The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 847: Expensive dependent territories

After returning to the territory, Mo Xie took two beauties and strode towards the city lord's mansion.

Mo Xiaolang and the beauties led a large number of players to continue to the quicksand desert map to explore the situation of the leveling dungeons, and to prepare for all combat professionals to enter the dungeon for leveling tomorrow.

Enter the City Lord's Mansion, go through the outer courtyard, and go directly to the three core buildings in the inner courtyard. The one on the far left is the City Lord's Mansion Building.

Three steps need to be completed to start the construction of affiliated territories this time.

The first step is to open the scope of the subsidiary territory selection in the city lord’s mansion and delineate the area you want to build. As long as all the requirements of the system are met, the system will directly give the corresponding price according to the delineated area. After delivering enough gold coins, that piece The place was bought by the God Realm League.

In the second step, buying the territory is just the beginning. Mo Xie has to go to the city hall and bring the dependent territory into the scope of urban management. In this way, the territory can be officially recognized by God Realm Town and normal construction can be carried out.

The third step is simple. Buy the territory and include it in the city. The territory is equivalent to the jurisdiction of God Realm Town, and everything is the same as the territory protection rules. At this time, it is necessary to specify the construction of various territories according to the scope of the site.

However, there are still some differences between dependent territories and territories. In the dependent territories, city walls cannot be built, city lord mans cannot be built, and some basic auxiliary building functions can only be performed.

For example, auxiliary building functions such as the most basic walled commercial buildings, warehouses and workshops.

In other words, in addition to the basic buildings, other core buildings in the dependent territory cannot be constructed.

But for Moxie and Brother Zhao, this is enough. The mining area only needs warehouses and workshops to make them very satisfied. Besides, there are commercial buildings. Building a potion shop can satisfy players when they are leveling nearby. The potion is in demand.

What's even more powerful is that after the subsidiary territory is completed, it will also have an exclusive teleportation formation, allowing players to teleport between God Realm Town and the subsidiary territory at will.

However, this exclusive teleportation array is only effective for the residents of God Realm Town and cannot be opened to the outside world.

In other words, it is no longer possible to make money with this teleportation array.

But in general, the existence of the dependent territory will play a very important role in the development of the God Realm League, but the money spent will also make Mo Xie's flesh pain for a while.

Entering the city main building, the two beauties and the large group gathered together, and Mo Xie continued to walk towards the second floor, stepping on the highest floor of the third floor.

The current God Realm Town is only the size of an intermediate town, so the city main building has only three floors. Once God Realm Town is upgraded to God Realm City, the layout of the entire town will undergo major changes.

The most obvious change in the City Lord’s Mansion is that after upgrading to a city, even the most basic city, the layout of the City Lord’s Mansion immediately changed from a two-layer courtyard to a three-entry mansion.

The first residence is still the outer courtyard, which has more than tripled in size, and the two rows of rooms are much more spacious.

As for the second entrance to the mansion, the city’s main building has moved here and turned into a tall tower, where you can stand on top of the tower and overlook all the surroundings of the city.

The city lord’s office is on the top floor of the tower.

In the third entrance to the mansion, only the core hall of the city and the guardian temple are left. The two halls also have obvious changes. This is the combination of this hall, forming a magnificent palace. If you want to enter the city hall, you must first Guard the temple, so that the beast can directly take on the responsibility of guarding the stone monument of the city.

And now the City Lord's Mansion is only the scale of the town.

On the third floor, in the empty hall, there is a set of tables and chairs on the opposite side, and a huge wooden table on which the sand table topography of the entire God Realm Town is placed.

There is a miniature outline of the entire territory on the sand table, where the city lord can set the territory at will, as long as it spends more money, he can continue to rebuild.

Mo Xie sat on the throne of the city lord for the first time, picked up a corresponding management book from the table, and opened the subsidiary territory management, then opened the private chat channel and asked about the situation on Brother Zhao.

"It's ready, I'll send it to you right away." Brother Zhao said excitedly.

A screenshot was posted to the channel, and Mo Xie immediately checked the content...

This is the entire big map of the Quicksand Desert. Many places on it are detailed maps explored by players, but most of them are still hidden by the dark screen.

However, on the right side near the edge of the map, Brother Zhao drew a rectangular red line on it, and within the red line was the scope of the dependent territory he determined.

On the four points of the rectangular red line, there are also coordinate points marked by Zhao Ge's text, which is convenient for Mo Xie to check.

After getting the detailed site data, Mo Xie immediately used his hand to manage the atlas, and a huge functional interface suddenly popped up in front of him.

Attached territory management function:

Map name:

Mo Xie immediately entered the four characters of Quicksand Desert in the box behind the map name.

Just pressing the confirmation command, the interface in front of my eyes flashed, and a huge black map appeared with four words on it, Quicksand Desert!

The entire desert map is actually covered by a black screen, and no terrain can be seen.

Mo Xie shook his head speechlessly. The system really didn't take advantage of the players, and even the choice of an attached territory would prevent players from seeing all the information on the map.

Below the black map, there are four boxes, with text descriptions in front. Players are required to enter the four coordinate points of the map that they want to circle into the corresponding boxes.

According to the settings of the system, players choose the subordinate territory, only square or rectangular territory is allowed. There is no choice of triangles and polygons. As long as the four coordinate points are correct, the map will naturally form a delineated square map. position.

Mo Xie immediately took the screenshot and entered the coordinate points into the corresponding boxes one by one, and red dots continued to appear on the black screen.

At the moment when all the four coordinate points are flashing red, the four borders are automatically connected on the screen, and a rectangular area is surrounded by a red line.

Ding...System: Dear Lord City Lord, you have selected an affiliated territory. Do you want to change it?


Mo Xie immediately pressed the negative command.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the lord, the territory you selected has been approved by the system, and the area of ​​the territory is being calculated, please wait!

The system prompts to pop out continuously, and Mo Xie knew that it was time to pay.

Moreover, the money seems to be a lot.

Waiting quietly, nearly ten seconds passed, the system prompt finally sounded again...

Looking at the astronomical figure of 34.51 million gold coins reported by the system information, Mo Xie almost lost his eyes.

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