The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 805: Fire Phoenix Red Flame Clothing

The golden treasure box disappeared immediately after five draws. This is one of the few draws set by the system.

However, the players did not feel dissatisfied because it was only five draws, on the contrary, they were surprised by the rare generosity of the system this time.

Five times in the lottery, three golden props and two sub-artifacts were actually obtained. This is an unprecedented huge reward...

However, according to the instructions of the system, the full server announcement will only be issued after the player gets the artifact reward. The red sub-artifact obviously does not qualify for the colorful artifact, and there is a big gap between it and the colorful artifact.

But I didn't dare to be able to witness the appearance of two sub-artifacts in a row with my own eyes.

Especially after seeing the powerful attributes of the sub-sacred artifact mine hoe, everyone is looking forward to the powerful attributes of this red shining red dress with a layer of flame...

"Mo, don't be in a daze, show us the attributes quickly." Lianna asked excitedly, but she also understood that although this sub-artifact dress is a female equipment, it obviously belongs to a legal profession. She is an archer. There is no chance...

"I want to look at the attributes, hurry up..." Ouyang Jiaojiao's eyes beamed with excitement. She has the greatest qualifications for legal equipment.

"Look at it, it's a pity that this long skirt has some wrong attributes." Mo Xie had already read the system attributes of the long skirt in his hand, with some regrets in his tone.

"What's wrong, what's wrong with this long skirt?" Mo Xiaolang asked suspiciously.

With a wave of his hand, Mo Xie immediately sent a screenshot of the system attributes of the long skirt to the alliance channel so that all players on the scene could enjoy it.


As soon as the attribute screenshots appeared, there was a burst of exclamation in the entire square. The powerful attributes of the sub-artifact surprised everyone.

Fire Phoenix Scarlet Flame Dress Sub-artifact

Use level: None

Restrictions on use: female mage

Artifact characteristics: After wearing, increase fire damage fixed by 100 points, reduce wood magic attack by 500 points

Fire Phoenix Sky: 01000, absorbs the master’s magic power every second to form a flame halo, which can resist half of the damage value of the master. When the flame halo reaches its full value, it can activate the flame soaring state for ten seconds and perform in the air within ten meters of the ground. Move at a speed five times the normal speed.

Soul Eater Red Flame: When launching a normal attack, there is a 10 chance to trigger the Soul Eater Red Flame attack, causing an additional 300 fire damage to the enemy and causing the enemy to enter the Soul Eater state, losing 50 points of life per second for 5 seconds.

Physical defense: 0

Magic defense: 500

Additional attributes:

Wisdom +15

Constitution +10

Agility +10

Maximum Mana +600

Additional skills:

Fire Phoenix Nirvana: Launch the Fire Altar of Life to the designated location, which can provide all friendly forces within 20 meters of the surrounding area with a flame shield for 10 seconds. The damage value of all friendly forces under the protection of the flame shield is halved, and dead bodies have a 50 chance Half-blood is resurrected on the spot, the altar is activated every 30 minutes, and it consumes 500 mana.

Kuangyan Tianwu: After launching the skill to the designated area, summon the meteor fire cloud to attack the area, the fire cloud range is 3030, and the fire rain is launched for 6 seconds. Each time it hits the enemy, it causes 400 fire damage. The damage can be stacked up to 5 times. . The skill cools down by 30 points and consumes 1000 mana points.

Healing Flames: Launch a fire group to the designated friendly target, bless the opponent with healing fire for 10 seconds, restore 100 points of health per second, and help the opponent reduce the damage suffered during the period by 50. The skill cools down for ten minutes and consumes 200 points of mana.

Note: It is said that the gorgeous long dress woven with the tail feathers of the fire phoenix, the fire healing artifact, is incompatible with the wood.

"What... this attribute..." Ouyang Jiaojiao looked at the attributes of this long skirt with excitement, she suddenly stayed there speechless when she saw it.

Because she is an elf mage class, a special combat class among wood mage mages, but this long dress is actually a fire artifact. Once put on, her magic attack will be immediately reduced by 500 points...

Once her attack power is reduced by 500, she has no attack power at all.

"I see. Although this long dress is a fire-type artifact, it is of a healing type. It really is something wrong." After Mo Xiaolang read the attributes, he was shocked by the strength of the sub-sacred artifact, but this artifact was clearly Restorative items, not offensive equipment.

"Haha, Jiaojiao doesn't use this anymore, it's a pity." Lianna said with a smile.

"Yes, if Sister Jiao wears this long dress, I am afraid that even ordinary monsters can't be killed now." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded and smiled.

"Damn system, it's hard to make a mage magic long dress, I can't actually use it..." Ouyang Jiaojiao shook her head helplessly.

"This long skirt, only a doctor can give full play to its abilities." Mo Xie held up the long skirt and looked at the two teammates who qualified for this long skirt...

These two beauties happen to be all medical professions, and they are both core commanders...

And they were Mo Xiaoyu and Li Hong.

"Sister-in-law, A Hong, it seems that only you two are qualified, do you want to decide whether you will win or lose?" Lianna asked with a smile.

"Forget it, give it to my sister-in-law, I am not qualified to fight with my sister-in-law." Li Hong shook his head quickly.

"It's better to give it to Red Sister. My main focus in the future is to manage finances. When the alliance's wealth is getting thicker, the things I have to work on will increase. I am afraid that I will not even have time to go online. I am a waste of artifacts. "Mo Xiaoyu smiled and shook his head.

She was very clear about Li Hong's position in Mo Xie's heart. Although the two of them didn't say anything about it, from the dodging eyes that Mo Xie usually looked at Li Hong, she had already guessed that there must be some subtleties between the two that outsiders did not know. Happening.

Moreover, Mo Xie's attitude towards Li Hong has nothing to say. As long as Li Hong speaks, Xiao Mo has never refused it once, which shows that he has already used it very deeply.

Moreover, she also knows that according to the current development speed of the God Realm League, it will not take long for the alliance's finances to expand rapidly, and she will definitely not be able to manage it alone by then, let alone keep the game online.

In a huge alliance, financial management is very important. She knows where the focus of her future work is.

Although everyone wants artifact equipment, Mo Xiaoyu was once the core financial administrator of the professional league, and knew what to do.

"This..." Mo Xie stayed there. He definitely wanted to hand over this artifact to Sister Hong, but Mo Xiaoyu's qualifications and status were better than those of Sister Hong. He should not affect the cooperation of his partners because of his personal relationship. relationship.

"Just listen to Xiao Yu, her stall will grow bigger and bigger in the future, and it is impossible to play online all the time. This magical long dress is the most suitable for the red beauty." Mo Xiaolang also smiled and persuaded.

"Yes, A Hong, if that's the case, take it." Ouyang Jiaojiao nodded.

"My sister-in-law will be very busy indeed, and I will be the same when the time comes. You are the core main force of the combat army." Mo Xiaoyuan persuaded.

"Then, I'll take it..." Li Hong said embarrassedly.

"Sister Red is definitely the best, but as your sister-in-law, I still have to say, Sister Red, once you take over this artifact, you must promise to fight with us and stay in the same boat forever."

Mo Xiaoyu looked at Li Hong and said solemnly.

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