The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 674: Seize the mine

"Don't worry, what am I worried about? Rest as soon as you rest." Saint Ching Hee leaned on the rock, holding her arms and stopped walking.

But her beautiful eyes looked at the guy in front of her curiously, as if he was confident, and this time he promised as if he had already taken the pledge...

Just as Mo Xie and the saint made an oath to take a leisurely rest in the underground city, the outside also became lively.


When the private chat application appeared, Mo Xiaolang sent a message.

"Brother Wolf, what's the matter?" Mo Xie asked in a private chat.

"The Arrogant Alliance is taking a big action, all the core legions are dispatched, as if they are heading to the Dragon Mountain Range." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Sure enough, I am ready here, and the situation is very strong..." Mo Xie smiled and told him about the new discoveries in the underground city.

"This is good, they are going to the trap by themselves, and they don't need us to do anything." Mo Xiaolang said in surprise.

"Yeah, it's really God's help this time. I didn't expect the Protoss to strengthen the underground defense, just to show them some color." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Then what do you think will happen to the loss of this arrogant alliance?" Mo Xiaolang asked curiously.

"According to my estimation, if they have to fight against the Protoss Legion with their strength, it is very likely that the end will be very miserable. Then I will find a way to make them lose a little bit more seriously." Mo Xie smiled.

"But you remember, what we want is to buy time, in case these guys suffer a loss in the Protoss, and then come to us to give up, we can't bear it." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Don't worry, this time I found the spirit veins underground, coupled with the value of the mine, should allow them to concentrate all their energy here, I am afraid that no one will trouble us in a short time." Mo Xie smiled.

"What are you going to do?" Mo Xiaolang asked suspiciously.

"Didn't they find the underground passage? I want to help them to completely open the barrier between the underground city and the mine, and let them fight in the mine." Mo Xie smiled.

"You mean, let the Protoss and the arrogant alliance use the mine as the battlefield. In order to occupy the mine, Luo Feng must launch an attack with all his strength. The Protoss must fight back for the spirit veins. In this way, the two will be in the mine. A lot of time entangled in the middle." Mo Xiaolang's eyes lit up and he understood his thoughts.

"We are just right to speed up development and increase the size of the tribe as soon as possible." Moxie said.

"As long as you give me five days, our tribe can be upgraded to an alliance. By then no one will be afraid." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"Five days is enough?" Mo Xie blinked and asked in disbelief.

"Don't you know, we have increased the intensity of beckoning personnel in the past two days, and now we need the most manpower. As long as the more tribe members, the number of times to complete tribal tasks will increase, so the speed of tribal upgrades can also increase a lot. One day is enough strength." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Understood, you should hurry and do it, here I will find a way." Mo Xie nodded and said.

In the past few days, the teammates have been busy building the tribe as soon as they went online, and the leveling time has been cancelled, but the results are also very amazing.

In one week, they were crazy about recruiting people, and they continued to train grassroots managers, and then let them join the recruiting work. With more managers, the efficiency of recruiting doubled.

For the second-level God Realm Alliance tribe, the upper limit of the number of players must be full again. As long as you wait for a day or two, the mission team led by Mo Xiaoyuan will continue to receive and deliver tribal missions, and there is no doubt about the upgrade speed.

Originally, this was only a junior tribe, and the upgrade speed was relatively simple. Mo Xiaolang said that he could definitely rise to the alliance within five days, which was not exaggerated.

Mo Xie stood up abruptly, knowing the situation outside, he was also busy now.

"Where are you going?" Saint Ching Hee asked curiously.

"Don't you want to find spiritual veins, I will prepare now." Moxie said.

"The spirit vein is in the east of the city. This is the direction to return to the suspension bridge." Saint Qingxi said in a puzzled manner.

"Go and prepare first, and then come to find the spirit vein." Mo Xie smiled lightly, turned and walked towards the top of the stone steps...

Saint Ching Hee curiously followed behind him, all the way back to the top of the stone mountain, and walked on the long suspension bridge again.

At the same time, the tens of thousands of player legions of the Arrogant Alliance are advancing quickly on the field map, rushing to the Dragon Mountain Range.

When they arrived at the Dragon Mountain Range, the arrogance was that I was already there, leading a group of core team players to explore the terrain in the mountains first, followed by a large army.

The entire mountain road was quickly occupied by a long line of black and crushed players, and the sound of dense footsteps resounded through the entire quiet map.

"The terrain here looks very sinister. It is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Yes, build a resource collection area here. We can develop here in the future." Luo Feng looked at the map environment and seemed very satisfied.

In fact, the terrain of the Dragon Mountain Range is also a very satisfactory development environment for Mo Xie.

The terrain here is severe, with narrow valleys and hidden institutions. It is the best environment for long-term development, and the Dragon Mountain is connected to the distant ghost mountains. From there, you can quickly approach the border of the empire, which can meet the current development needs. It can also meet the long-term development plan after the future level upgrade.

Unfortunately, for the future of the God Realm League, he had to expose this map...

"Mr. Luo, the mineral veins in the mining area have various qualities. The most important thing is that there are special organs in the mine. We saw the kid open a secret tunnel and drill in. It's a pity that we didn't find the opening mechanism." Arrogance is I said with a smile.

"This shows that there are bigger settings in the mining area, and you must quickly figure it out anyway. You have done a good job, and let you, President Chen, reward you." Luo Feng said with satisfaction.

"Thank you Mr. Luo." Arrogance is my surprise nod.

"Lead the way ahead and enter the mining area early." Luo Feng said with a wave.

"Mr. Luo, before entering the mine, there is only guarding the gate. We followed the kid to climb the cliff from behind and then go down. Do you think we want to kill that this time?" Arrogant was me.

"What level?" Luo Feng asked lightly with his eyes lit up.

"It's just a leader-level big guy. With so many people in our legion, it should be no problem to kill it." Arrogance was me.

"Very well, then you lead, the battle army keeps up, and before entering the mine, first use that end as an appetizer." Luo Feng ordered.

"Yes." A group of commanders replied in unison, one after another, they gave orders to mobilize all professional teams to speed up their advancement, first to deal with the guard of the mine...

Arrogance is that I am excited to lead the way, and continue to rush into the valley with the mighty team.

After passing through the canyons to the center of the Dragon Mountain Range, after passing through the stone forest, the mine appeared in front of the large army.

What followed was the huge goalkeeper.

Players now have a rapid increase in their strength, and they have not paid attention to this. Under the command of the commander, the large group of shield fighters immediately entered the state of combat readiness. After constantly replenishing various buff skills, they held their shields and strode. Forward!

After the shield warrior, the Berserker Archer, Mage, Assassin and other professional legions followed one after another.

They want to solve this obstacle quickly, simply and rudely...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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