The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 601: The magical effect of thunder roar

It was just an experiment, and Mo Xie immediately understood some conditions.

"Everyone, don't use skills to attack, the devil can absorb half of our skills and spiritual power, all with ordinary attacks!" Mo Xie quickly reminded loudly.

From the observation just now, he knew in his heart that ordinary attacks would not consume mana, and even if a skill attack hits the opponent, half of the mana would be quietly absorbed by the demon. If accumulated in this way, not only the number of soul slaves will not be consumed, but also Let the demons gather more spiritual power and transform into a larger number of spiritual slaves!

It's just that the magic power of players when they activate their skills needs to be accumulated to meet the needs of the demon to transform into a slave. As long as you find a way to control the skill attack, you can avoid the speed at which the demon absorbs the spiritual power...

Although this can't completely improve the number of soul slaves, it can at least guarantee that the strength is limited to a certain extent.

"Skills can also be absorbed, I'll go, is it too powerful?" Lianna exclaimed.

"Follow what Xiao Mo said, don't use skills." Mo Xiaolang said quickly.

The players understood the situation and gave up the skill attacks one by one, and all changed to normal attacks to deal with the ghosts overhead.

And in the elves behind him, the arrows and green light clusters that kept flying every second made Mo Xie see clearly. The elves had long known the power of the devil, and the attacks from the beginning belonged to In the normal attack state, no elf has ever launched a skill attack.


In the voice of the ghost, the soul slave who was captured by Mo Xie returned to normal, and flew into the air as if frightened, gathered with a large group of companions, and instantly disappeared.

Knowing the power of the devil, Mo Xie didn't dare to be careless now.

There are so many ways for this demon to absorb spiritual power. It can not only absorb spiritual power from the enemy it kills for its own use, but also absorb a certain amount of power from the opponent's attack state and store it on itself.

Even with ordinary attacks, it is difficult to guarantee that the demon will no longer absorb spiritual power, but the absorption is very small.

How can we restrain the opponent's spiritual power absorption speed and absorb its spiritual power?

Mo Xie thought about it, and suddenly his eyes lit up...

Because he suddenly thought of a method, and this method is the contract spirit beast in his pet space, the spirit swallowing thunder roar beast!

As the name suggests, this spirit beast also improves its strength by absorbing spiritual power. It is very obsessed with some spiritual power sources, or things that gather spiritual energy, just like the life jewel appears in front of its eyes, it will immediately make this head The spirit beast gave up everything, only the existence of the spirit orb...

Moreover, the Thunder Roar Spirit Beast can automatically absorb the residual spiritual power of the monsters hanging nearby to use it as a need for continuous growth.

If let it come out, can it absorb the spiritual power of those dead slaves, thereby weakening the power of the demon?

Thinking of this situation, Mo Xie hurriedly exhaled the pet space, and at the same time opened the package, locking the countless magic potion bottles shining with blue light...


As Mo Xie chooses to summon the Thunder Roar Spirit Beast, he has started the crazy drug filling process again, and blue numbers flashed on top of his head, and the magic bar was also swaying quickly...

But the battle nearby is now more severe.

The players gave up using the skills, and the attack pressure on the ghosts was greatly reduced. They hovered quickly and landed in groups. The pointed long claws continuously slashed towards the top of the players, scaring everyone to dodge. .

Mo Xiaolang and the gods said that they would be even more embarrassed to have light. Their shields were suffering a dozen or more attack damage every second, the damage numbers appearing above their heads became denser, and the health bar was rapidly declining. .

The two doctors had to give up the attack and began to treat the two, but they were surprised to find that as their healing skills fell on the shield warrior’s head, a ray of green light flew into the sky, passing through the dense black. Shadow, disappeared in the middle of the black clouds!

"I'm dizzy, medical skills can also be absorbed by spiritual power!" Mo Xiaoyu said in horror.

"This is something that can't be helped, just treat it." Mo Xiaolang said helplessly.

The battle has just begun less than five minutes. The power of this demon has shocked all players...

They are not afraid of how powerful they are, but what they are most afraid of is that monsters like this kind of unkillable and capable of increasing strength are really no way!

Now they also understood the worry of the Protoss at that time, and even if they paid a high price, they would have to annihilate these terrifying demons.

Because once the strength of these guys develops, there is no upper limit at all!

If they absorb enough spiritual power and their strength rises to a certain level, let alone the Protoss at that time, even if there are real gods, they may not be able to defeat these terrifying guys!

Their degree of danger far exceeds that of all races!

It's no wonder that the Protoss who was in power at that time had to eradicate these former tribesmen at all costs, leaving no mercy at all.

What makes the Protoss even more entangled is that when they successfully wiped out all the demons, they also began to worry...

For safety, these demons must be eliminated.

However, in order to obtain the cultivation methods of these monsters, they were reluctant to kill them, so they sealed the monsters secretly, and wanted to study some of the secrets of these terrifying monsters...

Everyone currently has no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to support, and always pay attention to the safety of the elves.

The battle is getting more and more critical, Mo Xiaolang holding a shield, every time he resists the impact of the ghosts, he has to step back a few steps to stabilize his figure. Gradually, the players' defensive front unknowingly has already joined the elves Close to each other, there is no room to retreat.


The screams of ghosts in the sky sounded harsher, making Mo Xiaolang feel more anxious.


Suddenly, not far from the players, a white beam of light fell from the sky, and the thunder roar beast with white hair and black unicorn on its head reappeared in the beam of light. Its burly body stood in front of everyone like an iron tower.

"Mo, why did you recruit it?" Lianna asked in surprise.

"Don't forget, what is the name of my spirit beast." Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"Swallowing Thunder Roar? What does the name have to do?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked puzzledly.

"I see... Your spirit beast absorbs spiritual power to upgrade. Do you want it to absorb spiritual power here?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked in surprise.

"Is this feasible? The demon is also absorbing spiritual power. Can it grab spiritual power better than the demon?" Mo Xiaolang asked curiously.

"Is it okay? Try it and you'll know." Mo Xie said with a smile.

After spending so many blue bottles, he finally summoned the Thunder Roar Spirit Beast, but this time he did not give any instructions to the Spirit Beast, just let it stand quietly behind him.

Under the curious attention of all teammates, the appearance of Thunder Roar Spirit Beast really brought them the first wave of surprises.

Seeing that under the intensive offensive of the ghosts, Mo Xiaolangding suffered the most damage in the middle, and Mo Xiaoyu had to activate the recovery skills again, and a green light fell on his head, raising his life value quickly.

Similarly, as soon as the green light fell, a faint green halo flew into the air, and the demon was absorbing spiritual power.

But this time, the situation was quite different. The green smoke slowly flying seemed to be attracted by another force.

Actually drifting slowly and changing direction, he flew directly to the top of Leihou beast, and was completely absorbed by its black unicorn...

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