The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 826: Restrain quicksand

The glory of the beast is turned on, which can help players directly increase the full attribute bonus of 10, which is a very powerful state.

Although this state cannot take effect in the state, it is enough to ensure that players can improve the efficiency of follow-up during leveling and tasks.

The conditions for opening the state are also so simple. You only need one copper coin a day, but you have to visit the guardian temple of the territory every day.

It seems that in the future, the City Lord's Mansion will become lively.

Mo Xie simply opened up the qualifications for General Anodize and everyone to use the City Lord's Hall, allowing them to stay directly in the City Lord's Hall in the future to avoid accidents.

"Okay, boy, I hope that more and more residents in your territory will increase the number of people who worship me every day, and my divine power recovery speed will be much faster." The Fire Phoenix Divine Beast said with satisfaction.

"That's all right, please take care of your cultivation here, and we won't bother you." Mo Xie opened the enshrine instruction and consumed a copper coin to activate the glory halo...

With a ding sound, the copper coins were deducted, the golden halo in his status bar flashed instantly, and a series of bonus numbers kept popping up above his head.

"Go, is this little girl from the dragon clan? You can come here often to find me if you have time. I have a lot of things to ask you." The fire phoenix animal looked at Qing Binger and said curiously.

"I didn't have time to care about your big cock, let's go." Qing Binger turned and left without mercy.

"Everyone of the Dragon Race has a bad temper. I will look for you when I recover from my injury." The Fire Phoenix Divine Beast said helplessly.

Mo Xie held back a smile, and led a group to leave the guardian hall, leading the generals and queens to walk towards the hall on the other side.

After opening the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion and letting everyone stay in it, Mo Xie left without worry...

After the upgrade, the main hall of the city has three floors, and the space is enough to accommodate all the elves.

When the scale of the territory continues to increase, God Realm Town can be upgraded to God Realm City, or even the same size as the main city.

Only then, you have to find a suitable site to accommodate the huge existence of the next main city...

After walking out of the City Lord’s Mansion, the door is no longer closed. Anyway, there will be a large number of brothers coming to worship every day, and now there are countless excited players...

The underwhelmed crowd rushed to the city lord's mansion from the streets and alleys, and happened to collide with Mo Xie who came out.

"Great, what is the glory of the beast?"

"Are there **** beasts guarding our territory?"

"Isn't it, really invited the beast?"

For an instant, countless pairs of shiny eyes stared at Mo Xie, and the players looked particularly excited.

You must know that at this stage, it is a great honor to see the beast, not to mention your own territory invited the beast to guard...

"You don't need to ask, you can just take a look at it when you worship, and don't be disappointed." Mo Xie said with a smile, and a funny image of a big **** sitting on a golden throne emerged in his mind...

It's really a troubled phoenix that is not as good as a chicken. The fire phoenix divine beast looks like this, I am afraid that more brothers will be disappointed.

But this is also good, at least it will not reveal the true identity of the beast.

After all, once the guardian duties are accepted, the fire and phoenix animal is also protected by the territory. The name and basic attributes on its head are temporarily hidden. Except for the management to know its exact name, other players cannot see it. Any writing on the top of his head.

Waved for the players to hurry up to worship, Mo Xie called out the mount and ran wild...

All the way through the city gate and across the large grassland outside the city, he once again entered the quicksand desert map.

At this time, the trio of **** was on duty, leading half of the brothers to continue besieging the poisonous scorpion, while the dragon soul returned to the city with half to worship first.

Knowing that Mo Xie had arrived, God Realm Wutian personally led a small team to greet him.

"How about it, how many poison sacs did you get?" Mo Xie asked with a smile as he watched the crowd approach.

"The explosion rate is not bad. Almost two or three poisonous sacs can explode a poison sac after they die. We have collected almost a thousand poison sacs. It should be enough to explore the desert. But this poison sac is very fun, we decided It’s better to make more backups, and the future battles can play a big role.” God Realm Wutian smiled.

The poison sac of the poisonous scorpion not only has a funny coloring effect, but also has a poisonous attack state. It is also an extra item that consumes the enemy's health.

If this kind of item is sold at a stall, it can be exchanged for a few silver coins...

"Have you tested the usefulness of the poison sac to the trap?" Mo Xie asked.

"Of course I have done the experiment. Don't say it, the boss. The effect is really good. Once the quicksand traps are marked, you can see a cloud of black flowing around the surface of the desert from afar, and you don't have to worry about appearing beside us at any time. Jie Wutian said with a smile.

"That's good." Mo Xie was also excited.

I found a correct way to break the quicksand trap. This dangerous map is equivalent to removing more than half of the threat...

If you explore the desert in the future, at least you will no longer be afraid of quicksand.

Under the protection of their mounts, Mo Xie followed behind and set off forward, walking down the sand **** all the way.

Suddenly, a bunker appeared again at the feet of the horse in front of him, and soon the screaming horse fell into the sand and disappeared on the ground.

With a flash of black light, God Realm Wutian waved his hand and threw a poison sac, smashing it into the center of the sandpit. With a bang, the poison sac burst, and a large swath of ink turned the sand into a black paint color.

Mo Xie watched in surprise as the black sandy land quickly slipped away on the desert, circling back and forth in the distance, and did not move away.

"The boss sees it, these quicksands are very cunning, it seems that the system is deliberately set this way, always like to be close to the player." God Realm said helplessly.

"Don't be afraid now, but you have to lose some mounts. Try to restore the level of the mounts." Moxie said.

Players are now gradually approaching level 50, but the riding pets they use are still the lowest level for capturing wild monsters.

The map level currently entered is getting higher and higher, and the range from the main city is getting farther and farther. The running speed of the low-level mounts and their attributes can't keep up with the development level of the players.

However, according to official information, in the 50-level field map, there is a special ranch map for players to capture mounts.

Inside, you can catch more advanced and powerful riding pets with luck!

However, the official did not provide more detailed information on where the special ranch map is and how to capture the high-level mounts.

But now, the mounts of the players are still the original ordinary and excellent quality mounts.

Players who are a little bit local, directly spend money to acquire outstanding quality mounts captured by others.

But in any case, the quality of the initial mount was limited, the running speed was very slow, and the attributes were even more terrible.

Therefore, when facing a quicksand trap, once the mount is trapped, it will be killed directly.

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