The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 877: Protoss Relic: Yufeng Floating Boat

The flat stone wall on the top of the cave suddenly appeared countless crisscross cracks, and countless square cracks appeared at the same time!

"Everyone, be careful, the mechanism is opened, and the slate is about to fall!" Mo Xie looked at the situation before him and quickly reminded him loudly.

"Everyone protect their heads, don't be smashed." Mo Xiaolang also warned loudly.

Mo Xie was hit by countless stones just now, and there was still a slight pain in his body.

Waiting for the sound of the falling to finally calm down, the brilliant light is already shining from the sky, and the brightness of the entire cave has increased several times.

Like everyone else, he raised his head and looked into the air curiously.

When everyone saw the situation in the air, their eyes suddenly became straight, and they were all shocked by what they saw before them...

I saw above the wide cave roof, several rows of huge white crystal stones inlaid on the cave roof, emitting dazzling white lights.

But what is shocking is not these crystal lights, but the countless silver boats hovering in the air and lined up in a neat square line under the white beam of light!

These small boats are the black boats they saw just now, but now they are surprised to find that these silver ships, about 20 meters long and 5-6 meters wide, are floating in the air out of thin air without any support around them. And connect!

"The suspended boat?"

The players opened their eyes wide, and they were surprised by what they saw before them.

Although they don’t know the situation of these floating boats, they all understand that they might have found the baby today...

"What's the situation, flying boat?" Lianna asked incredulously.

"Yeah, why are these ships floating in the air, won't they fall?" Zhou Jianing raised her head, looking surprised.

"Xiao Mo, it looks like we have made a fortune." Mo Xiaolang couldn't restrain his surprise, and whispered with a smile.

"I don't know, what exactly these silver flying boats look like..." Mo Xie's heart also began to beat violently.

In such a situation, the players estimate that no one knows the mystery and can only ask for help.

He quickly turned around and sent a request to Qing Bing'er, asking her to immediately look for the magic craftsman of the mechanism and take him to explain the situation here.

Watching the Dragon Girl turned and left, Mo Xie stood on the high platform, looking up at the sky above the top of the cave. The spectacular silver fleet was suspended there quietly.

With such a mysterious prop, Mo Xie was very much looking forward to knowing what magical function it had.

"Look, boss, in the center of the cave top, there seems to be a box on it." A sharp-eyed player shouted in surprise.

"Box?" Mo Xie looked over his head in surprise, his gaze penetrated the silver fleet, and looked carefully on the rock wall of the cave roof...

Sure enough, after a while, many players were shouting in excitement, and they discovered the location of the box.

Under the reminder of the players, commanders such as Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang finally saw that in the center of the cave in the distance, close to the high ceiling, there was indeed a silver treasure chest inlaid on the stone wall.

"Who can get this high?" Lianna asked.

"The piled stone platform can't be so high, let the dragon girl help." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Binger has already invited the master craftsman, wait until she comes back." Mo Xie turned around and slowly walked off the high platform.

Standing among the stones in the same place, he and the players looked at the top of their heads. Those huge silver flying boats surprised everyone.

This important discovery, let all players understand in their hearts, will bring a huge surprise to the God Realm League!

As Mo Xie returned to the ground, Mo Xiaolang and everyone else returned to the ground, including Princess Zixin.

"Your Royal Highness, do you know these flying boats?" Mo Xie asked.

"I have never seen it before, nor have I heard any news about this silver flying boat in the ancient books of the clan." Princess Zixin shook her head and said.

"Even the elves don't know..." Mo Xiaolang widened his eyes in surprise.

"No, is this thing so mysterious?" Ouyang Jiaojiao said in surprise.

"If you don't even know the master craftsman, what should we do?" Lianna asked.

"The thing has been discovered, so I'm worried that I can't find any news about it. Maybe there are related instructions in that treasure chest." Mo Xie explained with a smile.

"I'll know when Bing'er comes back. I hope this discovery can bring us benefits." Mo Xiaolang smiled excitedly.

Everyone stood there, staring at the fleet overhead, waiting for the arrival of the master craftsman...

Fortunately, this place is not far from God Realm Town, and Qing Bing'er's flying speed is extremely fast. Within half an hour, I heard a loud dragon roar in the cave. In the blue light shining, Qing Bing'er went all the way from the top of the mountain. At the entrance, the master craftsman flew directly to the ground.

As the icy blue light flickered, Qing Binger and the master craftsman stood in front of Mo Xie.

"Oh my God, this is... it's amazing. I didn't expect that the old man would see such a miracle in his lifetime!" The master craftsman had just arrived here, before Mo Xie came forward to say hello, he had already raised his head and looked up. The sky was stunned by the situation above his head.

Even the master craftsman was so gaffey, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang looked at each other in surprise, knowing that this discovery might be very precious!

"Master, do you know these things?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"The old man never expected that this kind of divine object, which has been lost for thousands of years, was discovered by you!" The organ master craftsman replied with surprise.

"These spacecrafts have been lost for thousands of years?" Mo Xiaolang asked puzzledly.

"What do you know, this is the God-Fighting Shenzhou that can only be made by the Protoss secret technique. According to legend, it is the magical craft that can only be mastered by the wind system. There is no Yufeng Shenzhou, the old man is also in the records of the division, so he can know the existence of this kind of treasure!" The **** craftsman said excitedly.

"This turned out to be something of the Protoss, but what use is it?" Mo Xie asked.

From the master's two simple words, he seems to have understood what is going on here...

The entire workshop and mine are the venues where the Wind Protoss specially made the Royal Wind Flying Boat thousands of years ago, but because of the outbreak of the Protoss war, they had to temporarily evacuate the place, so they abandoned the workshop and the mine was cleared for preservation. These treasures that cannot be taken away, they also specially set up compartments for protection.

"Yufeng Shenzhou can fly freely between the sky and the earth. It is the most magical product of the manufacturing industry. A flying boat can accommodate 500 people in flight, and it is also one of the three most powerful weapons of the Protoss." The God Crafter replied.

"They can really fly with people... and can take 500 people at a time?" Mo Xie almost stammered in surprise.

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