sound sounded.

Ding...System: You have successfully discovered the secret tunnel, do you want to open it? The secret tunnel is extremely dangerous, please use the key to turn off the defense mechanism at any time, otherwise you will be unable to move!

The system prompt sounded, Mo Xie raised his eyebrows, and finally found the correct way to open the mechanism.

Looking at the time, there were only 8 minutes left in the countdown. He was not in a hurry to turn on the mechanism, but put away the key and riding pet, directly called up the control panel, and chose to go offline...


The white light flashed, and Mo Xie, who was hiding behind the boulder, immediately turned into a beam of light and disappeared...

And in the distant dungeon map, the scary number of arrogant alliance members gave up the time for the dungeon task, still waiting bitterly for the team of players to appear just now.

Even Chen Shao, who had never had much patience, sat on the ruins beside him, anxiously waiting for the situation.

But they didn't expect that the person they were looking for had already left. The players in the team in the dungeon were doing the task excitedly, and they had already forgotten everything.

After exiting the game, Mo Xie returned to the room, took a shower and relaxed, and then lay down on the bed to rest.

The teammates don't have much time left, enough to complete two copies, let's see if they can pass the level successfully this time, and find more.

You know, most dungeon missions disappear after completion, and next time you go in, you can only use monsters and equipment to gain experience. There is no repeat mission.

But it's different. As long as you find one, you can do it again every time you enter the dungeon, which is tantamount to an endlessly repeating task.

Now he has told Mo Xiaolang the first discovery, and it's up to them whether they can successfully complete it.

After lying down for a while, I fell asleep without knowing it, and it was more than an hour after sleeping.


The knock on the door sounded, awakening Mo Xie who was still asleep.

"Xiao Mo, are you there?" Mo Xiaolang's voice came from outside the door.

"Yes, Brother Lang, wait." Mo Xie quickly got up and went to open the door.

Outside the door, a group of teammates were standing there with a smile, looking very happy.

Looking at their expressions, Mo Xie was relieved, the copy was definitely a good harvest, and Chen Shao's people did not catch them.

"You go in first, and I will wash my face." Mo Xie said with a smile.

After he washed his face and returned to the room, his teammates were chatting excitedly about today's dungeon income...

"It's a pity, I only made two copies of the five times today, otherwise I already have a few copies of the suit." Lianna sighed.

"The last one is really speechless, and I can actually be reborn, almost making me hang up." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"That's right, a purple robe burst out at the end. I have all four Excellent Level suits together." Mo Xiaoyu said excitedly.

"Xiao Mo, it's a pity that you didn't go, otherwise all the law system equipment will be given to you. It will not be your sister's turn to be so arrogant." Mo Xiaoyuan said bitterly.

"It's pretty good today. Find a few, what's the copy process?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"According to what you told me, the first round is to defend the city wall and fight against the common behemoths, the second round is the team working together to deal with a purple name, the third round is to fight the evil spirit, and the third round is to deal with the evil spirit chief. ..." Mo Xiaolang smiled and told him in detail the customs clearance process and steps of today's dungeon...

"You didn't do that who killed the chief to get the head?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"It's not that I didn't do it, but I can't do it now. According to the explanation of that, dealing with the chief requires a single kill mode to get a head. Now who can single that, unless it is a higher level and then come back to deal with it, and every copy , Only one person can complete the request." Mo Xiaolang said.

"No, it shouldn't be like this..." Mo Xie frowned and shook his head silently.

He knows very well that since the first one is going to kill the elven leader to get the head, there must be a possibility of killing him. As for the higher level, the reward is meaningless...

There must be some special settings in this, players need to look carefully.

"We only went into the dungeon twice. This situation has not been studied for the time being. Let's check it out tomorrow. How is the situation on your side?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"I have received the support of the master craftsman, and plan to visit the main city at 0:00 tonight." Moxie said.

"Aren't you wanted, dare to enter the main city?" Liana asked suspiciously.

"Some special circumstances are involved here..." Mo Xie told everyone about the grievances and hatred between the two giants of the organ and the secret path of the organ.

Ah... there are secret roads?

Hearing this news, all teammates were pleasantly surprised. This amazing discovery will play a vital role in their future development...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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