The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 824: Guardian beast

Mo Xie only knew that the sky fire was a holy weapon, and had seen the great power of the Wuzhu sky fire. It was a kind of magical power that was difficult for ordinary people to grasp, and even the beasts could use it.

The Protoss did not hesitate to spend such a large price, but also to take the sky fire as its own, even ignoring the strength of the dragon god, secretly calculated that the dragon **** came to suppress the sky fire, which shows the incomparable preciousness of this holy artifact.

But now from the fire and phoenix divine beast, he finally learned that the sky-fire sacred artifact is not the only sacred artifact, there are three other sacred artifacts, and each sacred artifact not only has the power to destroy the world, It can also order the beast with the corresponding power to follow the instructions.

Skyfire belongs to the holy artifact of the fire system. All divine beasts with the power of the fire **** must obey the command of the owner of the skyfire.

And what kind of divine power does each of the other three holy artifacts represent?

"Young man, the Sacred Scepter of Skyfire is not only the source of fire divine power, but also has the function of wind divine power. Therefore, the beasts with talents of fire or wind must obey the orders of the skyfire holy artifact; the other three holy artifacts are the Heavenly Thunder Sacred Law. The sword possesses two divine powers of thunder and lightning type and gold type. The sky ice soul contemplating bow possesses two divine powers of water type and earth type. The holy light Haotian lock has two divine powers of light type and wood type. The four sacred artifacts respectively encompass the world. All the spiritual power classifications of sacred beasts are restricted by one of these four sacred artifacts. Once one of the four sacred artifacts recognizes the master, it is tantamount to annihilation for those two types of sacred beasts. From now on, they can only follow the orders of the owner of the sacred artifacts, and no longer have any freedom!" The Fire Phoenix Divine Beast explained in a panic.

For example, fire has come out today. If someone gains and controls the power of Skyfire first, then even the fire phoenix divine beast, no matter how strong his position and strength are, he must obediently become someone else’s servant...

"There is actually such a setting..." Mo Xie was surprised. Now that the role of the sacred artifact is known, he also understands that this is an advanced setting of the system. If you want the sacred artifact to recognize the master, the players may not have this now. capable.

Maybe when the two camps go to war, and the players are above level 80, they will have the ability and qualification to control the holy artifacts.

"Skyfire has been born, and I can't stay here anymore. I must heal my injuries quickly, and then go to the place where the skyfire is to guard. Otherwise, if the protoss can get the skyfire, I can only follow their instructions." Huofeng Divine Beast said nervously. .

"My sir, don't worry about it for the time being, the location where Skyfire hides is near my territory. You can go to my territory to rest with peace of mind. Once the injury is healed, the location of Skyfire will be handed over to you for protection." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Where is your territory? Take me there quickly." The Fire Phoenix Divine Beast hurriedly urged with its big eyes flashing with surprise.

"Okay, the lord will follow me on the road, first remove the space here and settle in my city lord mansion." Mo Xie smiled.

"It seems that it can only be so." The fire and phoenix monster spread its golden wings, and the huge rooster-like bird flew down from the high platform with its wings flapping. The colorful light flashed on its body and it became the size of an ordinary rooster. On Mo Xie's shoulders.

Feeling his shoulders sinking, Mo Xie looked sideways. On his left shoulder, a pair of golden light and huge bird claws densely covered with golden scales had firmly grasped his body.

"My lord, does my use of the city return scroll affect you?" Mo Xie asked.

"Just use it, I will leave with you." The loud voice of the Fire Phoenix Divine Beast sounded in my ears.


The objects in the foreground began to shine with countless points of light, and in an instant they turned into colorful **** of light, flying towards Mo Xie's front...

The divine beast withdrew to the exclusive space, and the original gorgeous cave and neat ground also restored their original appearance at this moment, turning into an ordinary dark cave. The potholes on the ground were no longer as neat as before.

Mo Xie didn't bother to look at it any more, and directly took out the Return City Scroll, and while using it, he chose the option of returning to God Realm Town. A beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped him and his back together.

The wind whistling in his ears, his feet lightened, the beam of light dissipated in the next second, and the foreground object also switched to the center of the teleportation array in God Realm Town.

"This is your territory, it looks very crude." The fire phoenix beast held his head up and looked around like a curious baby, but his tone was obviously full of disdain for the size of the town.

Mo Xie knew that this divine beast had once served as the guardian divine beast of the main city. Of course, he didn't look good at the town territory, so he was too lazy to argue, and walked directly out of the teleportation formation and headed towards the city lord's mansion.

However, after having been in contact with this beast for a long time, he gradually discovered that the so-called proud beast was actually very simple in heart. If it weren't for his strength and status to be too scary, he would look like a talking parrot in his current appearance. Chattering in the ear makes people angry.

Quickly crossed the square, led the beast to the gate of the city lord's mansion, used the authority to open the gate, and a lively scene suddenly appeared inside.

The warrior team led by General Anode, as well as hundreds of elves, rested on the square in the city lord mansion.

Since the upgrade of God Realm Town, the area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion has automatically doubled, and it has also been divided into two courtyards inside and outside.

The outer courtyard is the large small square that you see now. Opposite the square is the high platform of the city lord. After bypassing the high platform, you can see the gate of the back yard of the city lord’s mansion. When you walk in, there is a large step. At the end of the small square above, there are three The tall buildings are lined up.

These three tall buildings are the core area of ​​the entire town.

In the middle is the city hall, which enshrines a city totem, which symbolizes the key to the ownership of a city's territory.

On the left is the city’s main building, where Moxie can perform various detailed settings of the city’s prerequisites. Some functions cannot be used using the city’s main management interface and can only be modified by going to the city’s main building.

On the right is the guardian hall, inside which can appoint a beast to guard the city and serve as the guardian of God Realm Town.

However, the standards of guardian beasts have detailed rules. Even if a beast meets the rules, it depends on whether the other party is willing to accept the appointment.

When Mo Xie established his territory, he knew that appointing the guardian of the beast was very important to a city. Unfortunately, even Qing Binger’s status as a beast could not reach the system’s qualification to guard the beast...

Because a guarding beast must have a faction reputation value of more than 100,000 points, and the gain of faction reputation is a hidden attribute, which belongs to the accumulation of the number of enemies killed by the beast in the camp battle, or the fact that the faction is accumulated. .

Qing Binger had just been promoted to a sacred beast, and had never participated in a battle between the camps.

Now that he finally returned with a divine beast qualified to serve as the guardian of the territory, Mo Xie was very happy.

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