The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 882: Make a comeback

Before the players came, they never expected that the location of the Tibetan soldiers would be so grand. Not only did there be sunlight from the concentrating tower, there was such a large grassland and large farmland, and there was a market town on the opposite side. Community exists...

"Yes, the old thing Yang Hui has bothered, I forgive him." General anode looked at the scene in front of him with a smile, strode out of the end of the canyon, stepped onto the soft grass, and walked towards the hillside ahead.

The players followed closely, walking curiously in the rich grass, watching the incredible scenes around them.

As far as my eyes could be, there was a patch of turquoise everywhere, the woods and grasses were extremely luxuriant, and from time to time I could see hares rushing out of the haystack, looking at these foreign guys suspiciously.

Following the grassland all the way forward, the players soon came to a wide stream and watched the gurgling water of the seven or eight-meter-wide stream. In the crystal clear stream, countless fish were swimming quickly, as if Very leisurely.

The players couldn't bear to step across the river, breaking the tranquility of the stream.


General Anode has already taken the lead in wading across the creek, walking excitedly towards the large pastoral area on the opposite side...

Players also walked through the creek, and oncoming was the artificially reclaimed fields filled with mountains and plains, and there were rows and rows of paddles everywhere, countless wheat and rice were already at the time of harvest, and golden wheat ears and grains bent their branches. head.

Looking at the large fields of countryside, Mo Xie couldn't help feeling very emotional. In order to protect these soldiers, General Yang Hui spent a lot of effort.

No wonder these soldiers are protected in underground caves and can survive such a long time...

As the anode general walked between the fields and hurried quickly towards the opposite hillside market town, he saw that in the fields on both sides of the road far away, under the cover of some dense plants, gradually revealed a burly figure of doubt. Come.

These burly men, wearing only a thin cloth coat, holding hoes and farm tools in their hands, seemed to be busy in the field, and were finally shocked by the arrival of the uninvited group of Mo Xie.

They hid among the lush vegetation, looking outside with vigilant eyes. When the burly figure of the anode general in heavy armor appeared for the first time, the eyes of these burly men suddenly changed from tension to surprise, and then to surprise. ...

"The general is here! The general is here!"

Cheers suddenly sounded in the fields on both sides, and the surprised players all stopped...

"Let’s stop going forward, let the general and his soldiers gather together." Mo Xie glanced at the countless black spots continuously pouring out from the fields on both sides, and on the opposite hillside, not a single building rushed out. The black spots of the blockbuster show that the next thing is the touching plot set by the system. Players don't need to join in the fun anymore, just wait for the things after they get together.

Under Moxie's order, the players spread out on the spot, sitting on the grass and waiting quietly, watching the anode general surrounded by a large group of burly men, clustered towards the distant hillside...

Footsteps sounded intensively, and the entire underground space suddenly became lively...

Countless black spots are appearing more and more on the hillside, and I am afraid that there will be no less than tens of thousands of people at a glance!

"My God, there are a lot of people here!" Ouyang Jiaojiao exclaimed.

"There are so many soldiers under General Anode, this is good!" Lianna looked very excited.

"If the system is set, a main city has at least 500,000 guards, of which 100,000 soldiers are stationed in the main city, and the nearby military camps are scattered with 400,000 troops. At the beginning, the main city was commanded by two generals. When the number of subordinates was the largest, it should be no less than 200,000 legions. Now that there are only these, it is already speechless." Mo Xie said lightly.

"That's not bad. General Yang Hui was able to rescue so many soldiers in that situation. It can be seen that he is not as vicious as the mission said." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"In fact, the missions before level 50 classified General Yanghui as a villain of the Protoss accomplices, but now it can be proved that the Human Empire will not fall easily and the Protoss conspiracy will not succeed so easily." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"But the mission of the city lord is very headache. Every player with a different mission route will be tempted by him at level 50. What if all of the mission routes are switched?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"No, it can be seen from my situation that since I chose the opposite main storyline, these players will definitely stick to it. Only a few will give up until level 50." Mo Xie smiled.

He has already decided, to continue along the current main task, and refuse the invitation of Lord City Lord.

It's just that this will definitely add more dangers in the future...

But Mo Xie also understood that once the players exceed level 50, the responsibilities assigned to the players by the system will become more important, and the conflict with the Protoss will become more intense!

Especially after entering the imperial city, there are more chances of encountering the Protoss, and the chance of causing conflicts is also greater...

The players sat there chatting, watching the lively scene of countless people on the distant hillside, unknowingly time passing quickly.

"Mo, go and urge the General, how long will I have to wait?" Zhou Jianing said.

"Don't worry, let them have some fun, it shouldn't be long before they can wait." Mo Xie said with a smile.

Oh oh oh!

Suddenly, there were waves of horns from the hillside, and the surprised players looked around, thinking that something special had happened.

But at this time, the scene on the hillside has completely changed. I don’t know when it started. Those dense silhouettes have disappeared. At the moment when the horn sounded, among the countless buildings, one by one was wearing bright golden armor. Soldiers are gathering neatly in the streets and alleys on the hillside.

"It's the horn of the assembly, don't worry, Master General is gathering his subordinates, and he will be here soon." Mo Xie explained with a smile.

The horn sounded as if urging, it kept sounding every few seconds, and the number of golden soldiers on the hillside was increasing...

"It turns out that those farmers have gone to change their armors, and they have transformed into high-level soldiers." Mo Xiaolang said.

There are more and more golden teams on the hillside, and the golden light looks very spectacular.

Within a few seconds, the golden team began to move, and rows of soldiers lined up toward the road down the hillside, and the sound of rumbling footsteps suddenly resounded through the entire underground space.

The anode general has led his elite army, and once again rushed...

Seeing the legion start to act, Mo Xie immediately asked the players to move to the sides, giving them a passage.

Then he took the commanders and two beauties, walking towards the hillside.

Soon, a few of them met with the neat Golden Armored team, leading the first figure of the Golden Armored Legion, who was actually the anode general.

"Young man, you are doing well. This general has recovered his soldiers. From now on, he no longer needs your protection. This general leads the team to your territory to pick up other soldiers, and then head to the east of the city to run The guard barracks are assembled and will take root there in the future. If you have anything you can go to the barracks to find me." General Yang said excitedly.

"What? You are going to the barracks... What if the Protoss knows about it?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"It doesn't matter, Hupaogang Barracks is an abandoned barracks. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Protoss is difficult to find, but even if you find it, this general is not afraid of them now. I hope they will die soon!" General Yang said with a sneer.

"Well, do you want me to find out for you first?" Mo Xie said uneasy.

"It's not necessary. This is my personal letter to Yang Hui, thanking him for saving my soldiers. You can pass it to him for me."

"Then you take your people and check this place carefully. That old thing, Yang Hui, might leave you with some surprises here."

General Anode waved his hand, and a golden light flew into Mo Xie's body.

He led the team directly, passing by the players quickly.

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