The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 6: Hidden lucky occupation (third more)

Mo Xie moved his finger to the human image and stood still.

Suddenly, a row of fuzzy golden figures appeared one after another behind this human character, one after another human fighting professional images wearing leather armor and robes, all neatly arranged there!

Oh, it turned out to be so.

Mo Xie was overjoyed and immediately understood the system settings.

He hurriedly stepped forward and approached these silhouettes. As he guessed, all the optional combat occupations of the human race were clearly displayed.

Seeing all the professional images of the human masters, such as the sacrificial offerings, the assassin archers, etc., appeared, this made Mo Xie's choice immediately very simple.

In addition to the human race fighters being filtered by the system for physical reasons, all the professions selected by Moxie energy are arranged in order, which shows that the human race is the most comprehensive race of all races.

After watching Human Race's career, Mo Xie had a bottom in his heart.

He swiped his finger across the gods and elves in turn, and even the orcs that he didn't want to choose, one after another, people appeared.

After constant thinking, he has now made a choice, or plans to choose the Summoner profession. This profession has three races to choose from, the Protoss Human Race and the Elf Race.

Protoss summoner, can summon the spirit of all things to fight.

Terran Summoner can call soldiers to fight.

The elf summoner can summon beasts to fight.

With the continuous improvement of professional skills of these summoner professions, the strength of the summoned beasts will also continue to increase...

Although the summoner does not have much body attack ability, but Mo Xie is used to the simple benefits of the leveling of the summoner profession, and is ready to choose the human race as the race he wants.

After all, the image of this race seems more acceptable.

Just as he locked the human race and was about to give a definite order to the golden armor warrior, his heart suddenly moved and his fingers slid towards the image of the demon in black.

He hadn't seen the Demon Race. He was just curious to see what combat careers the Demon Race had to choose from, just as familiar with the game information.

But at the moment when he selected the image of the Demon Race with his fingers, a string of dark shadows flashed, and all the Demon Race's combat occupations were immediately displayed.

In a row of dark shadows wearing black cloaks, the demon wizard and the undead summon the demon to worship and other professions are in full swing.

But Moxie's eyes were suddenly attracted by the demon class on the far left...

In the battle profession of the Demon Race, there is a strange battle profession image, which immediately made him look bright.

Because this character is located in the rightmost corner of all the fighting characters of the Demon Race.

Although it stands side by side with other characters, the image of this combat class, the body is constantly shaking like a phantom, it seems that it may disappear directly at any time.

What's the situation, Mo Xie's heart moved, and he hurried over to check its name.

Mozu wise man!

This black cloak covered the whole body, and was roughly the same as other Demon classes. The only difference was that the weapon in its hand turned out to be a black ruler.

Moreover, the image of this character flickered in front of him, as if it were a hidden character, only revealed by chance.

Mo Xie didn't know exactly what the system had set up, but such a unique combat professional character made him feel extremely surprised, and quickly locked his finger on the phantom of this character...

Demon Sovereign Wisdom: The user has a random lucky occupation, the existence time is 1 minute, and there are 13 seconds remaining.

what! Lucky character...

A line of system comments popped out, and Mo Xie immediately opened his mouth in surprise. He didn't expect the system to have such a hidden setting.

Every user can actually enjoy the benefits of lucky characters when choosing a race and occupation!

The appearance of this demon wise man is the lucky combat career that the system provides to Mo Xie.

Moreover, the lucky occupations that each user can choose appear randomly, but his lucky occupation appears in the demon selection range.

No wonder the weapon in this guy's hand is a bit special, completely different from other professions, it turns out that he is a lucky profession!

Of course, players can also ignore this setting and continue to choose their favorite combat career.

While Mo Xie was stunned, the countdown of the Mozu wise man was reduced by 4 seconds again, leaving only the last 9 seconds to exist!

If you don't make a choice within nine seconds, Mo Xie will lose the right to choose this lucky combat career.

It's a pity, why the demons...

Mo Xie sighed, tangled in her heart, the image of the Demon Race was so ugly, the whole body was covered by the cloak, only one face was revealed, how should he choose?

It's a pity that he is also a user, so why did he give an optional lucky job for the demons?

Choosing a combat profession is a very important thing. Once the choice is confirmed, it is too late to regret.

After all, the unfinished account to be renewed is real-name authentication, and it is impossible to open a small account. Even if you want to delete the account and start again, you have to confirm the official account, which is very troublesome.

Mo Xie was entangled, watching the countdown of the lucky character's existence time only the last few seconds left, and no chance if he didn't choose.

Regardless, look at your luck and hope that the system will not cheat.

He was cruel, and immediately clicked the demon character with his finger.

Ding...System: Players should not be sad. You have chosen the Demon Race as your game race. Do you decide?


Ding... Department: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad, you have successfully chosen the Demon Race as your exclusive race, each time you level up, there will be special bonuses to your wisdom and agility. Please continue to choose Demon Race combat class!

Choosing the most disliked Demon Race, Mo Xie was just to choose that lucky career, so he immediately stretched out his finger and clicked OK on the figure of the demon wise man.

In the last three seconds, the career finally chose to succeed, the flashing black shadow no longer flickered, turning into a black light and flying straight towards Mo Xie's body...


All race images and combat characters disappeared, the black light dissipated, and Mo Xie, dressed in black, stood alone in front of the golden armor warrior.

His current image is like a ghost, with a large black cloak and cloak completely covering his short body.

"Congratulations, don't be sad, players, you have successfully chosen the profession of Demon Wise. Next, you can go to Novice Village to officially start the game process. Do you need to lock the No. of Novice Village you want to go to?" Jinjia Warrior asked.

"No, choose randomly." Mo Xie has no fixed cooperative team, and it's the same novice village.

"The player is not sad, you have successfully selected the camp and race, and determined the battle career inheritance, I will send you to the kingdom of light, I wish you a happy game!" The golden armor warrior raised his epee and said loudly.

"Wait, let me ask again. After entering the game, if there is anything unclear, who should I ask?" Mo Xie said quickly.

"You can consult the novice village chief. He can answer your questions and wish you a happy game." The golden armor warrior waved his epee, and the golden light beam fell from the sky again...


Mo Xie suddenly felt the golden light dazzling in front of him, and his body rose lightly from the ground.

The golden light dissipated and darkness came, as if it had returned to the situation when he first entered this virtual map.

In the dark environment, his body once again began to traverse the long time tunnel, being pulled by a suction force, flying into the endless darkness...

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