The battle outside the city has become a frontal confrontation with the orc army. Regardless of whether the battle is won or lost, this is the best ending for the players.

Mo Xiaolang stood on the tower and took command in place of Mo Xie. What he had to do now was to prevent the orcs from getting close to the tower. There was no need to worry too much about other things.

Outside the moat, a wall of fire was still burning, blocking the approach of the orc assassin and the siege engine.

On both sides of the ridge, after the players stopped throwing wood, they started flying stone attacks. The huge stones kept falling down, intertwined with the defensive wall and the players' magical offensive, and kept harvesting the health of the orc army. .

As for the orc sacrifices that worried all commanders the most, there has been no movement for a long time now, and they don't know if they still have any big moves.

Countless rocks are flying all over the sky, arrows are sizzling through the sky everywhere, and large numbers of damage figures are constantly floating in the black crowd outside the city. The battle scene is exceptionally spectacular...

Mo Xie was lying on her back at this time, checking the information in the alliance channel at any time, keeping abreast of the current battle situation.

Now he doesn't have to worry, just wait for the battle with the orcs to decide the outcome, and see who has the first blood volume...

Time is constantly passing, but the battle has been stuck in a stalemate. The orcs are unable to get close to the city wall again under the block of the wall of fire, and they continuously emit black light attacks in the air, and launch various poisonous range attack skills every once in a while. , Constantly consuming the health of the orc army...

The arrogant Alliance players who were guarding outside the map of the Cuiping Mountains were caught in a dilemma at this time.

They wanted to rush into the Cuiping Mountain to help the orc army and end this siege battle as soon as possible, but the news from the front made them dare not act rashly, so they had to stay there, waiting for new situations to emerge in the battle.

"What... the battle is at a stalemate? It just didn't mean that the orc legion has taken an absolute advantage. Seeing that the equipment is about to approach the city wall, how did the God Realm League persist?" Luo Feng asked in surprise when he received the news.

"I don't know what the situation is, they actually got one, dragged all the main force of the orc army, and set up a fire wall outside the city wall to block the orc army's attack. They are now fighting the orc army to death, for a while There is no way to tell the winner." The commander reluctantly reported the news ahead.

"What can stop the orc legion's pace? Also, what is going on with their wall of fire?" Luo Feng asked in surprise.

"Look, this is a screenshot sent by the player in front. We can't know the specific attributes of this one, but the name above it is displayed in gold..." The commander quickly sent the screenshot in his hand to the boss.

"The golden name, where did you get this guy..." Luo Feng exclaimed.

"No one knows where it came from, but according to our analysis, this golden name is very likely to be a commander-level leader, and it is also golden. Only by meeting such requirements can he be attracted. Coming here, and they deliberately let the orcs' attack hit, the current situation will appear." The commander explained helplessly.

"I just said that the little guy with the surname Mo is extraordinary, and he can come up with this kind of attention, but unfortunately there is no such talent around me..." Luo Feng said with a sigh.

"Mr. Luo, it seems that we can't dispatch as planned," the commander said.

"They are now deliberately keeping so many ordinary players to watch the game, the purpose is actually to guard us, if this is the case, you will withdraw all the brothers, they will not give you a chance." Luo Feng said lightly, thinking.

"Understood, President Luo." The commanders answered one after another.

Ordering all the commanders to lead the arrogant alliance army to withdraw, Luo Feng stood in the main city, speechless.

Before entering the God Realm this time, he had already made a lot of preparations, even at the cost of offending all professional guilds, he wanted to turn Sunset City into his own private territory.

It's a pity that people are not as good as the heavens, and somehow they got out of a God Realm League, making his plan almost completely collapsed...

According to his temperament in the past, whoever dares to block his way will inevitably lead to the destruction of the other family!

Unfortunately, this time, in order to develop in the realm of the gods, Luo Feng deliberately released the golden basin to wash his hands, just to give an explanation for the previous things.

The meaning of this is very obvious. Luo Feng, I, has no matter what is right or wrong, and no longer participates in anything, just want to do some legitimate business.

In this way, he can avoid too many past hatreds, and develop his virtual kingdom in unfinished continuation with peace of mind, so that from black to white, he can do some legitimate business.

However, this sentence was instead meant to restrict him from dealing with the God Realm Studio. Now that the other party has signed a security contract with Thunder Security, he can't use shameless means to continue to force his move.

This kid is taking the lead everywhere. It can be seen that this person is not only smart, but also has been bullied a lot before, otherwise he would not think so thoughtful.

"Xiaoguang, immediately check me the news of the surname Mo, I want his current contact information." Luo Feng said immediately.

"Understood, crazy brother." Standing behind him, the young man who had been working as a personal bodyguard nodded and replied.

Huh, the young man named Xiaoguang hurried off the assembly line and went to do things according to his requirements.

Luo Feng knows that now that the Arrogant Alliance wants to clean up the God Realm Alliance, the difficulty has increased countless times. Now between the two alliances, once the fire is fired, it will be a battle for the city. Whether they win or lose, they will pay a huge war deposit. To catch up with the hard-built territory.

However, the territory of the God Realm League occupies a huge terrain advantage, and it is difficult for even the Orc Legion to conquer, let alone the arrogant alliance.

What's more, after today's battle, the God Realm League will surely be famous all over the world. By then, they have already received the support of ordinary players. It is really difficult to move them!

Since the two sides are already in such a confrontation, Luo Feng wanted to talk to this guy with the surname Mo to see if there is any room for change...

"Xiao Mo, the people of the Arrogant Alliance are retreating. They seem to have given up sneaking on us." Mo Xiaolang received the news and quickly notified Mo Xie.

"Oh, finally gone, I thought they would wait until the battle is over, it seems that their boss is not stupid." Mo Xie laughed.

"Don't underestimate that Luo Feng, he is very smart, but it's a pity that your luck is so good that he can't do anything." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

He knew very well in his heart that Luo Feng was indeed a hero, but Mo Xie was no less clever than the other, and his luck seemed to be better than Luo Feng.

This also made Mo Xiaolang very proud of his heart. Since the two were determined to cooperate, he deliberately gave Mo Xie great freedom so that he could work with peace of mind and improve his strength.

As for the affairs of the Alliance and tribes, they are all borne by themselves.

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