The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 768: Dangerous fight

Under the call of countless ordinary players, the teleportation formation in God Realm Town is even more lively, with hundreds of players rushing in every minute, making God Realm Town even more crowded.

The city gates and the main gates on both sides were closed, and they were guarded by players from the God Realm League. They were worried that ordinary players would rush out of the city and destroy all the traps they prepared.

There are countless players from the God Realm League in the city, explaining Moxie's tactics at every street entrance, hoping to get everyone's cooperation.

Knowing that the defending party has already had a perfect deployment, ordinary players will slowly quiet down, waiting for the enemy to officially start attacking the city.

Gradually, intensive footsteps sounded outside the city, and large black shadows rushed in from a distance, gathering at the end of the grassland one kilometer away from the city.

At this time, the players in the city also saw the arrival of the enemy, and cheers rang out again...

For ordinary players, they don't know the enemy's strength yet, but looking at the number of each other, they have already begun to boil over.

Because the larger the number of enemies, it means that a huge amount of experience points and countless top-quality equipment are waiting for them to acquire!

Mo Xie stood on the tower and looked at the time. It was now 7:30 in the morning. The orc army's marching speed was indeed controlled by the system, and within half an hour, he had arrived at the attack location.

Ding...System: Warning! The orc army has arrived outside the city. You still have 30 minutes to prepare. After 30 minutes, the battle will start and the city teleportation array will be temporarily closed until all the enemies are eliminated!

Ding...System: There are no rules for this siege activity. The conditions for victory or defeat in the battle are as follows:

Failure conditions: If the city hall is captured, the defender declares failure and God Realm Town will be razed to the ground.

Victory conditions: the orc army is killed, the siege party declares a failure, the defending city lord will receive a mysterious reward, and all players participating in the battle will receive corresponding rewards. The reward conditions are automatically determined based on the number of enemies killed.

Two consecutive system prompts jumped out in front of the players near Moxie and all the territories, and all players suddenly became excited.

Whether in the city or on the mountains behind, bursts of deafening cheers resounded across the sky. The battle has not yet begun, and ordinary players already think that victory is in sight...

It's no wonder they are so optimistic. After all, they don't know the strength of the enemy, and seeing that the number of players participating in the battle is so large, no one takes the enemy at heart.

Moreover, they all thought that this was just a monster siege operation in the past, no matter how you fight, the players must win in the end.

But they don’t know that this time the rules of the system are not like that. If you want to win, you have to pay a certain price...

The enemies in the distance are arranged at the end of the map, only 50 meters away from the trap area.

In half an hour, they will rush everyone crazy...

At this time, a large number of black shadows are constantly coming at the end of the map, a steady stream of towering ladder trucks, a pitch-black iron box-like siege cart, and countless small ballistas and armored carts. Forward.

On the cliff, a large group of ordinary players have seen these things, and suddenly became surprised...

"Fuck, it was a bit big today, the enemy has siege equipment?"

"Yes, with such a cloudy ladder and siege vehicle, this siege activity seems a bit difficult."

"Just kidding, this is the first huge monster siege to be continued. It's not fun if it's small."

The players were talking about it, and they were immediately full of enthusiasm for today's siege.

Because they have discovered that the enemy's strength seems to be pretty good, which inspires their desire to fight.

"Very big, the arrogant alliance's large units are approaching us from the two-wing map." A spy immediately said in the alliance channel.

"Continue to observe and tell me when they get close to the map of Cuiping Mountain." Mo Xie smiled coldly, and the other party finally couldn't bear it.

Today, he set up tactics to deal with the orc army. In fact, he also predicted the possible actions of the arrogant alliance and set several countermeasures.

As long as the other party dared to really do it, Mo Xie would never make them feel better.

"Got it." The spy replied, continuing to monitor the opponent's actions.

Time passed quickly, just in the two places where players gathered in the city and on the mountains, when cheers continued to sound, the countdown reached the last five minutes.

As for the Orc Legion on the opposite side, the formation is now complete, with tall bull-headed warriors holding shields standing in front, guarding a large number of tiger-headed warriors behind them.

Those siege machines were located among the crowd, neatly arranged in a straight line, and could be kept close to the tower at any time.

Everyone became quiet, waiting for the moment when the battle began...

Mo Xie stood there, looking into the distance, waiting for the latest information from various places, and then made arrangements in the fastest time to deal with any danger that might arise.

Behind him, the castle tower is densely covered with a large number of God Realm players, each guarding the bed crossbow machine and arrow pile, waiting for orders to attack at any time.

At this moment, a clear female voice came from behind the players' team.

"Let's give it a hand, the general is sad to find something to do." Princess Zixin's voice came, and the crowd dispersed. Only in the middle of the tower in the distance, the general anode with the elven queen, as well as a large group of warriors and elven tribes The front tower came.

When they came to the top of the front tower, Mo Xie quickly greeted them.

"Master General, your Royal Highness, why are you here?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"This battle is related to our wealth and lives. We must come to help. With our strength and number, although we are not an opponent of the orc army, we can also help you withstand it for a while." General anode laughed.

"That couldn't be better, please let the army master and your Royal Highness watch the battle with me." Mo Xie smiled.

"We are here to follow your orders. You can give us instructions at any time, and we will all be ordered to follow them." General anode nodded.

"Yes, you are fighting to protect us from the **** battle. We should also do our part. Even if we give any orders, the elf warriors will never retreat." The elf queen said with a serious face.

"Okay, please fight with me on the tower." Mo Xie smiled and nodded.

Oh oh oh!

As soon as we arrived at the tower, the last five-minute countdown disappeared, and the orc army in the distance of the city suddenly sounded loud horns.

"Be careful not to be sad. This general has fought the orc army several times. Knowing their tactics, they will definitely send shield soldiers to clear the battlefield first."

"Then the tiger-headed warrior rushed forward, with the firepower of the tauren-headed warrior to attract us, the apetou archer will take advantage of the situation and move forward quietly."

"Suppress our firepower with the rain of arrows, and strive for opportunities for their mechanical units to approach the tower." General anode said.

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