At 23 o'clock, Mo Xie waited for half an hour. The orc army still did not continue to move forward, but arranged in a strong defensive formation and gathered in the center of the Sunshine Grassland map.

The news from the entrance of the map on the other side indicated that the orc army had all entered the Sunshine Grassland, and the number was confirmed. It has indeed exceeded one hundred thousand, with a number of about 150,000!

The 150,000 orc army, each fighter is 50 or higher, and equipped with all combat classes, there are hundreds of siege vehicles and ladder vehicles, as well as hundreds of ballistas and shield vehicles, and ten A mechanical siege army consisting of several medium-sized catapults...

The number and strength of the soldiers of the Orc Legion had already let the commanders of the God Realm Alliance know that they were not easy to deal with.

However, the appearance of these mechanical siege troops made everyone even more frightened. They had only seen these organs and equipment in the game data, and had never seen their true appearance and power.

These mechanical props, at least, are advanced gadgets that players can initially build after level 50. I didn't expect them to be taken out by the enemy to deal with themselves!

In this battle, even Mo Xie didn't have much confidence in it.

What he can do now is to increase the defense of the territory as much as possible to deal with the enemy's strong attack.

Ding...System: Warning! Players should not be sad, because your alliance territory hides the main offenders of the Protoss. The Protoss sent an army of orcs to crusade. Please respond immediately. Do you send all the main offenders to the Protoss?

1: Confirm that all the most wanted criminals in the city will be handed over to the orc army, and the orc army will withdraw immediately.

2: Refuse to choose carefully. Once rejected, the Orc Legion will initiate a siege battle at a specific time. This battle is a special trigger scenario and is not protected by the rules of the city battle system.

Suddenly, a system prompt popped up in front of Mo Xie, with two options given above.

He immediately understood that before the battle started, the system still gave players a choice.

However, Mo Xie could not choose the first item...

The existence of these, let alone how much influence they have on the future missions, from the purely personal feelings, it is impossible for Mo Xie to hand over all the anode generals and elves to the orc army to take away.

This battle seems inevitable.

Mo Xie sneered in his heart. Since it was unavoidable, then this battle was regarded as the ultimate test of God Realm Town. As long as he survived this battle, no matter whether it was the Protoss or the arrogant alliance, he would have nothing to do with him.

What's more, the time for the start of this battle, in fact, strictly calculated, is very powerful for the God Realm League.

Why do you say this? Because Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang have analyzed through private chat just now, this time period happens to be when the arrogant alliance has not established a territory. If it is later, they will also build a territory and initiate an alliance war at the same time. If so, the situation can be very bad!

Fortunately, the opponent's territory construction has not yet begun, and it is unable to actively initiate a territory challenge, and there is no way to pose a threat with the orc army.

This favorable situation made Mo Xie no longer have to worry.


Ding...System: Warning! Players are not sad, please make your choice carefully, if you refuse, the orc army will launch an attack on your territory! Do you continue to refuse?

Really long-winded, refuse!

Mo Xie stayed for a while, although he felt that the system prompt was a bit nagging, but he also knew that this was the system to ensure the safety of the player's property, and it repeated the warning.

Ding...System: Players must not be sad. You have officially rejected the request of the Protoss and chose to protect the safety of the wanted criminals. Starting at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, the Orc Legion will launch a battle against your territory. Good luck!

Ding Ding Ding!

Suddenly, all players in the entire list of residents of God Realm Town received a warning message from the system at the same time.

There is only one content. There is a warning issued by the system. The exact time of the orc army's siege has already advised the players to exit God Realm Town immediately to ensure the safety of experience points and equipment.

You know, once a battle that is not restricted by rules starts, as long as you hang up once, you will lose a lot of experience points and equipment items!

"Finally know the battle time." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile on the Alliance Channel.

"Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning, this means that we still have more time to prepare." Mo Xiaoyuan was excited.

"The order continues. Except for the players who can repair urban buildings, the Life Corps will all work overtime tonight to gather enough materials for the warehouses in the city. The builders who can repair urban buildings will rest on time and leave enough time for online battles. "Mo Xie ordered immediately.

"Don't worry, we will arrange it immediately." Brother Zhao replied immediately.

"All combat professions will be off the assembly line on time at 2 o'clock tonight. The non-staff legions are responsible for guarding the entrances and exits of the surrounding maps. They don't need to block the actions of the arrogant alliance, but they must know where they are hidden." Mo Xie ordered.

"I'll arrange this matter." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Then leave it to Brother Wolf, how is the situation of the defensive tower in the city?" Mo Xie asked.

"There are still two hours to complete, only the wall of thorns is left. If the materials are enough, it can be completed directly when it goes online tomorrow." Li Hong replied.

"Great, sister Najiao, you will be responsible for preparing the weapons and materials of the defensive tower. You and Brother Zhao should gather enough energy spar. I want to ensure that the turret will exert its maximum power tomorrow. "Moxie said.

"Okay, we will arrange everything before two o'clock in the morning." The two beautiful women replied.

"For the defense deployment outside the city, we will go online two hours in advance tomorrow and make arrangements early. Everyone will work hard tomorrow." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Understood, President Mo should also pay attention to rest. Tomorrow will depend on you and Chief Wolf." Brother Zhao laughed.

After assigning the task, all the commanders rushed to get busy, each with their assigned manpower to go everywhere to prepare...

Mo Xie also returned to the territory and strode towards the position of the City Lord's Mansion.

Seeing that the battle is about to start, and the threat of the elite orc army will be faced again, he will also discuss countermeasures with the general and the queen.

To deal with it, it is best to listen to opinions.

When he came to the gate of the city lord’s mansion, he used the power of the city lord to open the gate.

In the compound, the general anode, the elf queen, and the princess Zixin all sat in the pavilion on one side of the courtyard, and Qing Binger sat in the middle, seeming to be talking with them.

Seeing Mo Xie's arrival, we immediately stood up and surrounded him.

"Your Majesty, Queen and Princess, I'm in trouble again this time..." Mo Xie immediately told everyone about the danger he encountered.

"This is what this general is worried about. The Orc Legion is very powerful, and its combat power is far superior to the Human Legion. Although they are small in number, they are the most dependent subordinates of the Protoss. Only the Elf Legion can deal with the Orc Legion. Unfortunately, now..." General Anode looked surprised, and then sighed.

"To deal with those dumb orcs, I can fight ten each!" Princess Zixin said excitedly.

"But this time, there are hundreds of thousands of the orc army. How many can the princess handle?" Mo Xie asked silently.

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