The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 618: Division of Management

Standing there waiting for the three newcomers, everyone just took this opportunity to study the golden alchemy catalog.

"Xiao Mo, do you guess what the three medicines recorded here would look like?" Mo Xiaolang asked curiously.

"How can I guess this, but what is certain is that the golden perfect alchemy chart, the medicine in it is very precious." Mo Xie smiled.

"This is for sure, but according to the division of the system, there are three types of pills that alchemists can make, one is restorative potions, the other is gain-type medicines, and the last one is control type. Poison." As a pharmacist, Mo Xiaoyu certainly understood the situation.

"It won't be a coincidence, the three medicines are exactly the same kind of these three types?" Mo Xiaoyuan said thoughtfully.

"Maybe this is the case." God said to you to agree with him very much.

"If it is really the same type of recovery type and gain type poison, then how can this alchemy map be able to get a top grade, and gold-level alchemy, it must be difficult to see on the market." I am here to analyze.

"If it's a rare potion, maybe it can be developed vigorously, as one of our promotional products, and make a lot of profits." How should this be a joke?

"It would be fine if this is the case, at least there can be one more funding channel." Mo Xie laughed.

"Unfortunately, we are all guessing now, and we have to wait for someone to see the content inside." Mo Xiaolang said in a deep voice.

"Although the players currently cannot meet the standards of a senior alchemist, there should be a senior alchemist, let them see if it works?" Mo Xiaoyu suggested.

"Yes, this is a good idea, isn't the alchemist in the main city a ready-made senior alchemist? I'll know when I go back and ask." Mo Xie nodded in surprise.

"That's it. Once you find the contents inside, you must tell us the first time." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"Okay." Mo Xie put away the golden catalog, full of expectations.

"After your three newcomers arrive, our core management team has officially met for the first time. According to our current management team, it should not be difficult to recruit 500 people first." Mo Xiaolang suggested.

"The number of five hundred people is a little too much. I'm afraid this will make you suffer for a while." Mo Xie said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, I really like this rhythm of restarting. As long as these five hundred people are trained in a month, they are the first instructors of our tribe. Then we can expand the manpower several times and enter. In the process of a virtuous cycle of development." Mo Xiaoyuan said excitedly.

"It's a pity that the Arrogant Alliance is in the same main city with us, and we have to avoid them in any actions. This is a bit troublesome." Mo Xiaoyu shook his head and said nothing.

"I have a way. If I want to avoid some disputes as much as possible, I think Xiao Mo should give me the guild leader first during this period, and you should try not to be with us during this period. You continue to improve. Strength, the few of us should hurry up to train members, even if the arrogant alliance finds us, I can figure out a way to fool them for a while." Mo Xiaolang thought.

"This is also okay. If you find that I am a member of the God Realm League, the Arrogant League will definitely come to you. Let me avoid it for a while." Mo Xie nodded.

"Then the division of labor is so clear, let Xiao Mo be wronged temporarily." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"What kind of grievance is this, you are busy building the tribe, but I can't help you at all." Mo Xie said helplessly.

"Since Xiao Mo has no objection, starting this afternoon, we will start to act separately. As for the dungeon mission, Xiao Mo should be able to find a team by himself?" Mo Xiaoyu asked.

"No problem." Mo Xie nodded with a smile.

"Well, we will start the recruitment plan in the afternoon. This is a very tedious job..." Mo Xiaolang said, touching his head.

The recruitment of members of the tribe is the most difficult time he has faced in his career!

Unlike in the past, the guild only needs to put forward a recruitment announcement, and then it can quickly recruit professional members in reality, in the game, or even in major game forums, and select the desired professional players after selection.

But this time the situation is a bit more complicated. The existence of the God Realm League must be kept secret as much as possible. At least before the strength is consolidated and the domain is not owned, too many professionals in the professional circle should not know...

As for how to recruit people, you can only choose through the online mode, and you have to actively look for them.

Obviously occupies the first opportunity of the first tribe, but can not use it with integrity, this is the biggest headache!

"Here, Xiao Mo, are those three yours?" Mo Xiaoyu looked into the distance, her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

In front of a large crowd not far away, three figures were quickly approaching them.

"It's them." Mo Xie nodded with a smile.

After the three of them quickly approached, the names on their heads really made people dumbfounded.

"Boss, here we are!" Knowing that there is still a salary to join the tribe, **** has already changed his name to Mo Xie.

"Boss is good." The other two were also very clever, and they greeted everyone respectfully as soon as they came over.

"Let me introduce them. These are the three amateur masters I like. These uncles, brothers, aunts and elder sisters are all my partners." Mo Xie simply informed the three little guys of the identity of his teammates.

"No, they are all leaders?" Ru Lai stretched out her palm and widened her eyes in surprise.

"Yes, if you are strong, you will be the leader in the future." Mo Xiaolang smiled lightly.

"That's pretty good, but can we be leaders as soon as we join?" **** asked curiously.

"It's absolutely possible. You are lucky. Boss Mo is recruiting troops. You are the first batch of people who are attracted by him. Now you are considered reserve cadres. As long as you learn the management experience we taught you, let alone ordinary management. Even being the core management also has a chance." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled.

"Okay, thank you, boss." The three people thanked each other excitedly.

"Don't thank me, from now on, the three of you will follow the wolf brother. What he tells you to do, you have to do what you have to do, and your salary will be paid by him." Mo Xie said with a serious face.

"Understood." The three answered solemnly.

"The performance is good, then go with us. Boss Mo has already greeted you. I will ask you to prepare the contract for a while. After signing the contract, I will transfer you a sum of money. First, I will pay you the rent and food in advance. "Mo Xiaolang said.

"Okay, we are worried about the inconvenience in school, this is great!" The three were suddenly excited.

"You go now, I'm going back to the city to have a look." Mo Xie nodded with a smile, waved goodbye to everyone.

From now on, all his teammates are busy, and he has to be alone to improve his strength...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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