The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 873: Mine site

Mo Xie led a large group of curious players and quickly came to the countless high platforms on the side of the grotto. Some players rushed to the neatly stacked mine carts, and some players stayed under the high platforms, watching the situation curiously.

"Mo, come and see, these mine carts are very curious." Lianna and the players are observing these black mine carts. I saw a four-wheeled bucket mine cart, which can hold at least dozens of people. Players, there are a lot of ore loaded.

"What's the situation?" Mo Xie turned his head and saw Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao actually pushing out a minecart. The four wheels of the minecart happened to be stuck in the track, and when they pushed it, it turned quickly. stand up.

This scene seems a bit daunting. You must know that the height of the two big beauties is not as high as a wheel of a minecart. How can such a big and bulky minecart be easily pushed away by the two in an instant and walk away. Is also very flexible...

"This car is so light, it moves very agile in the tracks, we don't need much effort, it can rush forward quickly!" Ouyang Jiaojiao said excitedly.

"No..." Zhou Jianing also walked over in surprise, stretched out his hand and pushed a minecart, and heard it whirring and turning four huge wheels, the speed instantly doubled!

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang hurriedly walked over in surprise, watching the minecart rush forward along the track, and approached one side, trying to reach out to stop the rushing big guy.

If it were changed to the normal situation, such a heavy minecart, coupled with the galloping speed, not to mention the strength of one person, even dozens of people may not be able to stop it directly.

But Mo Xie stretched out his hand and just touched the edge of the minecart. The moment the power came, the car stopped directly and lightly, just before his eyes.

"Why is this car so light?" Mo Xie understood the situation, and with a light push, barely using much strength, the minecart quickly backed up and rushed to the beauties.

"Yes, these minecarts are probably like this." Zhou Jianing smiled.

"The owner here is really amazing. He actually designed such a light and huge minecart to transport ore very easily." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Also, the conveyor belts on the high platforms are the tools for transporting the ore to the upper level. It's incredibly mechanized here," Moxie said.

"They can collect such high-quality ore and have modern equipment. What are they doing?" Lianna asked.

"It's not clear yet. I'm afraid we have missed the stone wall of the upper level workshop. There must be a channel for transporting ore." Mo Xie walked to a high platform and climbed up the steps on one side, patrolling the conveyor belt intently. Below, it is found that many round rollers are arranged below the conveyor belt. As long as the mechanism is activated, a large amount of ore can be transported from low to high.

This kind of modern equipment was actually found in the world of classical games, which made Mo Xie feel extremely incredible.

However, there are still some differences between the organs and modern equipment here, but the working principles are similar.

I just don't know what kind of energy is used to drive the conveyor belt.

He quickly walked up to the high platform, and suddenly found that there were two unicycle-like equipment on each side of the high platform, and he walked to one side curiously and sat on the seat.

Stepping on the pedals with both feet, with a gentle force, the sound of Karakala's rotation suddenly sounded, and there were rolling noises under the conveyor belt.

"One can't turn, Brother Wolf goes to the other side." Mo Xie already understood that someone needs to keep stepping on the pedal to start the conveyor belt to start the operation of the equipment.

But what surprised him was that, like a minecart, this wheelbarrow is also very light, and it takes almost no effort to step on the pedal, and it is very easy to start the conveyor belt.

"I'll go and see." Mo Xiaolang immediately got on the wheelbarrow on the other side as requested, and the two stepped on it at the same time.


The conveyor belt of this high platform really moved quickly...

"It's so easy, no effort at all." Mo Xiaolang exclaimed.

"I don't know how much time has existed here, but the props can still be used. It is really amazing." Mo Xie jumped off the wheelbarrow and said with a sigh.

"The most amazing thing is, how can the materials for these manufacturing mechanisms be so portable, a mine cart of that size, it is estimated that a strong young man can lift it up with both hands." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Check it out." Mo Xie smiled and used the observation command, but the wheelbarrow in front of him jumped out, still a blank interface.

In other words, his current situation is not qualified to check the materials used in these props.

"I can't see the minecart. The material description is a blank interface." Lianna also looked at the minecart curiously in the audience, shaking her head and said.

"It seems that all the materials are made of high-quality ore. We can't see it for the time being." Mo Xiaolang sighed.

"I have a guess, the materials used in these mine carts and organ props are not the Buddha gold and stone mines we saw?" Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"How can it be such a coincidence that these Buddha gold and stone mines are all golden in appearance, and the mine carts and the props are black and lacquered like stones, not the same color at all." Lianna said.

"Yes, the colors are different, it may not be the ore here as the material." Ouyang Jiaojiao nodded.

"Xiao Mo, tell me what you think." Mo Xiaolang asked curiously.

"We have tried it just now. No matter whether it is the ore pile or these props, there is no way to check the properties. This is just the same point. The huge hangers we saw in the workshop on the first floor were obviously assembled with huge props. All, but under the hanger, no other props were found, so how do they assemble giant props, unless these accessories are very light." Moxie said.

"What you mean is that they found these ore piles, which are very light but extremely strong, so they first collect ore to make mine carts and all the institutions here, and then start to collect ore in large quantities to produce other props... "Mo Xiaolang analyzed.

"That's what I meant, but without clarifying the specific functions of the ore, all guesses are possible." Moxie said.

"Then let everyone continue to check and find out if there is any other situation." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

Under the orders of the two, all the players scattered around and started a careful search in the cave, looking for clues that might have been missed.

Mo Xiaolang began to look for hidden organs along the stone wall, while Mo Xie looked around on the high platform...

The entire cave is very empty, and the ground has been inspected again, and there will be no other gains.

And the surrounding walls, Mo Xiaolang is leading people to search, what he has to do now is to look at the top of his head, what is strange.

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