The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 863: Rewards and threats

He quickly walked to the end of the outer courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, stepped onto the high steps, and stood in front of the Lord City Lord on the high platform.

Looking at the city lord who was wearing a gorgeous black brocade robe and a high crown, Mo Xie couldn't help but think of the last time he deceived the city lord, and couldn't help but secretly laugh.

But after all, it is not a player, not to mention that this is a mission. They will not remember anything other than mission-related things, so Mo Xie doesn't have to worry about Lord City Lord's revenge.

But now, the only thing he is curious about is that, obviously his main mission is from the Saint Princess camp, why do he need to receive the new level 50 main story from the Lord Lord?

What is the system doing?

Reaching out and clicking on the figure of Lord City Lord, Mo Xie immediately opened the dialogue scene...


The light in front of him flashed, because he had a mission, and immediately opened the dialogue plot with Lord City Lord.

"Don't be sad, you are finally here!" Lord City Lord said with a gloomy face.

"My Lord City Lord, I heard that you are looking for something to do with me, so I came to see the Lord." Mo Xie replied according to the plot of the mission.

"I heard that during this period of time, you have been tracking down the war between General Anode and General Yanghui, and you want to help the Saint Princess regain the imperial power. Is there such a thing?" Lord City Lord asked sharply.

Listening to his roar, Mo Xie was shocked. How could this be to pick up the task? The system completely asked him to confess his guilt!

What's happening here?

At this moment when Mo Xie was frightened, the dialogue plot proceeded normally, and his character automatically answered according to the system settings...

"My Lord City Lord, you are a member of the Protoss in the line of God Fire. Of course, you don’t want me to continue investigating the events of the year, but this matter is full of doubts. Now the general anode has returned from his injuries. If there is no reasonable explanation, I am afraid it will cause Greater trouble."

"What's the trouble? The answer was already available at the time. The general anode was plotting a crime, intending to take advantage of his majesty's just ascending the throne to seize the city of Sunset and become king. He is already the rebellion of the human race!" The lord of the city screamed Tao.

"But the thing I investigated is not the case. Under the guise of your majesty, your protoss dispatched General Yanghui to besiege General Anode, leading to internal massacre in the Sunset Legion, and also transferred a sacred beast to attack the guarding sacred beast, causing him to lose his opposition. The protection of the city. It is obviously full of conspiracy, I must thoroughly investigate it." Mo Xie replied neither humble nor humble.

Mo Xie was already dumbfounded by seeing his character turn his face directly with the city lord...

Unexpectedly, after level 50, the system would arrange for itself to openly and protoss?

Does the system think that when players reach level 50, they have already met the conditions for confronting the Protoss and set up such a task!

"Don't be sad, this matter has been in the past for a long time, no one wants to listen to your side, no matter what you find out, let's just stop. As long as you agree to give up the investigation, the city lord can give you a generous return." The lord of the city said warmly. .

Uh, can't hard ones come soft?

Looking at the dialogue in the plot, Mo Xie was shocked and wondering what would happen.

"My Lord, although this matter has been going on for a long time, both the dead soldiers and the wounded generals need a reasonable answer. You ask me to give up the investigation, can you have a better suggestion?" Mo Xie asked.

"Don't be sad, our head teacher personally investigated the matter. He has promised that if you abandon the investigation, we will immediately revoke all charges of General Anode and his subordinates. He can be reinstated and go to another main city to continue as a general. And you, Master Master will give you a very sincere reward. You can take a look at this list of rewards and tell me how you choose." The Lord of the City smiled and stretched out his hands, each of which shined. Shin, two props appeared...

On his left hand, there was a brilliant golden token with the four characters of the general's order clearly written on it.

On his right hand, he is holding a huge golden treasure chest. The lid has been opened. Four props can be clearly seen inside, a kit with the word "experience", a cloth robe with red light, a huge gold brick and a black top. The crown...

In front of Mo Xie's eyes, system information for two options also appeared.

Option one:

Accept the proposal of the Lord of the Sunset and abandon the mission route of continuing to confront the Protoss.

Option two:

Rejecting the request of the Lord of Sunset, continue to investigate the time of the year, and look for the whereabouts of the holy princess.

Choose a reward:

One: General Anode and all soldiers in exile are all released from the wanted state, General Anode gets a new general position and leads all soldiers to take positions in new cities.

Two: You will get a super gift pack, which includes: an experience kit, which can immediately improve yourself by 2 levels after use; a sub-artifact cloth robe with random attributes; a gold brick, which will be rewarded with 100,000 gold coins after use ; An official hat can be directly promoted to Imperial Centurion after use.

Three: After accepting the proposal and reward of the city lord, your mission mainline will be reset, starting from the normal mainline plot at level 50, and all previous missions will be cleared.

What... there is such a thing?

Looking at the rewards in the hands of Lord City Lord, and then at the information prompts of the system, Mo Xie had already opened his mouth in surprise.

Starting from level 50, the system actually gave him an opportunity to re-adjust the task, and the rewards look very good!

You can directly upgrade 2 levels, you can also get the robes of the sub-artifact, and there is even a reward of 100,000 gold coins!

The most surprising thing is that he can also directly promote the official position, which is a reward for being an official immediately after the new official position system is opened.

Centurion, it seems that the official is not too big, but it is almost the same. After all, there are still a few ranks of official positions below the centurion to jump over.

Mo Xie was shocked and continued to look down. What would be the consequences of not accepting the conditions?

Option two:

Reject the proposal of the Lord of the Sunset, all your rewards will be cancelled, all missions will remain unchanged, you can continue to open new mission plots, but you will be chased by the Protoss again, going to the imperial city will be very dangerous, always be careful to avoid persecution from the Protoss .

I'm going, no!

Looking at the introduction of Choice Two, Mo Xie felt nervous again...

The last time I deceived this city lord, he just cancelled his wanted status. Do you want to do it again?

But the system said very clearly that this time it was not a wanted order from the Human Race Royal Family, and it did not affect Mo Xie's journey to the imperial city, nor did it affect his daily actions.

This chase was only an order issued by the Protoss. Once Moxie was targeted by the Protoss, he would face threats anytime and anywhere.

In other words, after reaching level 50, the Sacred Fire Palm Sect finally could no longer tolerate his own troubles, and let the Lord of the Sunset give two choices.

Is it to accept generous rewards and stop looking for trouble, or refuse to reward and break openly with the Protoss!

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