The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 842: Precious mine

Since entering the 50-level advanced field map, players have officially opened the real prologue to be continued.

As for the previous low-level maps, it is just a process for players to gradually adapt and familiarize themselves with the game world. Up to now, all valuable resources and rich mineral veins are only available in maps of level 50 and above. Will be fully displayed

The 50-level map is the basic map in the advanced map. Many necessary resources and mineral veins are basically hidden in the 50-level map waiting to be discovered, while the more advanced maps contain some special various resources.

Nowadays, in the large sand dunes discovered by the Allied Forces of the God Realm, there are more than a dozen rich mineral veins hidden, and they are all basic resources for players to make various props!

He notified Brother Zhao and asked him to rush over with the Life Legion and the Mining Spirits. Mo Xie once again notified the brothers who were rushing to the desert on the right, and asked them to wait for the Life Legion at the entrance of the map, and brought them here together...

The rest is nothing more than waiting slowly.

However, in order to determine the location of the mineral vein earlier, this time, Mo Xie is still worth the wait...

He chatted with Mo Xiaolang, while the beauties surrounded Princess Zixin and Qing Bing'er, and the excitement laughed from time to time.

After more than half an hour passed, countless figures appeared on the ridge behind, cheering and slid down directly from the ridge, and quickly approached the large group in the sand dunes at the foot of the mountain.

Mo Xie has received news that Brother Zhao's team is in this crowded crowd...

Seeing countless figures rushing forward quickly, the commanders of Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang rushed to greet them.

"Mr. Mo, we are here, and all the mine spirits have been brought." Zhao Ge was surrounded by a group of life commanders, standing in front of Mo Xie excitedly.

"Very good, now give the order to let the miners take the mine spirits to find nearby, and confirm a mineral vein immediately to map it." Mo Xie smiled and nodded.

He has seen that many players who are wearing low-level equipment, and even without equipment in many parts, holding mining hoes in their hands are not weapons. These people can tell at a glance that they are the miners of the professional guild.

After many years of game development, this kind of professional miner is no surprise in the eyes of players, and there is an unwritten rule. No matter what, you are not allowed to attack these life professions at will. Once you meet life professional players in the wild Asking for help, any guild player must help them return safely to nearby cities.

Therefore, life players don't need much equipment or high level. As long as they can mine smoothly, they don't need to worry about everything.

A large group of miners formed two large queues, and in the middle protected a small green dwarf. Their eyes were very clear, round and big, and they were looking at the surrounding environment in horror.

There are more than one hundred dwarves who are only one meter tall, wearing green leather armor, carrying a small bamboo basket on their backs, and holding mini mining hoes in their hands. They are one of the many auxiliary elves in this virtual world. Known as Miner.

These mine spirits are very small, and they hide in the dark underground veins for their lives. They live on mining. Except for the elves who can approach them, no other players and players can approach these clever little guys.

Fortunately, this group of mine spirits had long been regained by Princess Zixin and the people. They were originally the mining slaves of the Protoss, but unexpectedly they became Moxie's private property.

Although the total number of this batch of mine spirits is only 167 people, each of them is a natural mining master.

Some mineral spirits with higher grades even have the ability to find mineral veins, so Princess Zixin would send a reminder.

According to Moxie's instructions, the life players who have reached a friendly relationship with the mine spirits guide these little guys toward the depths of the sand dunes...

Several purple-named mine spirits with the fastest growth and the highest rank were brought to the forefront of the team by the life commander, and surrounded them to explore.

Unexpectedly, the good news is coming. This prospecting troop has just walked into a hill. The purple mine spirits in the front have widened their round eyes, radiating surprise light, and raised their little fingers to the sand dunes. The most recent prescription...

The life commanders were overjoyed and immediately sent people to explore the dune with a wave of their hands.

"I found one, and there is a hidden hole hidden by the sand."

After a while, the players were excited to send good news.

"I'm going, so fast!" Several beauties were already shocked.

Within a few minutes, they just got under the sand dune, and several players from the hole that was originally blocked by the sand dune sent good news continuously, proving that the sand dune here is a natural rock mine with blue quality inside. The various basic ores above...

The first mine was easily found, and everyone was immediately surprised by the abilities of the mine spirits.

However, the topography of the sand dunes is too large and must be close to the location of the veins in order for the mine spirits to judge. The players waited patiently, and Mo Xiaolang took the lead with a group of assassin legions to the front of the map to explore again and find The location of the entrance to the Sands Treasure.

For most of the day, the good news is that one after another, the mine spirits have continuously made new discoveries. Almost all of the basic mineral veins needed for various life and occupations are gathered in this sand dune.

Timber mining areas can also be found in the desert. The wood of various qualities in the mines, from low to high, grows very luxuriantly under the sand dunes...

Although this setting is unreasonable, but this is the game world, as long as the players can get the materials, they will not complain.

Medicinal mines, found!

Metal mine, found!

In the leather mine, countless small animals that could strip the leather were squeezed into a group. The players who entered the mine almost fell into a large area with dense mink and weasel...

There are also various crystal mine auxiliary metal mine auxiliary quarry auxiliary crystal mine, etc., in this vast sand dune area, one by one is identified by the miners.

Such a rich harvest has made Brother Zhao and the life commander laugh from ear to ear. They don't have to worry about anything now, just collect materials and produce props.

This situation surprised Mo Xie and the beautiful women. In the four directions outside the main city, there is an elite map setting in each direction. Are these elite maps all hiding the settings of various mineral resources? ?

This kind of good thing will definitely not be exclusive to the God Realm League family, I am afraid that other places are also similar system settings.

But no matter what, these concentrated resource mining areas were first discovered. As long as they can be quickly utilized, the God Realm Alliance can still maintain its lead.

"Brother Zhao, all the resources are ready for you, you should hurry up and develop them." Mo Xie said lightly.

"Don’t worry, Mr. Mo, you have prepared such good conditions for us. If we can’t use it anymore, we will find a wall and smash it to death by ourselves... However, the resources are enough. We need a lot of maps to make this way. Ensure that the firepower is fully on, and the produced props can be sold as soon as possible." Zhao Ge said excitedly.

"A large number of production maps have already been given to you. You first make them according to those maps and prioritize production based on economic value. As for future production maps, the Battle Corps will continue to provide you with these maps. You don't have to worry about these."

Mo Xie promised.

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