The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 820: Dead quicksand

It continued to retreat a few meters before the bunker stopped expanding.

But at the bottom of the pit ahead, the shadow of the mount was no longer visible.

Immediately afterwards, there was a wailing sound, and a huge damage figure appeared above the ground, which happened to be the entire life value of the mount...

Trapped by a quicksand trap, no matter how much blood you have, you will directly kill!

Looking at the two big words "death" on the mount's head, Mo Xie couldn't help taking a breath...

Before encountering the quicksand trap, he was still guessing in his mind that since this quicksand trap can **** the player into the ground, he might be able to escape dead and luckily find the passageway of the underground palace.

But now it seems that imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

If you want to use quicksand traps to find underground passages, I am afraid that a hundred lives are not enough for experiment.

Standing there, watching the quicksand trap kill the mount, the huge pit unexpectedly began to recover magically, and in a short while it returned to a smooth sand...

Now Mo Xie is in a dilemma, this kind of trap that can restore the original appearance is the most terrible setting!

Because he doesn't know whether the quicksand traps that have appeared are still dangerous?

And will these quicksand traps wander around? In case you take a wrong step, there will be no mounts to replace death again...

What is this setting, the system is too cheating, right?

Looking at the blockbuster of yellow sand, there might be a bunker like the one just hidden somewhere, making Mo Xie's heart scared.

But after experiencing so many dangerous characters in the virtual world, Mo Xie knew in his heart that no matter how dangerous the terrain, the system must leave clues for players to crack, even this quicksand trap is the same.

But now the situation is a bit troublesome. There is a lot of yellow sand everywhere. The mount is dead. If you want to continue on the road, the next person to face death is himself. Not to mention finding a clue to crack it. Now he wants to save his life and it is not his own decision. .

Breathing out the package, Mo Xie took out a bamboo pole, holding one end of the bamboo pole with both hands, and tried to touch the desert ahead with the other end to see if it could trigger the emergence of a quicksand trap.

However, after a few seconds passed after the bamboo pole was inserted into the sand, the dangerous situation never appeared.

The strange situation made Mo Xie frowned and stunned there, and instantly reacted, the quicksand trap was actually active!

It can appear everywhere, and the quantity is unpredictable...

In order to verify his thoughts, Mo Xie bravely stretched out his foot and stepped on the place where the trap appeared just now, but the soft sand was like a cloud, but the danger did not appear.

Damn, it's getting more and more complicated!

Looking at the current situation, Mo Xie was really struggling.

Because he didn't know where the quicksand trap would appear, it might have moved to the desert that he walked behind, making him dare not turn around now if he wants to go back.

The peculiar setting of the system made him puzzled. According to the current setting method, players will be in danger at any time as long as they enter the desert, and they cannot correctly predict the location of the quicksand trap...

Logically speaking, this kind of unsolvable situation should not exist. The system will definitely set a cracking method, and it will be in a nearby map setting.

Mo Xie stood there not daring to move, tilted his head and looked around...

In the large golden desert, except for the sand dunes, there are sand slopes, and then the monster spawning areas. There is no other situation.

Now he suspects that the way to crack the quicksand is in the map settings nearby.

For example, there are raised sand dunes, the dense monster groups not far away, or some special situations hidden in the desert.

"Dragon Soul, send a brother from the branch to meet me..." Mo Xie had to ask for help on the Alliance Channel.

He asked the big army behind to send a brother in the division, also using a mount to open the way, come to this place to help himself...

"I see, wait a minute." The God Realm Dragon Soul personally led a group of 500 people, summoning dozens of mounts to open the way in front, and reinforcements to the coordinate position where Mo Xie was...

There are mounts in front to explore, the players keep a certain distance to follow forward, and soon they also walked down the sandy **** and quickly searched for the desert on the left.

However, within a few minutes, exclamations rang out in the channel one after another. This group of reinforcement players, indeed, encountered the horrible quicksand again in the desert where Mo Xie walked!

The dozens of mounts in the pathfinder were half dead. Fortunately, the players responded quickly. Before the bunker expanded, all the mounts that did not enter the trap area were recovered.

When the bunker was restored to its original state, the nervous players recruited their mounts again, but they were surprised to find that their experience was the same as Mo Xie, and the place where the quicksand appeared has been restored to the original state...

"My goodness, what in case is this going to run around?"

"Damn, with such a mysterious quicksand trap, don't we have to face danger at any time?"

"What is the system doing, is it sincere to not let us live?"

The players complained angrily, and continued to recruit their mounts to explore slowly, and finally saw a small figure standing still in the yellow sand ahead, and they had found Mo Xie behind.

Under the exploration of the mount, the Dragon Soul of the God Realm led the team to quickly gather with Mo Xie, and told him the situation just now.

"I already know that there are countless quicksand traps in this desert, and their range of activities does not care about the ground, but changes locations at any time." Mo Xie nodded.

"In that case, if our mount is dead, it will be very dangerous?" God Realm Dragon Soul asked in horror.

"Yes, so I asked you to bring a sub-group over, because the number of mounts is large, and the number of people is limited, walking in the desert will not trigger too large quicksand traps." Moxie said.

"Understood, what Mo Da plans to do, we always have to find a way to solve the quicksand first." God Realm Dragon Soul said.

"I'm looking for a way to crack the quicksand now. This kind of quicksand is too harmful. The cracking method set by the system should not be difficult to find, otherwise the players will be scolded to death." Mo Xie thought.

"Yes, the more dangerous the setting, the cracking method must be found nearby." God Realm Dragon Soul nodded.

"I now suspect that there may be three ways to crack the quicksand, one is the surrounding hills, the other is in the nearby sand, and the third is that you may need to kill monsters to get quest props." Moxie said.

"It's not easy. I immediately divided people into three batches and went to the nearby sand dunes and the surrounding sand to find them. As for killing monsters, I can only deal with those poisonous scorpions." God Realm Dragon Soul said.

"Then start acting. We must find a way to threaten the quicksand as soon as possible. The large forces will move forward in batches and be careful and safe. We will meet those poisonous scorpions." Mo Xie knew that he wanted to avoid those disgusting monsters now. It is impossible.

Dangerous quicksand exists everywhere. If you want to stay safely in this desert map, you have to master the quicksand trap cracking method first.

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