The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 668: Waiting for the flowers to bloom

The one-year security contract is 9.5 million, which is not a small expense.

But Lin An is very reasonable. As long as the contract is signed, Thunder Security will be fully responsible for the safety of the studio and ensure the safety of all property and personnel.

"Mr. Mo can rest assured that our contract level is only the lowest level, and further up there are level, + level, and level three security measures, and for so many years, our Thunder Security customers have never had any accidents." Lin Ann said.

"If I sign the contract, how do you ensure our safety?" Mo Xie asked.

"According to the level security plan, we will send a 20-person security team to be responsible for all the monitoring and safety equipment of your company, as well as special guards and secret protection personnel. Your driver and secretary can also be provided by us. But if you want to choose people, you need to add extra fees." Lin An said.

"Why do you have to add extra fees for selecting people?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly.

"If you want to choose beautiful and handsome guys, we must have them here, but the number of people is limited, so the price must be increased." Lin An smiled.

"Oh, that's it. A team of 20 people..." Mo Xie felt that the number of people was a bit less.

There are tens of millions of contracts in one year, but only 20 people are responsible for safety...

"Don't worry, although there are only 20 people, the gatekeepers, secret guards, driver's secretaries, and monitoring personnel are all included, and they are all first-class masters. Everyone can easily deal with a dozen strong men." Lin Ann smiled.

"It's such a bull..." Mo Xie's eyes lit up.

"They are all trained masters, and many of them are retired special forces. In terms of safety, you can rest assured that Thunder Security will not smash your brand." Lin An said.

"Okay, let me discuss with my partners and give you an answer tomorrow." Mo Xie nodded and said.

"Then I will wait for your news." Lin An said.

Hanging up the phone, Mo Xie was still thinking, is it worthwhile to spend so much money for security in a year?

However, Luo Feng's shadow has been lingering in front of his eyes. If the basic safety problem is not solved, something big will happen!

But the cost is too expensive. Ten million a year can invite a large number of security teams. Even if Luo Feng sends someone to make trouble, you can ask hundreds of people to beat the other party back.

Mo Xie shook his head, temporarily putting this plan aside, waiting to discuss it with his teammates.

Before he knew it, he had walked deep into the dark cliff, and the suspension bridge in front was not far away.

I walked quickly to the suspension bridge, crossed the wooden bridge, and entered the misty valley. This time I learned that Mo Xie didn't use the torch, and walked all the way to the side of the water pool, bypassing the water pool to the cliff.

Raising the weapon, knocking **** the cliff, the clear voice suddenly resounded throughout the quiet valley.

"Who is it?" A puzzled voice sounded on the cliff.

"Military doctor, it's me, I have important things to look for you." Mo Xie quickly replied loudly.

"It's you again. It's not that you don't want to disturb me again. Why are you here again." Military doctor Lan Qing complained, holding a big umbrella and falling from the air.

"Military doctor, I didn't come here intentionally to disturb, but came to look for the adult by the general's order." Mo Xie said respectfully.

"You have ordered from whose general you, Yang Hui, the traitor, don't say anything." The military doctor said displeasedly.

"This time, I am on the order of General Yang to ask the military doctor to come with me to treat the wounded soldiers." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Ah! The command of the general, where is he?" Military doctor Lan Qing's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly.

"The General and the army have returned from the Ghost Fortress, but the general's old wounds have not healed, and all the soldiers also have old wounds, and need to be treated by the military doctor with all their strength." Moxie said.

"Of course, I didn't expect that after so many years, I will be able to wait until the day when the general returns!" Military doctor Lan Qing said excitedly.

"Then, the military doctor will follow me?" Mo Xie asked excitedly.

"Not yet, these orchids of mine are about to bloom. I must wait for them to bloom before I can leave." The military doctor said embarrassedly, touching his head.

"Are these orchids more important than General General's injuries?" Mo Xie asked.

"You don't understand this. Tiexinyoulan is a sacred object for healing. If you want to treat the old wounds of the generals and soldiers for so long, you must use these medicinal materials, otherwise I will go with you in vain." The military doctor explained.

"So, how long will these orchids bloom?" Mo Xie asked.

"On the night of the full moon this month, the Iron Heart Orchid will be in full bloom. Then I can take the medicine and leave here with confidence." The military doctor replied with a smile.

"This month is full...Isn't there still seven or eight days left." Mo Xie said helplessly, counting the days.

"No way, I have been waiting here for several years, these seven or eight days are nothing." said the military doctor.

"Understood, then I will tell the general, and I will pick you up on the night of the full moon," Moxie said.

"This is the best way. Only the petals of the Iron Heart Orchid can refine the holy medicine for healing and help the General to completely recover from his injury. This is also my biggest wish here. Now that the General returns safely, I will definitely return to him as soon as possible By your side." Military doctor Lan Qing said solemnly.

"It turns out that you still have such painstaking efforts. I will definitely tell the general that you know." Mo Xie said moved.

"Come and pick me up on the night of the full moon. I can't leave yet." said the military doctor.

"Then on the night of the full moon, I'll come here to greet the adults." Mo Xie nodded and took out the scroll back to the city...

Next, he will carry out the most important task, distract the arrogant alliance...


A white light flashed, and Mo Xie returned to the main city.

As soon as he appeared in the teleportation formation, the arrogant Alliance players guarding there immediately informed Shao Chen of the news.

"Where did you go with the people? They have already returned to the city, what are you doing?" Chen Shaohuo went wild and immediately chatted with his subordinates in private, scolding them bloody.

"How can we stop him when he returns to the city? Don't worry, Shao Chen, we must continue to stare." Arrogance is my grievance.

The eyeliner quickly returned to the city, and under the guidance of his allies, he found Mo Xie's position again.

At this time, Mo Xie had already rushed to the outside of the city gate, and this time he went in a different direction, making the guys who followed him puzzled.

"This stuff, is that how to run around every day?"

"Don't underestimate people running around, you see his level is so high, he must have received a lot of high-level tasks."

"Yeah, we worked so hard to level up, and it's not as good as this guy to swim in the mountains and water. It's really annoying."

"What nonsense, continue to stare at me, don't let him disappear again." Arrogance is what I said harshly.

The monitoring group of four followed the figure in front from a distance, rushed through the gate of the main city again, and entered the field map.

And this time, the target that Mo Xie went to was the place where he met with Saint Ching Hee last time, the highest peak in Yunyan Valley...

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