The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 887: Treacherous terrain

The actions of General Anode completely exceeded Mo Xie's expectations at first, but when he heard General Anode's secret plan, he understood the other party's mind.

The east of the city is the necessary passage between Sunset City and Evernight Imperial City, and the Protoss hides the two Tibetan troops of the Orc Legion here, undoubtedly to cut off the imperial city and the main city at a critical moment Not only can you threaten Sunset City at any time, but you can also go to the Imperial City at any time.

The purpose of General Anode is to monitor these two orc legions so as not to be pinned down by the Protoss.

Mo Xie no longer discouraged him, and followed the large forces all the way through the Cuiping Mountain Range and a large field map, embarking on a long march.

Walking along the way, it cost a full one or two to disappear. Seeing that it was dusk, Mo Xiaolang also sent a message, urging to have a meal off the assembly line. Then Mo Xie said goodbye to Lord General, and went straight to Hupaogang in the east of the city after dinner. Map, check the situation of the abandoned barracks.


With a flash of light, Mo Xie chose to go offline.

At this time, the teammates had already finished work and all went to the restaurant on the first floor. When he entered the restaurant, the table was already full of various delicacies, and he could start when he came.

"Xiao Mo, how is the situation, where is the general now?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"I have just walked to the vicinity of the main city and am going to bypass the main city to the east of the city. It is estimated that it will take an hour or two to reach the destination. I can go directly to Hupaogang to see the situation." Mo Xie replied.

He doesn't need to worry about the comfort of General Anode for the time being. He already understands General Yanghui's thoughts. Coupled with the protection of General Anode, there are many legions around him, and it is no longer a time to be alone.

"In fact, this is a good thing. The general anode has such a close relationship with you. They are in the east of the city, and we are in the west of the city. When the time comes, we will take care of each other, and the entire Sunset City will no longer be afraid of the Protoss." Li Hong smiled.

"By the way, Sister Hong, how is the construction of the dependent territory?" Mo Xie asked.

"It's almost finished. Brother Zhao and the others have already started mining. Currently, some of the outer city walls and some defensive facilities in the territory can be completed by this time tomorrow." Li Hong replied with a smile.

"Okay, the base is also fully prepared. If you are okay, prepare to move in these two days." Mo Xiaoyuan said with a smile.

"It's time to move, Brother Wolf, is your staff notification list ready?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"It's been prepared long ago, and I've been notified. Starting tomorrow, all selected commanders will start to set off, and they will be able to enter the base at night to officially settle in." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Well, we are going to move tomorrow morning. Everyone will have a half-day holiday and gather at the base in the afternoon to continue working." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Understand." Everyone nodded excitedly and replied.

After waiting for so long, I can finally settle in the base, which also means that the God Realm Studio has officially transformed from a small workshop to a large company, and it is about to set sail!

"Everyone, hurry up, in order to be able to enter the base as soon as possible tomorrow, we will arrange everything tonight, move over to adjust it tomorrow, and then we can officially work." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"I see, we will pack all the salutes tonight." The beauties nodded with a smile.

"Are you moving away tomorrow?" Mo Ma asked in surprise from the side.

"Yes, mom, we are going to have our own company now, and Xiao Mo's business will officially start." Ouyang Jiaojiao replied with a smile.

"Then you are leaving, you can pay attention to eating later, don't be hungry." Mo Ma said worriedly.

"Don't worry, auntie, we have a cafeteria over there, and we have specially invited a chef. If the food is not good, we will often come back." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled.

Knowing that these little guys will leave tomorrow, Mo Ma and Mo Dad were reluctant at first, but the two elders knew that these little guys were about to start formal work, so they didn’t say anything, just told them to come back for dinner often. That's it.

After enjoying the last dinner in the villa, the beauties helped the two old men clean up the tableware, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang immediately returned to the third floor to continue some deployments in the game.

Back in the virtual world, Mo Xie appeared on the map in the wild. The surrounding area had been completely clear of people, and the legion had already gone far.

Mo Xie chose to return to the city directly, appeared in the sunset city, teleported to the vicinity of the east gate again, called out the mount, and rushed to the outside of the city...

He kept rushing along the way, instead of looking for the location of the legion, he rushed directly towards the map of Hupaogang.

Although Mo Xie had never been to the Hupaogang map, he had already inquired some basic information about this map from other players.

The map of Hupaogang is also a 50-level high-level field map, but because of the different location, Hupaogang is already the highest-level field map in the east of the city. If you continue to move forward, you will have entered the jurisdiction of the city of Evernight. It is arranged in order from the 40-level map to the 30-level map.

Only from the map east of the imperial city and west of the sunset city, the map settings above level 50 will appear, all the way to the edge of the map level 100.

If players want to go to maps above level 60, they can only expand beyond these two ranges.

Rushing across the map quickly, perhaps because Moxie’s route is different from the legion. He did not catch up with General Anode’s team on this rush, and the speed of his mount far exceeded the walking speed of the legion, unconsciously , He has come to the edge of a strange map that he has never been to before.

A large area of ​​high peaks appeared in the front, and small mountain ranges were densely gathered under countless peaks, forming many narrow valleys. The width of each valley was several meters at most. A tiger can easily Jumped from one cliff to the top of another cliff.


Mo Xie looked at the map in front of him, and understood in his heart that this must be the level 50 elite map in the east of the city and the last area of ​​the jurisdiction map on the east of the sunset city.

According to General Anode, the Protoss placed two orc legions near the Hupaogang map to monitor the situation of this map, because this is the only field map in the vicinity that can be passed by large forces. The only entrance to the imperial city area.

The other maps in the horizontal area to the east are basically terrains such as mountains, rivers or swamps and quagmire, which are not suitable for large troops to march.

Riding on the mount, Mo Xie continued to walk forward into the map of Hupaogang, and the new map information was quickly loaded...

Entering the dense mountain terrain, there are valley passages like spider webs everywhere, and each canyon passage is very narrow, and the three players riding side by side are very crowded.

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